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- This topic has 1,891 replies, 131 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by katavietnam.
January 5, 2009 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm #1123261yashrus20Member
i would like a day i have an awesome dvar torah.
Thursday it is! Thanks. YW Moderator-72
January 5, 2009 9:16 pm at 9:16 pm #1123262havesomeseichelMemberCould we please do some leilei nishmas yoel ben sheva . He was R’ Shwartz- the father who was niftar after collapsing at his daughter’s wedding in Los Angeles Sunday Night. The family started sitting shiva today during sheva brachos so I think it is appropriate for this week.
January 5, 2009 11:17 pm at 11:17 pm #1123263brooklyn19Participantthanks, joseph
January 5, 2009 11:23 pm at 11:23 pm #1123264YW Moderator-72Participantthanks for the D’var Torah Joseph.
January 6, 2009 12:04 am at 12:04 am #1123265Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantThanks Joseph.
I recently heard a similar story told to me by Rabbi Ordman, he called it the butterfly effect. theres a huge machine in Zurich that can forecast the weather and they realized that the fluttering of a butterflys wings can affect a hurricane halfway around the world. if this is just in the physical world, imaagine the tremendous ripple effect any small thing we do can have in the spiritual world.
im getting off track: the story is that a Rabbi was pasing by a table of Israeli girls and boys, where the girls were not dressed anywhere within tznius standards, and so he covered his eyes with his hand as he walked past. one of the boys sitting at the table was impressed with what this Rabbi did and ran after him…..this boy became frum in the end…many people think it’s insulting that some men cover their eyes or shield their faces from looking at girls, or cross the street….i commend these people, and look what happened in this situation.
this turned out pretty long…
ill save my real dvar Torah for my night 🙂
January 6, 2009 12:21 am at 12:21 am #1123266asdfghjklParticipantthanx joseph!!! i enjoyed it!!
January 6, 2009 12:46 am at 12:46 am #1123267qwertyuiopMemberok mod
very nice joseph thanx, beatiful story
January 6, 2009 1:34 am at 1:34 am #1123268havesomeseichelMemberthanks R’ J! beautiful! very scary to think of the opposite effect… what will happen when we go up to shamayim and find out that we caused a lot of people to sin….
January 6, 2009 1:43 am at 1:43 am #1123269qwertyuiopMemberPLEASE POST TOMORROW NITE, TUESDAY
The Sfas Emes on Vayechi
(from Sfat Emes on the Torah)
The Humble Lion
The blessing of Yehuda includes the following verse: Yehuda crouches down and lies like a lion (Bereishit 49:9). What is the greatness of lying down like a lion? Since the Jewish people are referred to as “Yehudim,” (for example, in Megillat Esther), our explanation applies to the whole Jewish people.
The Chidushei HaRim, the grandfather of the Sfat Emet, explains. Even in a lowly position, Yehuda remains a lion. Even when Yehuda was exposed and shamed, like in the Tamar episode, he courageously admitted his mistake and Tamar’s innocence, rising up like a lion. This ability to retain moral power, even in difficult situations, is the seed from which the Mashiach grows.
This trait, explains the Sfat Emet himself, is rooted in Yehuda’s humility. Despite his greatness, he does not have a bloated self-image. It follows that even when he does fall, Hashem’s presence remains with him. In fact, the name Yehuda in Hebrew contains the four letters of the Divine Name, with the letter dalet in the middle, symbolizing “dal,” lowly.
This is alluded to in a slightly different expression used in Bilam’s blessings. Yaakov’s blessing says that Yehuda crouches down and springs up – “kara ravatz,” referring to his ability to rise up when lowly. The blessings of Parshat Balak (Bemidbar 24:9) say that Israel lies down like a lion – “kara shakhav,” referring to his ability to remain humble when successful.
The two expressions point to Yehuda’s and the Yehudim’s two complementary qualities; to retain our moral strength when we are down (spring up), and to remain humble when riding high (lie down). Both humility and moral strength have a common source, though, an accurate self-image. This clarity about who we are allows us to always remember our strength, but never to forget its source, G-d, whose Name is written into ours.
[prepared by Eliezer Kwass]
January 6, 2009 1:54 am at 1:54 am #1123270qwertyuiopMemberMOD TONITES MONDAY LOL
copy. paste resubmit. I will delete the original and post the other tomorrow.
OK. two for tonight and I will save your other one for tomorrow.
January 6, 2009 2:06 am at 2:06 am #1123271qwertyuiopMember********** D’VAR FOR ASARA BTEVES **********
Talmei Hamelech (Ptolomy of Egypt), King of Greece is a name that shall live in infamy. In the early days of the Bayis Sheini (2nd Temple), the Jews were ruled by the Persian empire. The Persian empire eventually gave way to the Greeks, and the Jews became subjugated to all the whims of the new Greek superpower.
In 330 b.c.e., on the 8th day of Teves, Talmei Hamelech ordered the Chachamim (Torah Sages) to appear before him. He gathered 72 Rabbis and placed them in 72 separate rooms without revealing the purpose for which he summoned them. He then went into each room individually and commanded them each to translate the Torah from Hebrew to Greek.
The fact that he placed them in separate rooms like this shows that he didn’t trust them. He suspected that they would deliberately give him a fake translation in order to keep the words of the Torah secret. Till that time, the Torah had never been translated to another language. Only the Jews who knew Hebrew had access to the Torah. But now, if the chachamim made any changes or alterations in their translation, he would know it, for it would surely show up when the 72 copies were examined and cross-checked.
Indeed, this was a superhuman task. Even if the sages were to try to produce the most accurate translation possible, Torah is so deep and rich and full of allusion, it is impossible to decide which is the best way to translate it, much less to guess what 71 others would choose. If you translate it literally you turn the Torah into an empty shell, devoid of it’s esoteric treasures. If you translate it allegorically, you lose the simple straightforward meaning. There’s often more than one meaning for a word – which one do you choose? Which one will the others choose. Further, the chachamim did not want to translate it one hundred per cent accurately. There were verses which they felt would only be misunderstood or misconstrued by the non-jews.
What a bind they were in. If their translations varied, the non-jews would claim that Torah was not true. They would assert that if it were true, then why is there disagreement. This would constitute a public desecration of G-d’s name. The fact that Talmei Hamelech put the chachamim in this position exposes the wickedness of his intent.
The sages lifted their eyes to heaven and received ruach hakodesh (holy inspiration). Hashem (G-d) put it in each one’s heart to translate exactly as the others did. No discrepancy could be found, even though there were a number of places where the sages deliberately altered the translation. This was indeed a miracle and a kiddush Hashem – a public sanctification of G-d’s name.
Still, this is considered a dark day for Israel, and is one of the reasons why we fast on Asara B’Teves. Till this point, the Torah was in the hands of the Jews and elucidated by the chachamim. The chachamim who were expert in the study of the Torah, would convey the full and accurate meaning of the Torah. Once it was translated into Greek, it was as if the Torah was divested of its reverence. Any misguided ignoramus, or any hothead with an agenda, could now gaze at the Torah and find fault, or fabricate any interpretation they fancied.
On this sad day, let us vow to counteract this tragedy by immersing ourselves in Torah study in depth. Let us delve to find the true meaning of the words of our Torah, so that we can never be swayed or led astray by falsehood and distortion of our holy Torah.
January 6, 2009 2:21 am at 2:21 am #1123272qwertyuiopMemberthanx mod
January 6, 2009 2:35 am at 2:35 am #1123273shkoyachParticipantThis is so nice!!! Thanks R’ (J)Yoseph! It is so true.. I can not begin to tell you how many times I have had people tell me they are who they are because of someone out there that has no clue they shook the world!
One friend told me at their chasuna that they are at the chuppah and about to start a life B’derech Hatorah because of my mother. When I asked my mother, she was clueless! She said she remembers maybe one or two tiny incidents that may have left an impression! But we never know who is watching!!!
Imagine you are walking in a store or an office and you realize there is a camera videoing you. If you are a girl you may fix your hear and stand up straight, if you are a man or bachur you may try to look cool or shticky with the swagger of your walk and flashing your shtady phone… but think about it… are you only making an impression when you know you are being watched? Ayin Roah…. HkbH is always videoing us even when someone else isn’t and we should be careful to be seen as we would want to be seen at all times even when we dont know we are being watched!
In shul, you are davening and a chashuva Gadol walks in and is looking at you- nu? I bet I know how hard you’re gonna shuckel! Well, are you going to have so much kavana when he isn’t there. The Aibeshter is watching and even someone else whose life you might change for Dorei Doiros!
Hehe, sorry I wasnt trying to make my own Dvar Tora, just giving my feedback and Reb Yossel’s beautiful piece.
January 6, 2009 2:46 am at 2:46 am #1123274JosephParticipantYour welcome all.
If a person scratches his finger it has ramifications for the entire world, whether the person realizes it or not. Everything a person does.
January 6, 2009 2:49 am at 2:49 am #1123275JosephParticipantqwertyuiop, Thanks for being a big fan of my Zeida the Sfas Emes! 🙂
January 6, 2009 2:52 am at 2:52 am #1123276qwertyuiopMemberi happened to be looking for a dvar torah for tommorow and i found a few but then i saw the Sfas Emes so i picked it and one of the reasons were for you joseph.
January 6, 2009 2:55 am at 2:55 am #1123277anonymisssParticipantThanks, Joseph:) beauty story!
January 6, 2009 3:28 pm at 3:28 pm #1123278YW Moderator-72ParticipantTonights D’var Torah is being posted earlier than usual.
Please see the Post by qwertyuiop on Asara B’Teves
January 6, 2009 3:39 pm at 3:39 pm #1123279YW Moderator-72ParticipantThere is a series on Coffee in the daily halacha section. click on the link below. The series started on 31-Dec.
January 6, 2009 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm #1123280chofetzchaimMemberOF BEGININGS
ALIYOS REFOEL ZEV Divrei Torah and Mussar on the Yomim Tovim
?????? ???? ????? ????? ?’ ???? ??? “?? ?? ?’ ???? ??? ? “?
January 6, 2009 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm #1123281asdfghjklParticipantthanx qwertyuiop & chofetzchaim!!!! great vorts there!!!
January 7, 2009 12:26 am at 12:26 am #1123282nossondMemberRashi comments that the Shechinah left Yaakov because Ephraim and Menashe would have wicked descendants, and he did not want to bless them. Kli Yakar says that Yoseph asked Yaakov to bless them in any case, just as HaShem blessed Yitzchak although Eisav would descend from Him. But how can Yaakov be compared to HaShem? Indeed, Avraham did not bless Yitzchak because Eisav would descend from him (Rashi Bereishis 25:11).
January 7, 2009 12:54 am at 12:54 am #1123283asdfghjklParticipantand thank you nossond(see a good devar torah could be said even without it being your night!!!)!!!
January 7, 2009 2:55 am at 2:55 am #1123284nossondMemberMy last Dvar Torah is for Parshas Vayechi.
Here is a short and sweet Dvar Torah for Parshas Miketz (that I should have posted two weeks ago.)
The Cupbearer and The Baker
January 7, 2009 3:22 am at 3:22 am #1123285havesomeseichelMemberThese are all amazing! Tizku Lemitzvos! What a way to elevate the mundane! Thank you each and every one of the dvar torah posters!
January 7, 2009 3:25 am at 3:25 am #1123286asdfghjklParticipantnossond: better late than never!!! thnx for the dvar torahs!!!
January 7, 2009 8:06 am at 8:06 am #1123287shkoyachParticipantThis is great…!
ONE request and please yell at me everyone if I am asking out of line…
Can we try to shorten the divrei torah and write them short and concise in our own words so that I dont develop ADD as I read and only get hana’a from part of the divrei torah?? I think everyone will be more excited to read if we keep it as short and sweet vortlach!! again- feel free to tell me I am so wrong! I can handle it 😉
January 7, 2009 10:07 pm at 10:07 pm #1123288charlie brownMemberI didn’t have much time to prepare, but here’s a short vort I saw. I don’t have a chumash in front of me so if I am misquoting, I would appreciate being corrected.
In this weeks parsha, Parshas Vayechi, we find that after Yaakov Avinu was niftar, on the way to his burial in Eretz Yisroel, the mitzrim mourned him in Goren Ha’atad. The pasuk continues that the kna’ani saw the Egyptian mourning in Goren Ha’atad and said this is a great mourning for Egypt.
The Kli Yakar asks what the importance of goren ha’atad was and why did the fact that the mourning took place there cause the Kna’anim to take notice? He answers that the words Goren Ha’atad means a food storage silo which is surrounded by thorns. He goes on to explain that the seven years of hunger had been cut short after just 2 years when Yaakov had come down to Mitzraim. Now that Yaakov was niftar and therefore his zchus was no longer there, the famine resumed. When the Egyptians came to this goren, this food storage silo, they saw that it had miraculously become surrounded by thorns and there was no way to enter it and access the food inside. The famine had returned. That was when they realized that the famine had been halted in Yaakov’s zchus and they began to mourn the loss of this tzadik in who’s merit they had had food.
He continues to explain that not just in the case of Yaakov avinu and the Egyptian famine but always in all times and all generations the bracha of parnassa comes to the world in the zchus of tzadikim. The gemara brings down that one of the amoraim said that the entire world is fed in the zchus of my son chanina.
January 8, 2009 1:23 am at 1:23 am #1123289asdfghjklParticipantthanx R’ charlie brown!!!! nice vort!!!
January 8, 2009 1:24 am at 1:24 am #1123290nossondMemberThis is a Dvar Torah about Shalom (peace).
Everything has different ways of looking at it. People are not b’shalom because they see things a certain way, while the other party sees it another way. The mida of shalom is to find a new way of seeing something that allows one to come to terms with it. Take suffering for instance. Many people are unhappy with it. But there are many positive aspects to it. When one undestands suffering in a different light, he comes to terms with it, and makes peace with it.
Who had this mida of Shalom?
R’ Akiva
He had an amazing ability to see things in a different way. When others cried over seeing foxes in the place of the beis Hamikdash, he laughed.
With this insight we can understand the gemara about the four who entered pardes, but only R’ Akiva entered in peace and exited in peace. We can easily understand that the deapest secrects of Torah are highly perplexing and seemingly contradictory. This would make a normal person go out of his box. But R’ Akiva entered in peace so he exited in peace. He entered with the mida of peace, the ability to see things in the ooposite way of how it appeared on the surface. Because he had this ability, he could come to terms with the various perplections of pardes. Because he entered with this mida of peace, he was able to exit in peace.
May we all find ways to judge each other favorably and achieve ahavas Yisrael.
Shalom al Yisrael.
January 8, 2009 2:17 am at 2:17 am #1123291Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantdo i get to be called rebetzin if i post
January 8, 2009 3:06 am at 3:06 am #1123292beaconParticipantYou’ll be living up to the BY standards, thats for sure!
January 8, 2009 3:34 am at 3:34 am #1123293Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantshtikl dvar Torah on vayigash: from bikorei shimo by R’ Shmuel Birnbaum ZTL his yartzeit is not too far away. He quotes the Bais HaLevi: why did Yosef say “ha’od avi chai” and not “avinu?” and also, why were the shevatim so concerned with the tzaar that Yaakov will have if Binyamin isnt safe and not with Yaakov’s extreme tzaar when he found out Yosef was “dead?” their behavior is a stirah.
so the Bais HaLevi answers that the shevatim thought because there are 12 of them, if Yosef is gone, the remaining 11 can “make up” for him and fill his place. Yosef is saying, youre wrong!! it duznt matter how many children a father has, theyre each a special and unique son to their father and can NEVER be replaced. this is why Yosef said “avi” becuase he was letting them know that they were wrong in assuming Yosef could be replaced–because “avi” is his personal father.
same with us–we cant say, its okay if i dont learn tonight because theres thousands of beis midrashim learning instead of me…i dont need to do this particular mitzvah, im sure there are many out there who are doing it…this is WRONG we are each individual children to Hashem and He treats us like that so we need to act like it—thats why the Medrash says “oy lanu yom hadin, oy lanu yom hatochacha”–becuase this is what will happen, well see we were wrong in assuming that we can be lax about things when we are being judged
January 8, 2009 4:25 am at 4:25 am #1123294nossondMemberAbout the Bais Halevi’s vort.
You forgot to adress the second issue of the shevatim’s behavior.
The Bais Halevi says that Yoseph gave them mussar. Is my father still alive? You worry that he will die because of Binyamin, but is he still alive because of me!
We still need to understand the shevatim’s behavior. The truth is that Yehuda did a major teshuva. Through Binyamin he repaired the split between the sons of Leah and Rachel. This is why Yehuda became an areiv for Binyamin, and he was moser nefesh for him. This is why Yaakov later said to Yehuda, “from the ripping apart of my son you have arisen.” Although Yehuda was not that good in regard to Yoseph, he arose from that by fixing that sin through Binyamin.
This is also why Yoseph did his whole trick. He wanted to see if they would be moser nefesh for Binyamin and fix up the sin they did with him. Once they did so, he revealed himself to them.
Yoseph nonetheless gave them musar for not being good with him, because the pain they had from his mussar, feeling now more than ever before the pain they caused their father through him, further repaired the damage they caused.
January 8, 2009 4:34 am at 4:34 am #1123295qwertyuiopMemberthanx!!! Rebbetzin BYM
January 8, 2009 4:37 am at 4:37 am #1123296asdfghjklParticipantthank you rebetzin Bais Yaakov maydel!!!
Bais Yaakov maydel & nossond: you do should be chavrusahs!!!
January 8, 2009 6:16 am at 6:16 am #1123297shkoyachParticipantthat just might not pas…
January 8, 2009 6:35 am at 6:35 am #1123298asdfghjklParticipantshkoyach: they’ll learn great together i think!!!
January 8, 2009 9:01 am at 9:01 am #1123299nossondMemberHere is an amazing vort for parshas Vayeshev and Miketz. (Please let me know if it makes you flip out.)
There are various connections between Dovid and the hand or hands. First off, Yehuda’s blessing is about his hand at the nape of the enemy, and Rashi says it refers to Dovid. Moreover, the gematria of Dovid is fourteen, which is the gematria of hand. Dovid also spells du yad,two hands. Similarly, Shlomo, Dovid’s son, was called yedidya, which contains yad yad, two hands. Moreover, Dovid is compared to Eisav (in looks and innate tendencies), and the pasuk states that the hands are the hands of Eisav.
The pasuk says about the beis hamikdash, koninu yadecha, that it was built with His two hands. Who built the beis hamikdash? Dovid and Shlomo, HaShem’s two hands!
Yehuda said to Yaakov about Binyamin, from my hand you will ask him, that he would protect Binyamin. From my hand also means from Dovid you will ask him (Binyamin).Just as Yehuda was responsible for Binyamin, Dovid was also responsible to make sure that Mordechai (from Binyamin’s tribe) would be born, by not killing Shimi Ben Gera. The gemarah says that this is why the Megila calls Mordechai, “ish Yehudi.”
We can now fathom why the Torah tells us that Zerach stook out his hand. The gemarah says that Peretz broke through in kingly fasion, so Dovid hamelech came from him. Memeilah, Zerach stook out his hand. He wanted Dovid to come from him! But his hand was pulled back and Zerach broke forth! So Dovid descended from him!
January 8, 2009 2:03 pm at 2:03 pm #1123300nossondMemberHere is a dvar Torah that explains more about Yehuda fixing up the sin with Yoseph, and it also continues on the theme of miyadi tivakshenu, from my hand you will ask of him.
Reuvain also wanted to accept responsability for Binyamin, but Yaakov did not listen to him. Let’s look at the difference between Reuvain and Yehuda. Reuvain placed the bad result (my two sons shall die if I dont bring him back) before taking responsability (give him into my hand and I will return him). Yehuda, on the other hand, said the responsability (I will guarantee him from my hand you will ask him) before the result (that he would lose his olam habba). This shows that Yehuda was more interested in the responsability, while reuvain was more interested in avoiding the bad result. Who would you trust more?
Secondly, the gemarah says that Reuvain’s words of responsability are kablanus. A kablan must pay up even if the lender has money. This means that he does not work with the lender to see if he has money or not. This means that Reuvain was detached from Binyamin. He would protect Binyamin only because he would protect himself from losing his children. This did not fix the sin of hating Yoseph, so Yaakov did not trust him.
Yehuda on the other hand said areivus, and Yisrael are similarly areivim ze laze. An areiv pays only if the lender does not have money. Yehuda would work with Binyamin. If Binyamin could protect himself, Yehuda would allow it. If not, Yehuda would protect him. By working with Binyamin, this showed that he loved him, not only himself. Who would you trust?
Now here is the amazing part.(tell me if you flip out)
Yaakov said to lavan, a trayfa I did not bring you, I would make up its loss (anochi achatena) miyadi tivakshena. The trayfa is Yoseph, as it states, tarof taraf Yoseph. Yaakov (propheticly) said that he would make sure that the loss of Yoseph would be fixed up (anochi achatena), and that he would be responsible for it (miyadi tivakshena).
Now Yaakov simply had to wait for the son who said the same thing. Yehuda copied his theme and his words. Yaakov said anochi achatena miyadi tivakshena, and Yehuda said anochi e’ervenu miyadi tivakshenu. When Yehuda said anochi e’ervenu this is the same as anochi achatena, because the areivus (of loving Binyamin) fixed up the sin of hating Yoseph. And the responsability of miyadi tivakshenu is the same as Yehuda’s miyadi tivakshena. Because Yehuda said the same thing, Yaakov trusted him.
Moreover, the one that would fix the sin of Yoseph (anochi achatena) would thereby be worthy of Dovid Hamelech and moshiach. Yadi (my hand) is Dovid (see before)and tivakshena is moshiach that we are mevakesh. Yehuda said anochi e’ervenu and fixed the sin of Yoseph so he merited miyadi tivakshebnu, Dovid and Moshiach.
Moreover, as I stated before, Dovid, yadi, would also be asked (tivakshenu) of Binyamin in regard to shimi ben gera and Mordechai. And ?????? alludes to ?? ???, and Mordechai is called ben yair, ben shimi (ben gera), ben kish, ish yimini.
January 8, 2009 5:02 pm at 5:02 pm #1123301yashrus20MemberTonights D’Var Torah
I have always pondered why is it yaakov was chosen out of all the avos to have the shvatim. I have also wondered why is it the maalach davka gave yaakov the all powerfull name “yisroel”. When hashem created the world the job intended for us was to be mayasher our midos, the key to knowing how to do that is his torah. Without this guide we our lost b/c we wont know excactly how to act. When Adam was created he was created pure and with only an external yetzer harah. When the nachash made him sin the medrash says the zu hama (venom) when inside adam wheras making the yetzer harah internal. This zu hama was basicaly like a poison to the midos. When Avraham recognized hashem he was promised to have the “Klal yisroel”. But there was one problem….The zu hama. THe two basic and fundamental midos of hashem are ahava and yirah which are paralel to chesed and gevurah. Avraham who was the ideal of chesed needed first to get rid of the perversion of chesed……taava. Ex: lo sigal ervas achoscha..
ki chesed hi. You think sometimes your being nicebut not realizing its assur. YIshmael was all about taava, so he was kielu the perversion of Avraham. Yitzchak was the ideal of gevurah, and the perversion of gevurah is gaava. Kiling is all about gaava in that in someway i deserve to be here but you dont. Eisav was the kielu perversion of yitzchak. Yaakov therefor came out pure, all was emes. Yaakov therefor had it in him to start the process of why hashem created the world, b/c the source has to be completly pure.
When Bnei Yisroel commited the sin of the eigel hazahav the medrsh says the zu hama entered them. Whats pshat how did it enter?? Well who made klal yisroel sin just as the nachash made adam sin?? The eirav rav!!! Who were the eirav rav?? AH ZOY ZUKT RASHI were decendents of both yishmael and eisav. So those perversions came and seeped back into klal yisroel making us sin. Even though it may sound bad that the yetzer harah is inside us doesnt take away the fact that we can also be like our avos hakdoishim and fight back and destor it while inside us.
January 8, 2009 6:18 pm at 6:18 pm #1123302yashrus20MemberWhy not another?
In Vayigash when yosef revealed himself to the brothers its says they could not answer them b/c they were “nivhalu m’panav”. Sfas emes asks whats with the loshan of “mipanuv”? Whats with when yaakov saw yosef rashi says “he was seen by yaakov”?? So the pri tzadok answers with a peladika yisod in this whole story. He quotes a posek from miketz that when the bros met yosef yosef made himself like a stranger “vyaitnaker”. He explains the root comes from “nachri” which is a goy, basicaly yosef hid his kedusha, b/c forsure if your a bnei yaakov youl notice a finer face. When yaakov heard yosef was alive it says he only believed it when he saw the wagons Rashi-the last thing they learnt was egla arufa. Why did he need to see that? he didnt believe the bros?? they were the shivtei ka!! And why did yosef send it he thought his father wouldent believe them?? What was this sign? The egla arufa when the beis din says we didnt kill him, the gemara asks, why would you think they are killers? da teretz is were choshed
they didnt escort him. The gemara learns from there that the kapara will only be a kapara if they are m’lave the person all the way. So if they werent m’lave its not a good kapara whereas they are plain killers. That is why there is malave malka so we can be mamshich the kedusha of shaabos through out the week. Theres a medrash when yaakov saw yosef the last time b4 the bros sold himhe said to yosef i need to tell you over the torah of eglah arufa so when you go on your way you wont part from your kedusha. So when yaakov didnt believe the bros it was about his kedusha. Yosef sent the wagons to show that when yaakov was m’lave him with that torah it stayed with him. So when yaakov saw yosefs face and he saw him like rashi said b4 its b/c he was lookinig for the kedusha in his face.
January 8, 2009 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #1123303yashrus20MemberForgive my misquotes, grammer, spelling, and the inability to properly explain i did the best i could while usining a chrefty comp. in my yeshiva. so bare with me.
January 8, 2009 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm #1123304beaconParticipant“so bare with me.”
point proven…
January 8, 2009 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm #1123305yashrus20MemberWhat that its a lil messy?lol
January 8, 2009 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm #1123306beaconParticipantIt’s “bear with me”…
you’re excused though.. I won’t take off points this time
January 8, 2009 8:31 pm at 8:31 pm #1123307YW Moderator-72ParticipantOK. start signing up for next week. Tomorrow I will update the list in the first post on this thread. remember, without volunteers, I will need to assign people a night. Multiple people per night is acceptable. The purpose of the sign-up sheet is to ensure that a night does go without a d’Var Torah.
I think that Rebbetzin Bais Yaakov maydel has requested M’Shabbos.
Also, if you want to dedicate the D’var Torah either as a zchus for someone (e.g. Soldiers in Eretz Yisroel) or a zechar nishmas or… please put that on the first line.
btw, as of now, we only need a little over 600 posts to catch up to the Random Questions threads – so we are very much in reach.
January 8, 2009 9:25 pm at 9:25 pm #1123308yashrus20MemberBeacon-Thanx its realy not my fault this is a chrefty comp. that im actualy hacking in to get internet. Its realy just for email but i sorta found a way to hack it (its text only no matter what), so yeh bar…bear with me.
January 8, 2009 10:39 pm at 10:39 pm #1123310JayMatt19ParticipantI’d love to do one. Whatever night works best for everyone else
You have been assigned to Sunday night. Thanks YW Moderator-72
January 9, 2009 12:26 am at 12:26 am #1123311qwertyuiopMemberi’ll do monday nite IY’H
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