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- This topic has 1,891 replies, 131 voices, and was last updated 7 months, 1 week ago by katavietnam.
February 23, 2009 9:48 am at 9:48 am #1123805qwertyuiopMember
mod39: very good, i read the whole thing, and we can all learn a lesson from this.$
February 23, 2009 10:06 am at 10:06 am #1123806YW Moderator-39MemberMoish, I Sure did. Did you?
February 23, 2009 6:50 pm at 6:50 pm #1123807moish01Memberof course i did, #39
February 23, 2009 9:06 pm at 9:06 pm #1123808amichaiParticipantasdf, nice dvar torah. thanx.
February 24, 2009 2:12 am at 2:12 am #1123810qwertyuiopMember****Dvar Torah for Monday****
mod39: this is for you, i told you i would have one.$
????? ?? ?????
You shall make the mizbeach(alter) (27:1)
The Talmud teaches us that in the merit of the karbonos brought upon the mizbeach, Hashem provides the world with food(Kesubos 10b). By sacrificing a portion of one’s material possessions to Hashem, a person acknowledges that all this has come from Above–and that ultimately it is all His, and in return for this realization, Hashem provides a person with his physical needs. The gematria of ????, altar,is 57, equal to the gematria of ?? ,to provide food.
(R’ David Feinstein, Sefer Kol Dodi)
hope everybody enjoys.$
February 24, 2009 4:36 am at 4:36 am #1123812asdfghjklParticipantmod39: nice one there!!!
qwertyuiop: wow impressive one there!!!
February 24, 2009 4:44 am at 4:44 am #1123813asdfghjklParticipantmod39: add your name to the list for last nights spot!!!!
February 24, 2009 4:54 am at 4:54 am #1123814qwertyuiopMemberasdfghjkl: thanx!$
February 24, 2009 5:07 am at 5:07 am #1123815anonymisssParticipantmod39, nice!
February 24, 2009 7:05 am at 7:05 am #1123816YW Moderator-39Memberqwertyuiop. Very nice and worth the wait
February 24, 2009 7:09 am at 7:09 am #1123817qwertyuiopMembermod39: than you, yours was also great.$
February 24, 2009 7:12 am at 7:12 am #1123818asdfghjklParticipantmod39: did u read mine?????????
February 24, 2009 7:25 am at 7:25 am #1123819YW Moderator-39Membersure did! i like, i like
February 24, 2009 7:28 am at 7:28 am #1123820asdfghjklParticipantmod39: yay thanx!!!!!!!!
February 24, 2009 12:14 pm at 12:14 pm #1123821JayMatt19Participantwell done, 3 on Monday, wow!
Will anyone else do something before Shabbos, or am I on the hook? (note to mods, I did NOT just volunteer to do everyday the rest of the week. You have a way of convincing yourselves that I have in the past)
This was seen in the Tallilei Oros on Davening, I hope it helps with everyone’s davening
The following is an Eitz Yoseph:
In ???????? ???????? , the concluding bracha contains the following praise ??????????? ????? ?????????. ??????????? ?’ ??-??????? ??????????? ????????????. ??????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????? ????????????? ?????????? ??-???????. ?????? ??? ??????????. ?????? ????????? ???????? ????? ??? ????? ????????:
According to the Eitz Yoseph, we are counting the praises we are going to say to HaKadosh Baruch Hu from this point forward (in davening):
??????????? ????? ?????????. ??????????? ?’ ??-???????- This is talking about ‘????? ??, Which Dovid HaaMelech composed before the Aron
???????????- Refers to ??????? ???????, which is a tremendous praise, which will not be lost (in the times of Moshiach)
???????????? is talking about ????? ?????
???????????- Is ???? ???, which contains the words ?????? ?????????. That Hashem’s name will become great throughout the world
??????????????- Obviously, ????????????
????????????- Corresponds to (i.e. from ???????????? through ????? ??????????), in which we say ??????????? ??????
??????????? ???????- This is ??????? ??????. In ??????? ?????? we say ???? ?????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????????…?????????????? ?????????
????????????? ?????????? ??-???????- This is ????? ???, where there is ???? ??? ????? ????
?????? ??? ??????????is the ????? ??????. Brachos for ??? ??????????. Also has ??? Brachos.
?????? ????????? ????????- This is ???? which we say thrice daily, where we praise Hashem (and talk about his Kingdom)
????? ??? ????? ???????? this is the ????? in ??? ?????.
The End
February 24, 2009 3:31 pm at 3:31 pm #1123822amichaiParticipantchodesh tov! thank you 4 the explanation.
February 24, 2009 8:24 pm at 8:24 pm #1123823chofetzchaimMemberSorry I wasn’t around Friday to post this but better late than never:
Mussar HaTorah
27 Shevat, 5769 Vol. 10, No. 18 Parashas Mishpatim
[If the Jews would have not made the Golden Calf]
Of course, once the Jews had sinned with the Golden Calf, their sin was a negative factor that weighed against them and the scales of judgement were no longer so overwhelmingly tipped in their merit that they could live forever. Still, the greatness remains in every one of us, because we all have free will and we all can struggle to overcome our yetzer hara. That potential has never left us, and as we look at our fellow Jews, and perhaps more importantly, as we look at ourselves, we must see the grandeur of our potential for holiness. We should appreciate the profound love that Hashem feels for us, to endow us with this incredible blessing of bechira, a potential so lofty that it deserves eternity.
February 25, 2009 5:20 am at 5:20 am #1123824asdfghjklParticipantJayMatt19: well done!!!! shkoyach R’JayMatt19!!!!
chofetzchaim: very nice!!! u in charge of writing this up???
February 25, 2009 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm #1123825JayMatt19ParticipantMod-72, why’d you stop updating the front page? and why are we losing previous posters, and not getting new recruits? (I could leave choose to leave the CR you know!)
?????-?? ?????.
Rashi translates ?? to mean ???? (for Hashem)
Why do we need ???? here more so than by other mitzvos?
There is the famous question why it says ?????-??, take for me, rather than ????? ??? The answer is that just like when you give something to an important person, you get enjoyment out of it, so too when you give to HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
(The famous “Mean Joe Greene” Coca-Cola commercial is a good proof of this)
There is a difficulty with this answer. The Ran writes that the giving to an important person is only an enjoyment when it is given completely (with no strings attached)i.e. a ???? ?????. But a present which is temporary (?? ??? ??????) does not give the giver that type of pleasure. Granted if one gives ????? or ???? for the sake of receive a reward, he has done a mitzva, but this still does not remove him from the category of ?? ??? ??????, since there is a string attached (and thus he does not have the same level of joy).
Therefore Rashi said ?? to mean ???? (for Hashem). That by ????? there is a special need to do it for Hashem (thus not for the sake of receiving a reward). Therefore it is considered a ???? ?????. And thus it is truly a giving which is actually a receiving, due to the nature of the gift, and the level of ?????? of the recipient.
??? – ???? ?????
February 25, 2009 2:54 pm at 2:54 pm #1123826YW Moderator-39MemberJmatt: and why are we losing previous posters, and not getting new recruits? (I could leave choose to leave the CR you know!)
1st you compliment me for being 1 of the 3 who gave on Monday (when I had not yet been in the Coffee Room 24 hours!) Now you say nobody new gives? YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!
YW Moderator-39
February 25, 2009 5:51 pm at 5:51 pm #1123827YW Moderator-72ParticipantJayyMatt19 – I have been a litte busy lately… sometimes I can’t get the board updated as quickly as I would like to.
OK folks. I need volunteers for Thursday… who wants to step up to the task. If I do not get a volunteer, I will assign somebody the night. :o)
hmmm. who have I not picked on for a while…
February 25, 2009 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm #1123828YW Moderator-72Participanttimes up (I gave 10 minutes)
ok… so the criteria for m selection is who have I not picked on in a while.
Moish01 – I have a task for you… tell charlie brown that I signed him up for Thursday night…
February 25, 2009 6:57 pm at 6:57 pm #1123829JayMatt19Participantsorry 39, my apologies. Just getting annoyed at the current situation of the CR Beis Medrash.
I did not mean to personally offend you, sorry
February 26, 2009 1:25 am at 1:25 am #1123831amichaiParticipantreally nice dvar torah jaymatt.
February 26, 2009 4:35 am at 4:35 am #1123832qwertyuiopMembermod72: we understand.$
nice dvar torah jaymatt!!$
February 26, 2009 7:25 am at 7:25 am #1123834asdfghjklParticipantJayMatt19: well done!!! awesome vort!!!!
mod72: it’s ok buddy!!!!!
February 26, 2009 9:32 pm at 9:32 pm #1123835charlie brownMemberThe Medrash Rabba says that Moshe Rabeinu was perplexed how the yidden could build a mishkan. Hashem told him that every Jew can build it on his own because along with the mon there came down precious stones so they were all wealthy.
The Ksav Sofer why Moshe had difficulty understanding that they cold build it? Surely he was aware of the wealth they had received due to the precious stones which came down with the mon. He answers that Moshe’s question was that he couldn’t understand how a mishkan made mostly of gold could be a kappara for the egel hazahav, the golden calf. As per the rule of ein kategor na’aseh saneigor, we never use something involved in the aveirah for the purpose of getting a kapara. This is the reason that the kohen gadol doesn’t wear gold clothing on yom kippur.
Hashem answered Moshe that the kappara was not being accomplished thru their donation of gold to the mishkan. No individual’s money was truly needed because every yid was so wealthy that he could have built it alone. Instead the kappara was that by building a mishkan they were showing that they beleive that they can bring the shechina directly into their midst without any 3rd party between us and Hashem. This was a kappara for the egel where they thought they need an egel to be a link between them and Hashem. The act of donating gold and silver was only a means to show that each individual wants to be a part of bringing the shechina to their midst, not because that individual’s gold and silver was needed. Therefore the original question falls away. The gold was not the kappara – the desire of every Jew to bring down the shechina was.
February 27, 2009 12:34 am at 12:34 am #1123836asdfghjklParticipantcharlie brown: wow charlie, nice one!!! we hereby anoint you as Rav Charlie Brown!!! shkoyach!! have a great shobbos!!!!
February 27, 2009 2:10 am at 2:10 am #1123837chofetzchaimMemberMussar HaTorah
4 Adar, 5769 Vol. 10, No. 19 Parashas Terumah
February 27, 2009 5:05 am at 5:05 am #1123839YW Moderator-72Participantcharlie brown Great job and thanks for being a good sport when I put you on the spot at the last minute.
chofetzchaim – thank you.
February 28, 2009 9:19 pm at 9:19 pm #1123840JayMatt19ParticipantHope everyone had a wonderful Shabbos.
Firstly, bli neder, I hope to give tomorrow as well. The 6th of Adar is the Yarzheit of my grandfather a”h.
Secondly, I plan on giving divrei torah on Purim until the conclusion of Purim.
Here goes:
In the 3rd Perek of the Megilla, Haman tells the King:
????? ???-???, ?????? (and for the king, it is not worthwhile to let them be)
R’ Chazkel Levenstein asks us to think about the great miracle that lies in the continued existance of Klal Yisroel. Throughout history, so many of our enemies have sought to destroy us, but we live and they are no longer with us.
Look at this passuk involving Haman. With just a few words he was able to gain permission to wipe out every last Jew in the Kingdom! Haman came to Achashverosh with his “Final Solution” already written on an official document. All that Haman needed was the King’s approval. Haman was brief, saying little more than it was not “worthwhile” to let the Jews live. For Achashverosh, this was enough. The decree called for mass extermination of all Jews (women and children alike). Casually, without a second-thought, the king removed his ring from his finger, and authorized the decree (with his royal stamp) feeling no differently than if he were swatting a fly.
This is the way the nations of the world have regarded Klal Yisroel for thousands of years. Nevertheless, tiny Klal Yisroel continues to survive.
There is no greater miracle than that!
March 1, 2009 6:41 am at 6:41 am #1123841asdfghjklParticipantJayMatt19: another great vort!!!! thanx & shkoyach!!!
March 1, 2009 7:38 am at 7:38 am #1123842asdfghjklParticipantmod72: time to clear the board!!! i’ll give on a different night than qwertyuiop, so we could fill the board!!!! i’ll take tuesday if it’s free???!!!!
March 1, 2009 4:44 pm at 4:44 pm #1123844qwertyuiopMemberJayMatt: thanx, nice vort!!$
March 1, 2009 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm #1123845moish01Memberdon’t fall off your chair… but i want to do one this week… what day?
and do not use this as blackmail.
March 1, 2009 5:10 pm at 5:10 pm #1123846qwertyuiopMembermoish: i’m so happy, and you can do any day you want.$
March 1, 2009 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm #1123847moish01Memberyeh but i may as well take an empty day. i guess we’ll wait for 72.
March 1, 2009 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #1123848qwertyuiopMemberwednesday, thursday, and friday seem to be open.$
March 1, 2009 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm #1123849asdfghjklParticipantmoish: in that case i plan on not googling one!!!!
March 1, 2009 5:32 pm at 5:32 pm #1123850JayMatt19ParticipantI have been asked (in the Purim Torah Thread) to give something on the 6th Perek of the Megilla.
This is ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?”?
????? ???, ????, ??? ???? ???? ????? ???, ???? ????.
(And Haman said to Himself “To Whom would the king want to give honor more than me?”
The Sfas Emes asks “How could Haman have thought the King was referring to him? It was the middle of the night, and Haman already possessed great honor in the kingdom! Obviously someone else was on the king’s mind, and the idea to give honor to this person had just now occurred to the king! How could Haman not have thought that it was possible that the king wanted to honor anyone else?
Rather, it would seem that, in fact, Haman did know that the king had someone else in mind. The question then arises: Why would Haman have suggested an extravagant honor that he wanted for himself?
Haman said in his heart, “Even if the king does do this for someone else now, later, he will do it for me too! After all, he promoted me over all his other ministers, so why should he not give me this honor as well?
Another way of understanding Haman in this situation
R’ Shlomo Kluger notes that according to the rules of dikduk, the passuk should have ended differently. The passuk should conclude “???? ???? ??” meaning “more than to me”. Thus the word ???? which can mean “than me” or “from me” need to be explained.
Like the Sfas Emes, R’ Kluger says that Haman KNEW the king was not thinking of him.
Haman, the king’s top minister ALREADY had great honor, and he thought to himself “If the king sought to honor me, why did he not ask me?” “If the king wanted to honor a minister…” Haman also said to himself “The king knows that Queen Esther picked only me to be with them at the private party. What could be a better honor than that?” Based on these two points, Haman knew the king had someone else in mind.
If so, the obvious question remains. Why would Haman plan such a celebration for someone else? Did Haman not consider the possibility that it would be someone whom he despised?
Haman was so confident in his relationship with the king, that the latter question never crossed his mind. Haman, the king’s closest adviser, assumed that he and the king saw “eye-to-eye” on everything. Haman took it for granted that anyone he hated, the king also hated. Thus there was no chance the king wanted to honor an enemy of Haman.
Similarly, Haman felt that if the king felt very fond of somebody, than no matter who that person may be, Haman would certainly share those feelings!
This is why Haman used the word ????, which literally means “from me”. Thus Haman said “Is there anyone that would receive more honor from the king than from me? It’s impossible that the king likes an individual more than I do! If the king wants a great honor to go to somebody, then whoever that person is, I also want him to to have that great amount of honor, AND FROM ME!”
“If so” said the king, “and this is the honor you suggest, then YOU give the honor to this person and ??-??? ???, ??? ??? ????, do not omit even one detail.
How surprised Haman was when he found out the truth, that the king had Mordechai in mind!
March 1, 2009 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm #1123851qwertyuiopMemberJayMatt: great vort, the neshama should have an aliya!!$
March 1, 2009 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm #1123852asdfghjklParticipantJayMatt19: that was a really nice piece on the megilla!!! thanx & shkoyach!!!
March 1, 2009 6:23 pm at 6:23 pm #1123853asdfghjklParticipantJayMatt19: may your grandfather’s neshama have an aliya!!!
March 1, 2009 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm #1123854amichaiParticipantshavua tov to all. thank you for the vort on the megilla.
March 1, 2009 8:19 pm at 8:19 pm #1123855JosephParticipantL’Chaim; may the neshama have an aliya!
March 1, 2009 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm #1123856moish01Membergreat, asdfghjkl. that ‘ll make two of us.
March 2, 2009 3:45 am at 3:45 am #1123857anonymisssParticipantAll cr members who voluntarily post divrei torah deserve a medal!!! I’m too scaredy cat to even try;(
March 2, 2009 4:51 am at 4:51 am #1123858YW Moderator-72Participantmoish01 – I put you down for Thursday. Thank you
who wants Tuesday?
March 2, 2009 6:22 am at 6:22 am #1123860asdfghjklParticipantmod72: i wanted tuesday!!!! thanx!!!!
moish: k good!!!
March 2, 2009 7:53 am at 7:53 am #1123861asdfghjklParticipantmod39: is mod72 the only one who could clear the weekly board????
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