You have the option of going back in time to any date and meet any person…?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee You have the option of going back in time to any date and meet any person…?

  • This topic has 23 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by 147.
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    You have the option of going back in time to any date and meet any person. You are allowed to only speak up to 10 words and you can only speak one sentence either a question or statement…You only get 10 words and after you finish that you get no more words and the meeting ends after the persons response to your words.

    Who would you meet and what would you say?


    If Maamid Har Sinai is an option I’ll go there and be quiet.


    Anyone that can give me the numbers to the next Mega Millions!


    Hmmm… nice troll.

    Maybe the Roman Emperor Constatine. I’d like to try and persuade him out of using the guise of Christianity to further his own agenda of power, thereby creating over a thousand years of persecution against heretics (Jews). That decision to popularize Christianity empowered the Catholi Church, thereby leading to all sorts of atrocities against Jews over the centuries. Doubt he would listen though. Wonder if 10 words would do it….


    i will go back to rabbi shimon bar yochai and ask him if he wrote/compiled the zohar

    Shticky Guy

    There was once a thread a couple of years ago like this and one answer still sticks in my mind. Someone said they would go to Dovid Hamelech on his last Shabbos and say to him “Watch out for that step!”


    Id like to go back and meet either Hitler’s mother or father and convience them to a life of celibacy


    No contest – Moshe Rabbeinu, and also Yaakov Avinu.


    I’d like to go back to last Monday so I could pay my phone bill on time.


    Who would you meet and what would you say?

    I would meet my younger self and tell him what a rotten person he turns out to be. Maybe that’ll convince him to change.

    The Wolf


    Tough choice between being able to see kriyas yam suf or maamid har sinai.


    Tough choice between being able to see kriyas yam suf or maamid har sinai.

    If you’re going to go that route, why not just go and witness Creation?

    The Wolf


    1) “Please step away from that apple, Ma’am. You too, sir.”

    2) “‘Our American Cousin’ got lousy reviews.”

    3) “Mr. Kennedy, your shoelace is untied.”

    4) “I’d hide that fellow’s ax this erev Shabbos.”

    5) “Yes, American planes are scheduled. But not that many.”

    6) “Ask again, Moshe.”

    7) “Throw over to first, Scott.”

    8) “Maybe you should wait for reinforcements, General Custer.”

    9) “Kamtza, Bar Kamtza, big deal! Let him sit and eat.”

    10) “You’ll have a lot more free time avoiding the CR.”


    3) “Mr. Kennedy, your shoelace is untied.”

    Considering he was sitting in a car, he might not have bent down to tie his shoes right away.

    “Duck, Mr. President!” might be much more effective.

    Or, if you prefer, instead of saying something to President Kennedy, why not just go and tell the head of the Secret Service detail in Dallas that Oswald was in the Book Depository?

    The Wolf


    Pinchus ben Elazar, without a doubt


    why not just go and tell the head of the Secret Service detail in Dallas that Oswald was in the Book Depository?

    But what then of the second shooter? 🙂


    How about telling Archduke Franz Ferdinand not to go to Sarajevo



    “Take Uganda NOW and leave Eretz Yisroel for the real yidden!”

    Shticky Guy

    ICOT Great list! Really good. +1

    wolf hi nice to see you again!

    for real: as terrible as xtian persecution was thru the ages with tach tat and all the crusaders, they ‘only’ murdered Jews in their tens of thousands tops. Whereas the Nazis YMS”V murdered at least 6 million and possibly up to 10 million. So zahavasdad’s 1st post is for sure the better option.



    In the Chmielnicki massacres over 100,000 Jews were killed and according to some historians the numbers are anywhere from 100,000-500,000.



    10,000 over a thousand years could have multiplied many times over. Maybe then in 1939 no one would ever dream of starting up with one of the biggest nations on earth.



    The whole concept of “blame the Jews / kill the Jews” was a Christian invention. The Nazi’s yemach shemam just took it to a different level. It was the culmination of over a thousand years of anti-semitism and hate.



    The President who forgot to duck was (by his own admission) Ronald Reagan.

    Oswald was in the book depository because he worked there. His presence alone wasn’t suspicious.


    The assassinations were largely bad luck. The chauffeur took a wrong turn down a dead-end street, a 19-year old nut took the opportunity to shoot while the car was turning around, and he was “lucky” that his two shots killed both the Archduke and his wife.

    Shticky Guy

    Thank you.

    One more: “Captain Smith, you do realize it isn’t really unsinkable, right?”


    Being in windows of the world on 9/10/2001

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