YU Seforim Sale

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    Members of the Coffee Room might like to know that the YU Seforim Sale is currently open. It’s a great opportunity to buy a wide selection of seforim at good prices. Worth a trip up to Washington Heights.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    What are the hours?


    Sundays: 10 AM- 10 PM

    Monday-Thursday: 7:30 PM- 10:30 PM

    Friday: Closed

    Saturday 8 PM- 11 PM

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Thank you very much.

    Are those the men’s hours or the women’s hours? (JK)


    Both, that’s the point 🙂

    (All right, sorry, I know this is the yeshivaworld, shouldn’t make jokes like that… been here too long.)


    The rumor I heard was that someone once complained to R’ Schachter and asked for him to get them to have separate hours for men and women. R’ Schachter said that what better place is there for Frum men and women to meet than at a Seforim store?


    I would think it the worst place considering it tiflus for women to learn Torah she’bal peh. 😉


    “I would think it the worst place considering it tiflus for women to learn Torah she’bal peh.”

    Rabbi Schachter does not pasken like that. I have personally attended a co-ed gemara shiur he led.


    Rabbi Schachter does not pasken like that.

    He paskens against Shulchan Aruch? S”A paskens like that in accordance with the Mishna.


    R’ Soloveitchik famously said that nowadays anyone who doesn’t teach their daughters torah teaches them tiflus.


    So he paskens farkert from the S”A.


    Joseph- “So he paskens farkert from the S”A.” – As does Rav Moshe Shterbuch who is unable to learn S”A as well as you. He paskens that Bzman Hazeh you should teach them torah because of “eis Laasos” (which is exactly what rav Solivetchik said).


    Joseph: He Paskens like the Drisha and many Poskim since, that if a woman chooses she wants to learn then you can help her. Compulsary Gemara is Assur. Optional is okay.


    Sarah Schneirer started Bais Yakov schools with the exact mission of teaching girls Torah. She was supported strongly by the Gerrer Rebbe ztvkl and most of the polish rebbes, plus the Litvak rosh yeshivas and the German rabbonim. Without the Bais Yakovs our frum generations would have gone.


    Tiflus only applies to teaching girls Torah she’bal peh; teaching them Torah she’bksav is permissible.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The girls also learn Torah sheba’al peh as necessary, just not Mishnayos and Gemara.

    Satmar doesn’t allow the girls to learn any Torah shba’al peh, except (I assume) halachah.


    If mishnayos and gemorah aren’t allowed, who said there’s a heter for them to learn meforshim, Ramban, etc.? What’s the differentiation? Sarah Schenirer didn’t teach those. She taught Chumash, practical halacha, etc. The Chofetz Chaim didn’t say to teach all the other things that are Torah she’bal peh that aren’t relevant to girls daily living. Just because some mechaneches running Bais Yaakovs today decided to teach those now doesn’t make it muttar. Which posek (names, please) permits teaching those meforshim?

    One that Rav Moshe (YD 3:86) names as permissible, since it teaches them middos, is Pirkei Avos.


    Satmar has a lot of things figured out, in my humble opinion. They promote men working, the women don’t get caught up in the nonsense of wanting to be talmidos chachamim, and they’re not Zionists. In terms of learning, they learn more according to the classic derech of the Chasam Sofer. Doesn’t sound bad to me.


    This topic has been hashed and rehashed but I would assume that R’ Schachter does indeed paskin like the S”A… he just doesn’t understand the S”A to be saying it’s completely assur as the S”A also says that women receive reward for doing it. I’m sure there are many ways for reconciling how the S”A says women receive schar for doing something that is seemingly assur, but one way of understanding it (and I assume R’ Schachter learns this way) is that the issur is on the teacher if he compels them to learn, but if they do it voluntarily than it is permitted and they receive reward (and presumably, in a situation where they receive reward for learning, it should be just as permissible to teach them. It doesn’t make sense to say that it is permissible for them to learn but they must do it on their own without a teacher).


    I searched throughout the Yeshiva Uni sale catalogue but couldn’t find them. So asking here, if anyone has seen these books there can they let me know?

    Book of Daniel: Shield of the Spirit, by Rabbi Alshich, Feldheim

    Book of Iyyov: A Celestial Challenge, by Rabbi Alshich, Feldheim

    Or perhaps you might know of anyone who would sell me their copy?

    I have searched the world but cannot find them… even libraries won’t sell me their copy… 🙁

    Must have these books…


    Didn’t see them, but they had a lot of books on Nach, so I wouldn’t be surprised…

    Why don’t you contact Feldheim?

    As far as the tangent above, only a small section of the seforim sale sells gemaras. They also sell other valuable books, such as the Lipa Schmeltzer Haggadah.


    I have spoken to the good people of Feldhem about reprinting their Rabbi Alshich Tanach bit by bit. Alas, no fruit to harvest on that tree yet. If I had the money I would even offer to finance it! Rabbi Alshich’s commentary are a choshen mishpat in themselves.

    Well, if anyone sees them please let me know. Maybe I could buy it off you.


    “Sarah Schneirer started Bais Yakov schools with the exact mission of teaching girls Torah”

    And Jewish schools in Germany and America were doing so before Sarah Schneirer was born — with the support of the leading talmidei chachamim in those countries.


    Her 81st Yahrzeit is round the corner, coming up Adar hoRishon 26th.

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