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- This topic has 66 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 1 month ago by Lilmod Ulelamaid.
December 23, 2009 2:02 am at 2:02 am #591000HIEParticipant
i’ve been blogging in the cr for close to 1 and a half years (through several different screenames over time and i’ve noticed a change in the type of screen names. this is a totally frum cr. why can’t people use jewish screen names?? when i came to the cr almost all the screenames were frum names or jewish sounding, why has it changed??
December 23, 2009 2:43 am at 2:43 am #1218170JewessMemberA. What does “tam” mean?
B. Don’t lose sleep over screen names.
December 23, 2009 3:44 am at 3:44 am #1218171NY MomMemberJewess: A. “Tam” or more correctly “taam” means flavor or taste.
B. I agree with you about that.
December 23, 2009 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm #1218173JotharMemberBecause Yiddishe tam names are like wearing a black hat, white shirt and black pants- it doesn’t identify who you are, since you look like everyone else. “Kama yosi ika beshuka”.
December 23, 2009 11:18 pm at 11:18 pm #1218174bptParticipantA while ago, there was a thread (see below) asking how each of us chose our screen names. Very telling and very interesting, in my opinion.
And on the topic of names, I remember hearing a great vort RE: Yaakov vs.the Sar Shel Aisov, where Yaakov asks him, “what’s your name?” and the Sar refuses to answer.
Why? Because Yaackov knew, if he can learn the essence of who his opponenet is, he can learn how to defeat him. A person’s name is his (or her) essence.
The vort continued to say, that the Sar’s answer “I don’t have a permanent name” IS THE KEY to defeating the power of Aisov, which is all smoke and mirrors, an illusion. Once we understand that, we got him nailed!
But back to the inital question, what does your screen name say about you? Jothar could be anything from an abreviation to a conjuntion of two names / people. Any hints?
December 24, 2009 2:39 am at 2:39 am #1218175oomisParticipantOomis is a pet name given to me by my son when he got married. It is a form of “Ema,” which is really what I am called by my children. The “oomis” was a joke that stuck. When I needed a Screen Name and couldn’t think of anything in the moment that had not already been taken by someone else, Oomis seemed like one that no one else had claimed as yet.
December 24, 2009 3:29 am at 3:29 am #1218176YW Moderator-42ModeratorYiddeshe Taam? I don’t think that the old names are any more Yiddish than the new ones. Let’s look at some old names:
Feivel – definitely yiddise taam
Prince Charming – all bnei yisroel are like princes so you can call it yiddish
anonymisss – sound English to me
xoxo – Chinese?
WolfishMusings – shouldn’t he have called himself Velvel?
shkoyach – Yiddishe taam
whatshaiches – yiddeshe taam
Doc – What’s up?
bugnot – speaking of bugs…
bugyes – again
mamashtakah – yiddeshe taam
rabbiofberlin – ah, the Rabbi of the yidden in Berlin where they speak Yiddish
illini07 – American
charlie brown – Good Grief! Not Yiddish
Curious – Englsih
beacon – English
Just Smile – English
Brooklyn19 – I guess Yiddish is spoken in Brooklyn
cokenotpepsi – English
ames – agent emes?
jphone – sounds Jewish
Mayan_Dvash – Hebrew
Bowzer – isn’t he the guy from Mario Bros? The guy with the nickname Bowzer is Jewish too according to Mr. Sandler’s Hannuka song but his nickname doesn’t sound too Yiddish
chofetzchaim – sounds Jewish
lgbg – could stand for something in Yiddish but who knows
NeveAliza – I guess that has Yiddishe taam
Shadow – English
Just Me – English
Feif Un – Yiddish
Areivimzehlazeh – Yiddishe taam
Jax – nickname for Yankev?
mepal – sounds like it could be a Hebrew word but who knows
kapusta – cabbage has a yiddishe taam
Goldieloxx – Yiddish version of an English story
JayMatt19 – Enlish version of a Jewish name?
mdlevine – A doctor and a Levy, definitly Jewish
Joseph – the yiddishe taam way to say this name is Yosef, Yossi, Yussele… Though he claims that ROB gave him this spelling and that the “J” is pronounced “Y”
Will Hill – Go Gators!
Hill of Beans – we call that cholent in Yiddish
THE BIG ONE – Jews are supposed to be anovim and not call themselves by such a name
Mezonos Maven – a yiddishe taam!
squeak – this reminds us that we are all small like mice, the opposite of the big one
noitallmr – anovim?
December 24, 2009 4:31 am at 4:31 am #1218177smartcookieMemberMod 42- you’re funny! I like your interpretation for Hill of Beans..
December 24, 2009 2:41 pm at 2:41 pm #1218178oomisParticipant42, heheheheh
December 24, 2009 3:06 pm at 3:06 pm #1218179JotharMemberxoxo is txt, not Chinese.
December 24, 2009 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm #1218180NY MomMemberMod 42: LOL! Very cute
But you’re right. Only about 1/3 to 1/2 had anything Jewish about it, depending on the interpretation ;).
Maybe I should consider changing my SN to NYiddishe Momma?
December 24, 2009 4:35 pm at 4:35 pm #1218181bptParticipantIf you’re a Mom in NY, there’s a 60-70% chance that your’re a jewish one
December 24, 2009 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm #1218182cherrybimParticipantYW Moderator-42: leave anyone out?…hmmm..
December 24, 2009 8:21 pm at 8:21 pm #1218183noitallmrParticipantMod 42- noitallmr – anovim?
Please explain…
December 25, 2009 2:49 am at 2:49 am #1218184YW Moderator-42Moderatorsorry cherrybim, I couldn’t think of anything for you.
noitallmr – Yidden are supposed to be anovim, humble, naming yourself noitallmr goes against that, hence, not Yiddish
December 25, 2009 3:03 am at 3:03 am #1218185mazal77ParticipantHow mod 42- what am i, chopped liver??
December 25, 2009 3:22 am at 3:22 am #1218186goody613Memberhey what about me???
December 25, 2009 4:44 am at 4:44 am #1218187smh1MemberRegarding appropriate screen names, no offence, but I am disturbed by the choice of “bombmaniac”. Perhaps it has a different meaning than the obvious?
December 25, 2009 5:05 am at 5:05 am #1218188sunflowerMemberhey! did you forget about me too?
December 25, 2009 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #1218189noitallmrParticipantYW Moderator-42- oh right I was thinking about anovim in the context of anovim anovim higiha zman geulaschem!!!
I agree I like a bit like a squashed grape but was wondering how you knew!!
December 25, 2009 2:48 pm at 2:48 pm #1218190Proud JewMemberHey 42, Is there anything more yiddish the a PROUD JEW?
December 25, 2009 7:03 pm at 7:03 pm #1218191JotharMemberYiddish=German. How a about a kodesh tam?
December 25, 2009 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm #1218192goody613Memberare we gonna start that here too?!
December 26, 2009 5:03 pm at 5:03 pm #1218193A600KiloBearParticipantBS”D
Ought I add thirteen kilos to my screen weight?
December 28, 2009 12:21 am at 12:21 am #1218194HIEParticipantbefore, half the names were jewish, now, maybe a fifth
December 28, 2009 1:01 am at 1:01 am #1218195JotharMemberKlal yisroel have been using goyishe names in galus for years. Most yiddish names started life as german names. The sephardim have rabbeinu vidal and others. Our gemara has rabbi eliezer ben hyrkenos, nicanor who donated the copper doors, symmechos, etc.
December 28, 2009 1:46 am at 1:46 am #1218196charliehallParticipantI post under my real English name because I am less likely to post lashan hara when I have to publicly take responsibility for my comments.
January 6, 2010 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #1218197oldCRgang02MemberOld= Jewish
CR= hmmm, very Jewish sounding
gang= ya, it’ll havta do 😉
January 6, 2010 8:53 pm at 8:53 pm #1218198oldCRgang01Memberwell sure is easy to see why i chose my Sn!!
January 6, 2010 9:12 pm at 9:12 pm #1218200bombmaniacParticipantbomb = explosive incendiary device…
maniac = lunatic: an insane person
have you been reading my posts?
January 6, 2010 9:12 pm at 9:12 pm #1218201John DoeMemberNo, it’s not easy to see why you chose your s/n.
Why couldnt you keep your old one?
January 6, 2010 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #1218202annieParticipantTo have a little fun. But you guys dont seem to know how to, which is a bit of a problem.
January 6, 2010 9:21 pm at 9:21 pm #1218203bombmaniacParticipantok…seeing as i have been getting a lot of guff about my controversial choice of usernames…ill explain.
in sixth grade we used to have classwide IM chats after school…it was quite fun. well me…being who i am…decided to scare the (well…) dybbuk out of them…i used to come up with all kind of crazy screen names…then i would log on and freak them out. basically bombmaniac was the most successful one of these choices…so (in sixth grade) i decided to keep it.
the reason why i dont change it is because since then i have been very active on various blogs…debate forums…and whatnot and people actually have recognized me from various sites 😀 so you see…i have a persona to maintain here…lol
(btw most people who recognize me do so because i got kicked off the site they frequent…but lets see how long i last here :D)
January 6, 2010 9:22 pm at 9:22 pm #1218204squeakParticipantSpeak for yourself 🙂
January 7, 2010 5:38 am at 5:38 am #1218205anuranParticipantMine is the way it is because the goblins stole a small child years ago and left a large frog enchanted into human form in its place. Over time the spell has begun to wear off. So I’m just telling it like it is 🙂
January 7, 2010 6:08 am at 6:08 am #1218206bombmaniacParticipantso basically you are a mindless slimy amphibian…fascinating…lol
January 7, 2010 7:11 am at 7:11 am #1218207happyOOTerParticipantBombmaniac… c’mon, you’re not in sixth grade anymore. Time to pick a grownup name to aspire to…
THE BIG ONE – To be honest I assumed they’re from California… THE BIG ONE is the earthquake that will c’vs send California crashing into the Pacific…
happyOOTer – a sort of commentary on how I feel about having moved to the greater NYC area… or, perhaps a name I should try to aspire to! C’mon, definitely Yiddishe Taam, to complain, anyhow.
January 7, 2010 7:41 am at 7:41 am #1218208bombmaniacParticipantyou miss my point…its not about sixth grade nostalgia…ive just used this username for so long that its hard to part with for two reasons: first because i belong to lots of blogs under this name…but thats not the main reason.
EDITED besides…jews need bombs as well…who will take out the iran nuclear plant when the rest of the world fails to do anything? im just sayin…
i dont see why you people find this name offensive…a bit weird maybe…but not offensive…
January 7, 2010 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm #1218209mamashtakahMemberBTW, Mod42, NeveAliza is a neigborhood in Ginot Shomron/Karnei Shomron. Very little yiddish spoken there.
January 8, 2010 4:10 am at 4:10 am #1218210kollelboy123MemberI happen to agree with Hashem is Everywhere why dont we all just use the most Yiddishe thing in our life as our screen names
January 8, 2010 4:27 am at 4:27 am #1218211oldCRgang08Memberkollelboy—u shud be kollel yungermanchik.
January 8, 2010 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #1218212JotharMembera tam is a type of cap worn by Irish, Scottish, and Rastafarian peoples. It is not yiddish.
January 8, 2010 3:56 pm at 3:56 pm #1218213richthefurrydocMemberReal furry people were common in my native Monsey, more of a curiosity in the place I currently practice.
January 8, 2010 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm #1218214WolfishMusingsParticipantwhy dont we all just use the most Yiddishe thing in our life as our screen names
Some of us do.
The Wolf
January 8, 2010 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #1218215seeallsidesParticipantit’s usually a name you come up with on the spur of the moment and means very little – sorry- I don’t think this geulah is going to come because our blog names had yiddishe tam “???? ????? ?????
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January 8, 2010 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm #1218216HIEParticipantoldcrgang08, YOU ARE WRONG, this is a frum coffee room and a jewish taste is expected
January 8, 2010 5:25 pm at 5:25 pm #1218217The Dark KnightMemberbombmaniac, I like your name. It suits you.
January 8, 2010 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm #1218218bombmaniacParticipanti think so too 🙂
January 8, 2010 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm #1218220happyOOTerParticipantI think Yeshivish might also be appropriate! 🙂
January 8, 2010 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm #1218223WolfishMusingsParticipantI would like it stated, just for the record, that my post above was NOT referring to my blog. There is something more fundamentally Jewish about me contained in the words “Wolfish Musings.”
I can understand why the moderator thought it meant my blog…
Please put this post up to set the record straight.
The Wolf
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