YWN Chutzpah! Ignoring Levaya of HaRav Asher Deutch

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  • #2341998
    eishes chayil

    what chutzpah does ywn take to ignore this tzadiks petirah?

    Y.W. Editor

    It was only the top story on YWN from 7:11AM Eastern Time until 3:00PM ET

    Not a big deal. Lead story for EIGHT hours?

    And it’s now in the top trending stories as the “top’ story.

    BD”E: Rosh Yeshiva, Peleg Leader, HaGaon HaRav Asher Deutsch Zt”l

    Huge Chutzpah. We agree.


    Mazel Tov to the OP for posting something other then potching kids and the Gur Fight


    Chutzpah? I am not the one to judge that, but disapointed that you didn’t have the livestream of the Levaya like the one on on Chadrei Chareidim.

    Menachem Shmei

    Y.W. Editor, chill, the OP was just trying to get the mods to wake up. It’s good to see that you’re still alive 馃槣

    velicher choosid

    I question whether you are an eishes and certainly a chayil.
    Sadly, his petirah while newsworthy is no more than that and deserves exactly the amount of coverage it got.
    Eishes Chayil – is a double falsity.


    Some tzaddikim choose to go in the ways of humility even after their niftar with requesting no hespedim at their funeral and also not to post them and about their Torah life in the media or newspaper even after they’re niftar


    Ask the Gorelicks

    eishes chayil

    well. its very interesting though, that if it was the top news till 3.00 how come i only noticed it at the side news on the right and i am talking about 1.00 p.m. and for sure not at 3.00 either way why was my comment posted at 3.44 and not at one when i sent it in? just so you can fool and lie and say that it was the first news till 3.00

    futhermore. it wasn’t even one of the news when you are on the main page and start scrolling down to the earlier post.

    also i never called the thread this way, i mentioned nothing about the levavya only about his petirah

    either way if i was mistaken then i take back my critic and will give you a bracha for being you choished. May Hashem help you to have nachas form all your kids and einiklich

    and for all of you here that pound back on me and say about my posts as they wish should maybe as well bench me and not be choished me as much


    to ywn editor: if this is not true what i siad than just why not delete this thread all together

    eishes chayil

    oh and for you mr. commonsaychel:

    by the way he was one of the gerrer rebbis biggest allies and they were extremely close one another
    and he was called the rosh hamichablim
    so again my post is about abuse and ger


    Mr Eishes,
    Nothing about potching your kids, your other favorite topic


    really? It is in poor taste to fight about a levaya


    eishes chayil-It was one of the major headline stories on the top of the page for a good chunk of time


    How does “trending” stories work? Does YWN decide what goes there, or there’s an algorithm that really calculates what’s trending?


    Every Observant Jewish new site has its Rabbanim that it prefers

    Thinking out loud

    The Rosh yeshiva is in olam ha’emes.
    Can you please give his family the privacy and respect you would like your family to have post mortem?
    At times a talmid chochom may prefer not to be the talk of the town. In this case, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have wanted his family to have to deal with their losses publically.
    V’hameyvin yavin

    A classmate from Brooklyn, circa 1978

    Thinking out loud

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