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- This topic has 1,891 replies, 131 voices, and was last updated 7 months, 1 week ago by katavietnam.
January 9, 2009 1:34 am at 1:34 am #1123312shkoyachParticipant
I must say, I really am appreciating this page!!! Thanks to everyone who is adding. Nossond- shticky! Yashrus- interesting! I think beacon was just teasing that the yeshivish computer and yeshivish spelling go “hand” in “hand” (sorry nossond thought it was cute to throw it in here).
Make sure it’s “yashrus” though that you are hackin into the internet in your yeshiva 🙂
January 9, 2009 1:48 am at 1:48 am #1123313qwertyuiopMembermod i am probably gonna send it on to you on monday tthough, if that is ok with you.
January 9, 2009 2:45 am at 2:45 am #1123315qwertyuiopMemberi will see what i can get joseph.
January 9, 2009 3:24 am at 3:24 am #1123318asdfghjklParticipantthanx everyone the drav torahs were great!!!!!
January 9, 2009 4:38 am at 4:38 am #1123324shkoyachParticipantchazak chazak venischazek 😉
January 9, 2009 4:41 am at 4:41 am #1123325shkoyachParticipantby the way anyone remember the brachos of Bnei Yaakov baal peh from way back when?? just curious. Every year I remember it when I skim over it in shul but the whole thing…. um Reuven Bechori atah koichi verishis oni…. ok ok I wont go thru the whole thing… I dont remember all of t w/o looking in anyway!
January 9, 2009 5:01 am at 5:01 am #1123326asdfghjklParticipantshkoyach: great idea pal!!!
January 9, 2009 7:27 am at 7:27 am #1123327yashrus20MemberShkoyach-oh dont worry its yashrus, and besides i need to be m’yasher the feministic world. (i wouldent be yotze zein my post if i didnt say a ma shehu thats chauvanistic lol srry).
Ill make you a deal let me do a day next week and ill come up w/ a nice jewish-feminstic vort. Deal??
Brooklyn19-Breath?? come on. What type a guy u want? I have freinds, mestama joseph has friends…we all do. Its like u have a whole family looking out for u!
January 9, 2009 4:38 pm at 4:38 pm #1123328brooklyn19Participantthat’s wonderful, yashrus20 – you can get back to me pesach time. till then i’m not even talking about it. seriously, i need a beak.
January 9, 2009 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm #1123329chofetzchaimMemberMussar HaTorah
14 Teves 5769 Vol. 10, No. 12 Parashas Vayechi
against him and instead of punishment, he treated them with kindness
reactions of the king to such a brazen request. How could Dovid HaMelech have uttered such a prayer?
May we appreciate how beloved we are to Hashem, as His chosen people and His precious children. When we have the privilege of speaking to the King of all kings in prayer, let us always feel His affection towards us, despite our mistakes and shortcomings. Let us beg Him for all that we need, knowing in our hearts that He waits so longingly to grant us blessings of peace, health, happiness
and all that is good for us
January 10, 2009 6:53 pm at 6:53 pm #1123330yashrus20MemberBrooklyn19-No prob.
Mods! i was serious i wanna give a dvar torah this week, and it will be a nice feministic vort to make up for my chauvanistic comments (not that im going back on them).
You have Tuesday. Thanks. YW Moderator-72
January 11, 2009 1:54 am at 1:54 am #1123332Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantMOTZEI SHABBOS VORT
by rebetzin BYM
Parshas vaYechi tells us that Yaakov wanted to tell the Shevatim when the Geulah would come. Rashi says he wanted “l’galos es haKetz” (to reveal the end), but “Nistama nevua malav”, Nevuah was taken away form him.
the Maharal asks, why is this Passuk even mentioned in the Torah? to tell us, we were SUPPOSED to be told when the Geulah would come, but only to have Yaakov suddenly forget?the Maharal beatifully sums it up in just a few words: the point of this passuk was in order to tell the Shevtaim, and future generations,
“L’galos SHEYAISH ketz”—that there WILL be an end to our galus–we dont know when, but we are assured by the Torah that there will be.
may the ketz come NOW
gut voch
–sorry so late, for all the israel habitants
January 11, 2009 2:01 am at 2:01 am #1123333Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantshkoyach, i think the known phrase is “past nisht”….its a fave of my friend’s 🙂
oh and i agree.
anyway, nossond: i didnt read the Bais haLevi, only the sefer Bikorei Shimo by R’ Shmuel Birnbaum, who brought the Bais haLevi, but thank you for that addition…
getting back to the shidduch situation at hand here….
that last dvar Torah will be as a zechus iyH that e/o in the CR that needs a shidduch will find their bashert bizmano/bizmanah, and may that be as soon as possible!
January 11, 2009 2:08 am at 2:08 am #1123334Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantjust one more shtickl dvar Torah… (this is great the CR gives me a chance to use all my yiddish phrases!)
has to do a little with parshas vaYigash…
here goes
“Shivim Nefesh”–there were 70 people that went down to Mitzrayim…we all know that really, there were 69, but Yocheved was born on the threshold of Mitzrayim, right before they entered Mitzrayim, to galus.
the Maharal says that the reason Yocheved is born right before entering galus Mitzrayim, that she is one of the 70, is to show us that whenever Hashem brings galus, brings a Makkah, there is ALWAYS a refuah taht comes before it; whats the refuah?
Yocheved was the mother of Moshe Rabbeinu–who is called “moshia shel Yisrael.”
even BEFORE we entered Mitzrayim to galus as shivim nefesh, Hashem created the refuah–
“Hashem makdim refuah lamakkah”—always, even in our times.
may we be zoche to see that Refuah speedily in our days!
–this one will be iyH as a zechus for the chayalim fighting on our behalf in Eretz Yisrael…may they have hatzlacha and shmirah in all they do.
January 11, 2009 3:26 am at 3:26 am #1123337nossondMemberI can do wednesday or thursday
Wednesday it is. Thanks. YW Moderator-72
January 11, 2009 3:31 am at 3:31 am #1123339asdfghjklParticipantbym: nice dvar torahs tonight!!! your on a roll here!!!
January 11, 2009 3:46 am at 3:46 am #1123341Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantthank you, asdfghjkl.
one more:
Parshas Vayechi talks about right before Yaakov Avinu’s petirah–so why is it called vayechi? because Yaakov till today still lives through two things:
a) his children
b) his legacy
we still have that legacy and we are his children!
also, “tzadik lo mes”–he lives on
January 11, 2009 3:56 am at 3:56 am #1123344YW Moderator-72Participantlet’s try to keep to the topic here.
January 11, 2009 1:16 pm at 1:16 pm #1123345JayMatt19ParticipantIf one does a bris on their son at 5 days old, they have not done a mitzva. We are commanded that for the first seven days the orlah must remain, and only on the eighth day must it be removed. Perhaps one of the lessons we can see from a bris is that: What was good enough yesterday is not good enough for today, and what is good enough for today, should not be good enough for tomorrow.
January 11, 2009 6:07 pm at 6:07 pm #1123349asdfghjklParticipantjaymatt19: great vort there!! thanx!!!
January 11, 2009 7:08 pm at 7:08 pm #1123350AnonymousInactiveRavizzy- if you would like to give a dvar torah one night send an email to mod 72:
moderator72 at theyeshivaworld.com
January 11, 2009 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm #1123351YW Moderator-72ParticipantJayMatt – Excellent and Mazel Tov!
January 11, 2009 7:24 pm at 7:24 pm #1123352qwertyuiopMemberjaymatt excellent vort.
January 11, 2009 10:19 pm at 10:19 pm #1123356Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantthanks j-man, and mazal tov!
January 11, 2009 10:42 pm at 10:42 pm #1123357CuriousMemberreally enjoyed the vort JayMatt, thanks.
January 11, 2009 11:53 pm at 11:53 pm #1123358anonymisssParticipantThanks, JayMatt!
January 12, 2009 12:07 am at 12:07 am #1123359qwertyuiopMembermod do you know what the developer tools means it just popped up.
January 12, 2009 12:51 am at 12:51 am #1123361qwertyuiopMember***Please Post On MONDAY NITE***. thanx
Parshas Shemos
Rabbi Label Lam
In Preparation- to Save a Nation
What had happened? Years earlier this young man had been in a terrible accident. His hand was mangled in a machine and he needed skin grafting. Ever since that tragic day he had suffered daily with an embarrassing reminder of the event. Strangely hair started to grow wildly on the palm of his hand.
It could be that in retrospect we can begin to appreciate that many of the best tools we gained to be able help others were gotten through our most rugged experiences in life. Moses, still in the grooming stage, had already developed a positive appreciation for even
January 12, 2009 3:56 am at 3:56 am #1123364qwertyuiopMemberit came up when i opened this threaad.
January 12, 2009 9:34 am at 9:34 am #1123365yashrus20MemberJewsishfeminist-Are u gonna check out my dvar torah tom.! Ill even may it b’zchus anything u want (except to make me a feminist).
January 12, 2009 1:27 pm at 1:27 pm #1123366nossondMemberIn my Dvar Torah about Dovid and hands I made a typo. This is how it should end.
Memeilah, Zerach stook out his hand. He wanted Dovid to come from him! But his hand was pulled back and Peretz broke forth! So Dovid descended from him!
I will add another Dvar Torah that expands on the theme of areivus.
I mentioned how Yehuda’s areivus for Binyamin was a wonderful thing to repair the hatred between the sons of Leah and Rachel, and that klal Yisrael are areivim ze la ze. In areivus we don’t overide each other, but work together in peace and friendship.
In halacha there are three eiruvs, and they are also about promoting peace and frienship. An eiruv techumin allows you to go to someones kidush or bris (that live far away) and promotes peace and friendship among people. The eiruv chateiros allows you to carry in your neighborhood and promotes peace and friendship among neighbors. The eiruv tavshilin lets you cook on Yom Tov for Shabbos and promotes peace and frienship between husband and wife.
Here is the amazing part. ??????? is the mesechta in shas that discusses eiruv techumin and eiruv chateiros. ??????? spelled backwards is ??? ???, which alludes to peace and friendship. ??? alludes to the pasuk ???? ??? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??????. So ??? is peace, and a ?? (Raya) is a friend. So ??? ??? is peace and friendship.
January 12, 2009 11:06 pm at 11:06 pm #1123367YW Moderator-72ParticipantPlease see the nightly D’var Torah submitted by qwertyuiop posted above.
January 12, 2009 11:32 pm at 11:32 pm #1123368qwertyuiopMemberthanx mod.
January 12, 2009 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm #1123369nossondMemberAnother typo.
??????? spelled backwards is ??? ????, peace and frienship.
January 13, 2009 12:36 am at 12:36 am #1123370asdfghjklParticipantqwertyuiop: great dvar torah!!! i really enjoyed it!! seemed like you didn’t even google it!! jk
January 13, 2009 8:56 pm at 8:56 pm #1123371yashrus20MemberTonights D’var Torah
When all the shivtei ka died, The posuk says “vtimalie haaretz osam”. Frekd my rosh yeshiva, that they were supposed to live in goshen. That was the vision of Yaakov, as as yosef told reuven that mishpachas yaakov was supposed to live there for 5 yrs. So what happened?? Earlier on Yaakov when he reaches be’er sheva..he gets the chills, b/c he realizes once he goes down to mitzraim it wont be so easy to get back. Why?? So what happened?? Vatimale haaretz osam means that they filled the land with the mitzriem. As the posuk says in mitzraim they spread out quilkly through the land. Zugd my rosh they wanted to become one nation. They decided to assimulate with them.
In the time of the yivanim it says they were “moshech alav”. Back then they used to do sporting events when arum, so they could see who was jewish. So to be like everyone else they were moshech aluv. Its some sort of surgery to lift up the skin. They are still yotze mila d’aarisa but not drabanan.
Nowadays, Everyone says we need internet or newspapers arent so bad. You need to be worldly, and theres nothing wrong with it. The problem here is the Torah was not given to us so that we could look at what were are allowed to do and based on that assimulate ourselves amongst the goyim. B/c even though your not doing anything assur…by reading, and assimulating yourselves with them even in a muttar way is a massive sakana. There thought procces will become your thought procces, You midos will change and eventialy even though you started out very makpid, your gvulim will break. Why?? B/c musser in essential for a yid. With learning alone its hard to work on your yiras shamayim. Al achas kama v’kama when your hearing the views of the goyim. cont…
January 13, 2009 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #1123372yashrus20MemberIts just something ppl dont thinkabout is that Right and wrong is not everything. The point of the torah is to make us better ppl and if were doing the right thing and assimulating with everone its only a matter of time b4 our walls of kedusha fall.
When klal yisroel assimulated in mitzraim mestama they were like us…if were gonna live in mitzraim were gonna need this or that. Sound familar! If they can fall the einicklach of yaavov forsure we can. Distinct….unique….special….are what we are supposed to be. There is a halacha eisav soneh et yaakov. But we have a bracha that as long as we do what is yashar in the eyes of our creater we are fine. So as long as we dont assimulate with the goyim were fine. But once we try being like the other nations thats when we have to worry. Just like mitzraim! Does anyone know where the enlightenment of Judiasm to assimulate came from in the early 1900’s….from gremany. When we try to assimulate the halach of eisav soneh et yaakov goes into effect! By purim we tried to assimulate with achashveirosh by going to his party….BUT IT WAS KOSHER MORDECHIA WAS THE MASHGIACH! It was muter wink wink….When we let our gaurd down that when they get us. Mi kamcha yisroel…So we should be proud of who we are not Chas Vishalom ashamed of it.
By: My Rosh
January 13, 2009 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm #1123375JayMatt19ParticipantI feel a bit embarrassed that there has not been any action on this board basically all day.
Since multiple divrei torah are permitted, here goes:
The Vilna Gaon was once asked why the notes “Kadma V’azla” were assigned to the words “V’yimarriru es chayeyhem” (and he embittered their lives), since they are notes generally used for happier instances.
The Vilna Gaon replied that since the Egyptians embittered the lives of Bnei Yisroel, “Kadmu V’Azlu” Benei Yisroel got up (Kadmu) and left (azlu) 190 years earlier than destined.
Additionally, Kadman V’Azla is gematria 190
January 13, 2009 10:53 pm at 10:53 pm #1123376yashrus20MemberIll Try Again
So srry it couldent be a feministic vort…I simply couldent find anything…..Hamaivin Yavin.
January 13, 2009 11:04 pm at 11:04 pm #1123377Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantj-matt….short sweet and to the point 🙂
yashrus…not as short but still sweet and to the point.
thanks to both of you.
a little early, but here’s something on parshas shemos:
“And Moshe stood up and saved them” (2:17)
The Torah tells us here how Moshe saved Tziporah, who at that time was a complete stranger. later on we read how measure for measure, Tziporah saved Moshe’s life (4:24-25). We see from this, says the Chofetz Chaim, that all the kindness that a person does for someone else is eventually repaid to him.
Whenever you do a favor for someone else, you benefit yourself. Definitely, the highest level is to do kindness for others for the sake of a mitzvah without thinking of personal gain. But whenever you find it difficult to do an act of chessed for others, at least do it for the reason that good things will occur to you in the future because of your act. When you are kind to others, they will be kinder to you. If not right away, then in time you will be repaid.
*Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
January 13, 2009 11:14 pm at 11:14 pm #1123378yashrus20MemberBYM-thanks, and for a girl youve got quite the divrie torah! Listen i need a chavrusa u available….you seem alot more knoledgeble than all my others lol.
January 13, 2009 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm #1123379yashrus20MemberFeministic Vort
Why is it that men say shelo asani isha and women say sheasani kirtzono…sounds chauvanistic no??
in truth the opposite is true…theres a pirush on davening that explains: If u notice Men ussualy are more easily persueded to do aveiros, men tend to have worse midos. While we get to learn more torah, women are technichly born alot holier than men. Thats pshat kirtzono..they were created to go acc. to his will. Its in their tevah to be good ppl. Notice how they are more emotionaly simpathetic to others…b/c that hakadosh boruch hus will. We men should learn a lesson from women and how they act.
January 14, 2009 12:31 am at 12:31 am #1123380brooklyn19Participantaccording to that vort – why in the world would you say she’lo asani isha? don’t you at least aspire to be like an isha?
(jfem incognito :})
January 14, 2009 1:20 am at 1:20 am #1123381beaconParticipantyashrus, I approve :). really very nice..
January 14, 2009 4:59 am at 4:59 am #1123382asdfghjklParticipantyashrus20: great vorts!!! you & BYM would make a great chavrusa team!!!
January 14, 2009 6:07 am at 6:07 am #1123383nossondMember(This is not for my wednesday vort).
The ratzon of HaShem in the creation was the creation of man. The pasuk says Elokim said to make man in his image of Elokim. In Kabbalah, Elokim is in the gevurah realm, which is female.
The other ratzon of HaShem was His resting on Shabbos on the seventh day. The seventh day in kabbalah is malchus, which is female. Shabbos is therefore a queen, and it contains the word bas (daughter). Moreover, in the beracha for Naftali (in Devarim) it states Naftali ??? ????. This is a remez for the connection between ???, the seventh day, and ratzon.
To make a long story short, the ratzon of HaShem is female. This is why females say sheasani keritzono, that they were made like his ratzon.
January 14, 2009 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm #1123384nossondMemberDvar Torah for Wednesday January 14
Aharon had exemplary character traits (????), as we know that he sought and pursued peace. The pasuk thus states that the oil flowed upon Aharon to be the Cohen Gadol, ?? ?? ??????, because of his (fine) ???? (Maharsha Horius 12b).
Since the end of the chapter speaks about Aharon, the brothers of pasuk (133:1) are Moshe and Aharon, who dwelled together in unity. Aharon helped Moshe take Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt. He also joined Moshe at Sinai, and Moshe inaugurated the mishkan for which Aharon was the Cohen Gadol.
January 15, 2009 3:24 am at 3:24 am #1123385asdfghjklParticipantnossond: great vort as usual!!!! keep em comin!!!
January 15, 2009 5:16 am at 5:16 am #1123386Pashuteh YidMemberJust happened to see this segment in a piece from the Mevakshei Torah journal in the name of Reb Dovid Povarsky Z”L.
He brings from a Rashba the following question. How come when Chazal said not to blow the shofar on RH when it falls on Shabbos, it does not violate Bal Tigra (not to subtract from mitzvos)? The Rashba answers that takanos do not violate Bal Tigra.
But Reb Dovid asks on the Rashba, look, we know that there is a mitzva to blow shofar, yet Chazal are allowed to be oker (uproot) a mitzvah b’shev v’al taaseh (passively, not to do the act) to protect Shabbos. So why is the Rashba any more bothered by Bal Tigra which is also passive, then he is about the mitzvah of shofar in the first place. If shev v’al taaseh is a good enough heter for not blowing shofar, it should be good enough for Bal Tigra. Reb Dovid answers that apparently, a passive act by Bal Tigra is not considered Shev v’al Taaseh, but rather Kum V’aseh (active violation).
It seems to me that the pshat in Reb Dovid’s words is that by definition all Bal Tigra is passive, i.e., omitting a mitzvah. So if the Torah asurs it, it must mean that even passive acts are considered an active violation of Bal Tigra. The Rashba must therefore be mechadesh that by takanos, Bal Tigra doesn’t apply.
(Not a parsha vort, but thought was a geshmaker kashya.)
January 15, 2009 10:43 am at 10:43 am #1123387nossondMemberasdfghjkl: Thanks for the compliment. You have fine middos like Aharon, because your comments, on all the Divrei Torah, probably keep this thing going.
Pashuteh Yid: great pshat!
I will add to it. Now that we have the Rashba’s teretz for the issur of ba’al tigra, why is the other heter used for the mitzva of blowing shofar, namely, that the chachamin are oker bshev v’al ta’aseh. Lichaora, you can only use the extra streangth of takanos chazal in regard to ba’al tigra becacause it is kollel all the mitzvos and chazal similarly make takanos for all the mitzvos. But on each particular mitzvah, you must use the stam heter of shev va’l ta’aseh.
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