You wanted an insane dictator? You got him!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee You wanted an insane dictator? You got him!

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    (All dictators are insane)


    A mentally ill politician with no respect for rule of law – we are only stuck with him until Jan. 20.

    Then we get a sane populist celebrity non-politician, also with minimal respect for rule of law. Perhaps disrespect for rule of law is infectious.

    While I would have preferred a fiscally responsible, law abiding conservative – it is a bit arrogant to ignore the fact that bulk of the people in the country are not elite well educated members of the bourgeoisie, and since America is a democracy, it is possible, as just happened, for the proletariat to a candidate who reflects their values and world view.

    Uncle Ben

    Sore loser!


    When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 CE,
    many Leftists and Liberals publicly stated that
    Donald Trump would certainly start new wars.




    Sorry for the trauma you will now have to live with for the next four years living under an imaginary dictator.


    Hopefully Dictator Trump will round up all the leftists and other anti-American self-hating cranks and deport them all to Guantanamo Bay on Day One of the second Trump Administration.

    Following that, we expect Dictator Trump to outlaw the Democrat Party and dissolve all far-left extremist groups such as Antifa, J Street, the ACLU and anything related to George Soros.

    Sam Klein

    Which dictator? It must be you since you wrote this letter and message.

    Please let everyone know your complete name and address with contact information so they xan contact you their dictator.


    Maybe YWN can set up a Safe Space in addition to Coffee Room? So the adults can discuss without all the toddleresque melodrama.


    philosopher –
    the man himself said he will be a dictator for 1 day. well, it’s like potato chips, you can’t have just one.
    hope i’m wrong – but woe to us, having a dictator in our democracy – how long will the democracy endure?



    Nope, because Brandon, Kamalek and your immoral party have been swept from power. You would do well to read the “Morning After” piece by liberal Lanny Davis and reflect seriously on it.

    The Republicans are now going to haul away the smelly garbage pile of your insane and dictatorial woke religion to the incinerator, then scatter its filthy ashes to the winds.


    @Yechiell Please remove all sharp objects from your house and avoid bridges and tall buildings


    Well if it takes a dictator to stop war and aggression, open up space travel and scientific discovery, and make everyone happy

    so be it.


    [1] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who worked to reduce or eliminate the right of Free Speech for all Americans.

    [2] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who used Social Media censorship to block and erase the opinions of people who disagreed with them.

    [3] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who immediately accused anyone who disagreed with them of being:
    haters, racists, sexists, fascists, etc, etc, etc.

    [4] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who used their power to “cancel” people who disagreed with them:
    by getting them fired from their jobs, and by boycotting their businesses,
    and by blocking people from attending their public speeches,
    and by rudely shouting-down speakers who disagreed with them, so they were unable to speak.

    [5] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who attempted to confuse voters by accusing their political opponents
    of committing the same wrongdoings that they themselves were guilty of.
    Psychologists refer to this as “projection”

    [6] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who weaponized government agencies against their political opponents,
    which included using the Court System and the Department of Justice
    and the FBI to constantly harass their political opponents with relentless prosecutions.

    NOTE: President Obama used the IRS to attack pro-Israel non-profit organizations.

    [7] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who created a two-tiered dual Court System, in which Politically Correct people
    (who agree with the Democratic Party) are given minimum punishments, or no punishments,
    while Politically Incorrect people (who disagree with the Democratic Party) are given maximum punishments.

    [8] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who created a new “education system” where very young children
    can have their sex changed, through surgery, WITHOUT the consent of their parents!!
    WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!
    And if their parents try to stop the sex-change surgery, they were threatened by the FBI!!
    WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!

    [9] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who worked long and hard to normalize the abominations of:
    homosexuality, lesbianism and so-called “trans-gender-ism”.

    [10] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who worked long and hard to give legal rights and preferential hiring to:
    gays, lesbians, and so-called “trans-gender” people.

    [11] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who gave the USA out-of-control currency inflation and HUGE price increases.

    [12] It was the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who members supported Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran,
    in their unholy crusade to completely erase and completely destroy Israel.

    [13] It is the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump,
    who HATE AMERICA and its wise Constitution, which guarantees
    the rights of American citizens, in a way that people around the world envy.

    If you believe that Donald Trump is a dictator, then you are worse than simply wrong;
    you are viewing the situation upside-down and backwards.
    Your view of our situation is not merely false; it is the complete opposite of the truth.

    It is the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump, who want to make the USA
    into a dictatorship with no free speech and no free news media and
    only one legal political party (the Democratic Party) and only one legal religion (Islam).

    If you still support Democratic Party, then you are an ALLY of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran.

    If you still support Democratic Party, then you are an ENEMY of Israel,
    and an ENEMY of all Jews, and an ENEMY of the USA,
    and an ENEMY of the G*D-of-Israel and His Torah.


    square root-
    “It is the Democratic Party, not Donald Trump, who want to make the USA
    into a dictatorship (A FILTHY LIE, WHERE’S YOUR PROOF?) with no free speech and no free news media and
    only one legal political party (the Democratic Party) (ANOTHER FILTHY LIE &, AGAIN, WHERE’S YOUR PROOF?) and only one legal religion (Islam)(ONE LEGAL RELIGION? YOUR BIGGEST FILTHY LIE).
    We could dissect all your paragraphs, but why bother.


    Those of us suffering from TDS are seriously considering relocatingng to Budapest, the new global epicenter of progressive democratic governance (along with side benefits of ready access to Hortobágyi palacsinta and sirkepaprikás.


    Insane but good for jews and israel! thats all you need to care about


    Condescending behavior to talk down at the majority of the country who participated in a democratic election and chose to ignore the kind of rhetoric and gaslighting you have been sharing.

    Opinions will always differ, yet not an excuse to act as if one knows better than the rest. It is how the elite act and the majority rejected it.


    Lets look at the trump apointees and see if its good for Israel. Huckabbee and Stefanik and Rubio . keep the list coming. Trump is a maddog and not who I’d Idiolize but right now he is my mad dog


    defense pick is being accused of being insanely pro-Israel.


    In the final year of his first term as President, Donald Trump
    was working with the Chinese government to stop
    the flow of deadly Fentanyl from China, into the USA.

    When Joe Biden became President, he cancelled
    ALL of Donald Trump’s projects, including this one.

    By cancelling the USA’s efforts to stop the flow of deadly Fentanyl
    from China, the Joe Biden and his Democratic Party allies
    caused over 300,000 deaths in the USA, from Fentanyl.

    Those lives could have been saved, if Joe Biden would have
    completed this project, instead of mindlessly cancelling it.


    square root
    again, you distort the truth

    President Joe Biden has implemented several strategies to combat the fentanyl crisis in the United States. In December 2021, he signed Executive Order 14059, imposing sanctions on foreign individuals involved in the global illicit drug trade, aiming to disrupt the supply chains of synthetic opioids like fentanyl.
    In April 2022, the administration released its inaugural National Drug Control Strategy, focusing on saving lives, expanding treatment, and disrupting trafficking networks.

    By July 2024, the administration announced new actions to counter the scourge of fentanyl and other synthetic drugs, emphasizing the importance of disrupting the supply of illicit fentanyl and enhancing public health interventions.

    In November 2023, President Biden secured an agreement with China’s General Secretary Xi Jinping to crack down on the export of precursor chemicals and pill presses to the Western Hemisphere, aiming to curb the production of fentanyl.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “President Joe Biden has implemented several strategies to combat the fentanyl crisis in the United States.“

    Like a person fixing a bathroom flood by changing pipes, putting drano and using a snake when in essence all he should have done is turn off the tap



    If what you say is true,
    then why was the Fentanyl Crisis out-of-control,
    when Joe Biden was President?


    square root
    why was the immigration crisis thru mexico out-of-control when trump was president the first time? he never built that wall that he promised, and mexico was going to pay for it.



    Yes I am happy with my insane dictator after what he said yesterday about Gaza. Its insane but its so true. So you really think its feasible to rebuild Gaza in the same old way as the past? To be clear Trump isn’t proposing forceablly removing anyone nor is he saying relocate permanently. He is simply saying imagine a hurricane or wild fire hit the entire Brooklyn NY and the entire city is destroyed. Would you tell the residents to hang out in brooklyn and build tents. Or move temporarily till they rebuild stronger and better? Now we know Hamas and the Palestinians aren’t really interested in living normal lives. you can’t be logical with them. But this calls out the palestinains on their charade. I think other arab nations will now think five time sover before giving them a penny. So yes we got our insane dictator and I love him becasue he is good for jews.

    P.S. if you were intellectually honest you’d start a thread entitled the good Trump has done too. ( i don’t deny Biden has done some good)


    I happen to agree with you. It just makes my blood boil when people put down Biden. He provided tons and tons of armaments for over a year to Israel, yet idiotic people knock him. He was, and is, a good man.
    As for Trump, everyone sees what a nutcase he is. But , yes, he is very good to Israel, so I hold back on bad-mouthing him. Let’s hope he continues to do good things for Israel. Amen.


    To be fair, my blood boils too when people spew nonsense like saying oh he was the biggest anti Semite and evil Or that he was so corrupt just because he pardoned his son. I mean compared to trump cmon. And yes Hunter was a witchunt too. ( as was Shelly silver ah and many others)

    But I think its fair to criticize Biden and say he was both naive and too slow to address serious issues. That was his two biggest negatives that I think shaped his presidency. Naïve I mean falling far the Hamas/ Palestinian charade or better yet sympathizing with Free Palestine and believing them.

    Similarly slow to address issues: here I have large list going back to covid and supply chain shortages that he never addressed, wasn’t quick enough tto stop new spreads and stff hoisptals as winter 2022 and omricon came along,. He was warned about medicine shortages too. In the Summer of 2022, experts said that as 2023 will be a bad flu season and we will need alot of medicine as people begin to mingle. yet winter came around and we I couldn’t find tylenol and anti biotics for my child. The same with calling inflation transitionary. When it came to the war in Ukriane he was slow to address/ send weapons needed that could have stopped the russians early on.

    Those two negative traits are exactly what trump is the opposite of if you think about it. Of course being crazy and shooting from the hip like trump is dangerous too. All in all yes Biden had good intentions, and true empathy for us jews. He really did care and you can see it in his eyes. I will always admire his warm and caring nature. He was/ is a good person. But not good for what we need at this time.


    Chaim on Biden, I generally agree. I don’t think Biden was naive – his only experience is politics and he understands what is happening politically. He was (1) politics first – it is reported that he was always sympathetic to Israel, but would do what he had to do to placate various factions he depended on. Other politicians do that too, but he seems to be very good at that. (2) he, and his team, were limited by their presumptions and lack of leadership experience. They never tried to actively manage problems and conflicts, always following administrative rules, always afraid of something happening that will blame them. Basically, he/they were way over their heads.


    Members of the Democratic Party attack Donald Trump
    for expelling and deporting ILLEGAL ALIENS.

    But President Barack Hussein Obama expelled and deported
    many thousands of ILLEGAL ALIENS, especially criminals,
    and the Democratic Party NEVER attacked him for doing that.

    Why the unfair double standard?

    Why is one President permitted to deport ILLEGAL ALIENS,
    but the other President is NOT permitted to deport ILLEGAL ALIENS?


    square root
    It all dependented on what kind of UFO the Aliens came on

    ☕️coffee addict

    Yechiell doesn’t have any answer so tries to make a joke but it’s on a first grade level

    Nothing new here


    Trump is a dictator but it’s only possible through the spineless Republicans. Why is there NO ONE willing to oppose him?
    One ridiculous nominee after another.

    Let’s hope they don’t back his Ukraine coercion.
    But I’m not holding my breath.


    woo hah
    i just saw that mark levin, one of maga’s staunches ally, is turning on trump re the shlump’s ukraine stance.
    personally, i don’t see the shlump lasting more than one more month
    HALEVAI !!!


    Donald Trump and Elon Musk and their team recently
    in wasted government money, including hundreds of
    Social Security recipients who are more than 150 years old.


    WOW!! That is really an insane dictator!! NOT!!

    WHY did ex-President Joe Biden and ex-Vice President Kamala Harris
    NEVER delete hundreds of Social Security recipients
    who are more than 150 years old?

    ☕️coffee addict


    Keep on dreaming, republicans aren’t lemmings like democrats


    square root
    “Donald Trump and Elon Musk and their team recently
    in wasted government money, including hundreds of
    Social Security recipients who are more than 150 years old.”

    As usual, you are a super distorted of the truth. Describing part of a statement, and always omitting the other part, makes you a libelous liar.
    Here are the facts:
    The claim about Musk deleting hundreds of billions of dollars in wasted government money or stopped sending checks to dead Social Security recipients is fiction.
    In fact, the Social Security system does have checks and balances in place to prevent fraud and ensure that people who are still living are the ones receiving benefits.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Yecheill obviously doesn’t want to address me because he knows I’ve outed him as a phony dumbocrat

    And obviously he’s lying about the “checks and balances” the government is horrible in “checking and balancing” themselves


    coffee addict
    you’ve outed me? where? how? the world doesn’t revolve around you, fella. and anyone who voted for chris christie or nicky haley is a ‘phony dumbocrat’ ? if you haven’t voted for the Shlump, you are no good, right? what a dumrepcrat you are !

    yes, the govt aint the greatest at checks and balances, but,musk? in 12 lousy hours knows who’s cheating who’s not etc. ? really? i guess a maga will always be a maga. FEH !

    square root
    as usual , you have no answers to any of my points, you just like to distort the truth


    > The claim about Musk deleting hundreds of billions of dollars in wasted government money or stopped sending checks to dead Social Security recipients is fiction.

    it’s not fiction, just a guzma. Lists of cancelled contracts is posted online as part of open database of government contracts. A contract has a ceiling – how much can be spent under the contract and actually allocated money that the government customer spent. Musk sums the ceiling of the contracts DOGE helped cancel. Some say, actual saved number would be less because some contracts purposefully have a high ceiling “just in case”. This is also true, so Musk’s numbers are less than true savings that will be achieved. I quickly search the names of the contracts, and I think like 20-30% of them had DEI-related words. So, Musk’s claim that he is cancelling nonsense contracts is also true. 🙂

    ☕️coffee addict


    I’ve shown numerous times how you’re a democrat (you’ve even agreed) wow you voted for a republican 👏 you know good and well they would never win against the democrat who you hold so highly of!

    A person that lives in filth doesnt smell the filth he’s in until someone that hasn’t been around it can smell it for him, the same way an outside the swamp person can smell the stench of corruption

    Btw dumrepcrat? 😂 you put dumbocrat and just switched bo for rep? Really? But I guess I shouldn’t have expected more

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