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- This topic has 71 replies, 30 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by WIY.
January 8, 2010 5:20 pm at 5:20 pm #591075HIEParticipant
this post is devoted to speaking yiddish, have a conversation in yiddish, only yiddish please.
vas is dein numan?
January 8, 2010 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm #931501WolfishMusingsParticipantVelvishe Machshavos
January 8, 2010 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm #931502HIEParticipantmine nimen iz gut iz in ale platz!
January 8, 2010 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm #931503HIEParticipantveleche tzite iz lecht bentchen heint?
January 8, 2010 6:16 pm at 6:16 pm #931504bptParticipantZaa’tz moichel, YWN, vaiyl ich vel balt zugen vos iz (in mein germainug), der vich’tigster zach, vus me’ken zugen of yeedish, chotch es dermant der kompetion:
Vus iz neis!
January 8, 2010 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm #931505YW Moderator-80MemberBP Totty
I would like to appoint you honorary Yiddish Moderator in the Coffee Room.
Some moderators speak Yiddish, some don’t.
If you see a post here that you feel is not appropriate, please let me know by email at [email protected]
Anyone else who feels a post is not appropriate, also please email me
January 8, 2010 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm #931506HIEParticipantmod, i opened this thread, why am i not incharge?
Okay ,you’re in charge. Let me know if something is not proper. Anyone else also, please let me know.
January 8, 2010 6:22 pm at 6:22 pm #931507YW Moderator-80MemberAnd No, it wasn’t me wolf
January 8, 2010 6:39 pm at 6:39 pm #931510JotharMemberHub ich gehot a shverer voch…ubber ich vill zugan az yiddish is a goyishe lashon…azoy gezugt mein rosh yeshiva zt”l…
January 8, 2010 6:44 pm at 6:44 pm #931511squeakParticipantBP Totty: ich gedenk az der maskana fun der letzte yiddish schmooze du iz geven azoi: iz dor nischt ken “off-color” verte in yiddish – ken nischt zein – val yiddish iz a loshon kodosh. Alle yiddishe sprach iz b’etzem kosher und noch mer fun dem. Ergo, men darf nischt habben a “moderator” du in di “thread”.
Zug tzu 80.
January 8, 2010 6:48 pm at 6:48 pm #931512HIEParticipantich bet de YWN CR.. please refrain from used the language of ENGLISH in this thread.
January 8, 2010 6:48 pm at 6:48 pm #931513YW Moderator-80Membersqueak
Frecht the moderator:
That’s like: keep up the good work, right?
January 8, 2010 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm #931515HIEParticipantsqueak, ich bin maskim un ich vill zug tzu 80.
Moderator80, it was requested by squeak that no moderator is required for the language of yiddish because it is a ‘loshon kodesh’ ‘holy language’ and therefore there are no profanity and so on..
THIS is hereby the last post in this thread to have the language of english in it.(only the mod can speak in this thread in english.
Okay, I deleted the english posts. I’ll try to check in occasionally but I can’t be here all the time, but I’ll try to delete non-Yiddish posts periodically.
January 8, 2010 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm #931516squeakParticipantbomber-mentsch:
Vuz vilst du fun mir? Ich hut gelernt yiddish een a “convent”, und a bissel fun zeine “mama loshon” iz gemished.
80- vart far BP Totty tzu zein metargem far ir.
January 8, 2010 6:59 pm at 6:59 pm #931518HIEParticipantsqueak, 80 iz nisht do vile er nisht farshteist yiddish.
January 8, 2010 7:01 pm at 7:01 pm #931519HIEParticipant80- shkoyech far de kedushah “thread” !!!
January 8, 2010 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm #931520NY MomMemberIch redd nohr a bissel Yiddish.
Ein Yiddishe vort alle ken farshtay: OyVey!
January 8, 2010 7:07 pm at 7:07 pm #931521smartcookieMemberZeir git! Mir kennen aleh redden veggen em val er farshteit nisht!!
January 8, 2010 7:47 pm at 7:47 pm #931522bombmaniacParticipantder beste vort in de gantze velt: NU…
January 9, 2010 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm #931523YW Moderator-77Membersqueak: Ergo?! Dos zayn lateynishe vort.
January 10, 2010 12:15 am at 12:15 am #931525cherrybimParticipantA600KiloBear: Dos iz emes. Idish iz a heileger shprach un es iz nit dah kein shum nivel peh verter in dem shprach; ahber m’ken gut unshelten (curse) mit Idish.
January 10, 2010 12:20 am at 12:20 am #931526JotharMemberSqueak, meine Bundisteshe kroyvim zeinen a sach tzu freeden fun dein post!
Hub ic gehert a gevaldikke meiseh. a gadol hut gevein bei Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”l mit zein rebbetzin far a din toyrah. Der gadol hut gevil redden loshon hakodesh lekavod shabbos, ubber zein rebbetzin geredt nor yiddish. (Der gadol hut gevein in yeshiva biz shabbos). Rav Moshe zt” hut gepaskend az der gadol is Mechuyav tzu redden een Yiddish far shabbos!
January 10, 2010 5:44 am at 5:44 am #931528cheese cakeMember??? ???? ??? ?????
January 10, 2010 2:44 pm at 2:44 pm #931529bombmaniacParticipant???!
January 10, 2010 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm #931530williMemberver es ken shreiben in yiddishe oiseyes vet es machen feel gringer tzee leinen. ich ken nisht azoi git type’n yiddish uber ver es ken yu – vel ich dankbar zine (in ich vel ohch pribiren)
January 10, 2010 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm #931531williMembercheesecake – bist gerecht.
bombmanian – zaer git.
January 10, 2010 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm #931532mom12ParticipantIch volt geshribin mit yidishe oisiyos uber ich hub nisht di meglichkeit tzi toishen..
vet men azoi mizn oishalten…
nu…vus iz neyes?
January 10, 2010 6:33 pm at 6:33 pm #931533cheese cakeMember??? Google ????????
January 10, 2010 8:34 pm at 8:34 pm #931534bombmaniacParticipantpardon my use of english…but for all of you who want to type yiddish in the proper way…here is a guide. this is for windows users only…i dont know mac…but here goes.
start>control panel (please be sure to be in classic view in the control panel for this…you can find classic view on the top left of the control panel window)>regional and language options> heres where it splits up.
for windows xp in the window that opens up select the languages tab. in the bottom half of the window that opens..select the first check box to install hebrew on your computer. you will need a windows xp disc to install hebrew. after you have done that, (or if you already had hebrew installed) select the details button on th etop half of the window. toward the bottom right of the window that opens click add. scroll down in the menu that appears and select hebrew, click ok then click apply. you may now close all those windows. to switch between hebrew and english on your keyboard press alt and shift (on the left side of the keyboard).
heres for vista…in the window that opens up…select the keyboards and languages tab. click change keyboards. once again select add scrool down to hebrew and click the little “+” sign to the left. select the next “+” and then check the box that says hebrew. click ok…then apply, and once agian to switch between languages press alt and shift on the left side.
for windows 7 in the control panel under the “clock language and region” section, click the “change keyboards or other input methods” link. from here its the same as vista.
mods please post this it took me some time, and i hope i helped some of you.
January 11, 2010 10:00 am at 10:00 am #931538YW Moderator-77Member????? ??? ?? ?????????
January 11, 2010 12:45 pm at 12:45 pm #931539PosterMemberYiddish iz zayer vichtig!
January 11, 2010 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm #931540workingMemberoiy dus is azoi lachedig!!!
January 11, 2010 3:52 pm at 3:52 pm #931541bombmaniacParticipantvichtig…uber nisht heilig
January 11, 2010 3:53 pm at 3:53 pm #931542mom12Participantgitt! ober finn vus rett men?
stamm shtissim???
January 11, 2010 5:56 pm at 5:56 pm #931543BodekParticipantDos is “zaier” vichtige fuddem – veil oib men redt yiddish, tracht men yiddish!
January 11, 2010 6:31 pm at 6:31 pm #931544bptParticipantSqueak –
Eich hub takeh azoi gezugt far # 80, az Yiddish darf nish a shoimer. Ober es iz git as ehr (un der andereh mods) zol’n zich mitch’en zich a bissle, azio velen zey lernen Yeedish (ok, Yiddish, far alleh Litvaks, un chabad’skehs!)
Ven eeich been gevain in kittah 4, hut mayin Tatteh mir getoisht tzu a cheder vus lernt in Yeedish. (Eeech hob demoltz nisht geret a vort). Hut der rebbe mir tzu’geshtelt einer zul zein mein “translator” in alleh andere kinder hut men gezugt as m’zul nor redden yiddish mit ner naa’yeh kind, er zul konnen lernen.
In zeyh vus iz gevorin!
January 12, 2010 3:06 am at 3:06 am #931546aries2756ParticipantDu bist zeier gerecht. Ech ken nisht farshtanen far vus m’ret nisht Yiddish mit kleineh kinder. Ech zei in shul az a zoi feil menchen un vabelech yingeh un eltereh farshtanen nisht kan vort fin yiddish. Ven der Rav a”h hut gegeben a drasha far d yomim noraim, an alta mentch, eber 100 yur alt, mit zan ganza koach tzu shtanen un tzu redin un mut gekeeked oif de vent, mut nisht farshtanen nisht kein ain vort fin de chashuva verter fin vus ehr hut ebergegen mit de ganza hartz un mit bitera treiren.
January 12, 2010 4:01 am at 4:01 am #931547bombmaniacParticipanter ker och redden english mit “gantza hartz “un mit bitera treiren”
ich veis hisht far vus mentschen denken az yiddish iz “a heligeh shprach”. eltereh mentschen (un du ochet in america mit chassidim) vayl in der alte heim zey huben getedt yiddish. dus meint nisht az yiddish iz a “heilige shprach” dus meint…az yiddish is a vichtige shprach. ober…tzu zugen derfar mir muzen redden nur yiddish…is stam shtussim. yuh yiddish is vichtig tzu unz…
January 12, 2010 4:03 am at 4:03 am #931548HIEParticipantAhh!!! dus iz Mayain Alam Habah, dus is kedushah!!
January 12, 2010 6:07 am at 6:07 am #931549aries2756Participantde tam fin der verter is anderish ven mi zugt de drasha in english. A rav fin 100 yur vuz vill ous reden zan hartz, zol ehr nisht zan bakvemt? zol ehr nisht reden in zein eigeneh sprach? Vi azoi denkt ehr, en yiddish or in english? Avadeh denkt ehr in yiddish un ehr teitched ibber oif english ven ehr redt tzu kinder. Ober vein ehr hut geredt Yom Tov tzu di gantza kehilah ehr hut geret fin zahn hartz, nisht fin a papier vus ehr hut getaicht faren yom tov.
January 12, 2010 6:26 am at 6:26 am #931550bombmaniacParticipanta vadeh oib dein mammeh lashon iz yiddish zulst eer redten yiddish. ober oib eer zent geboyren in america…zul eer redten english. es is fein tzu veissen yiddish…ober far vos nisht redten english?
January 13, 2010 12:46 am at 12:46 am #931551goody613Member????????? ???? ?????, ??? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ??????
January 13, 2010 3:55 am at 3:55 am #931552goody613Member??? ???? ?? ??? ???
January 13, 2010 1:57 pm at 1:57 pm #931554aidle maidleParticipantich hoga lacht azoi loud af deir discussion!! ich och hot leib voos WolfishMusings hot geshriben-“Velvishe Machshavos”! 😀
January 13, 2010 2:29 pm at 2:29 pm #931555Mayan_DvashParticipantMine yingalach lernen in a bavooste yeshiva in fletbush. Ich bin tzufreeden az zei lernen toireh in yiddish, uber ich hub moireh az ven zei fangen uhn lernen gemureh, lernen zei nur in einglish. Nu, besser fin gurnisht.
January 13, 2010 3:21 pm at 3:21 pm #931556NY MomMemberaidle maidle: Deine numen is azoi git far de “Yiddish” thread!
January 13, 2010 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm #931557aidle maidleParticipantNY Mom: ah yoh, dee bist takeh gerechtz! ich hot nish even realize!
January 13, 2010 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm #931558bptParticipantAh git morgen, chevrah! (vee zoi zugt men dus in loshon n’kayvah…. Chevrah-tas?)
Noch a gitteh vert’l vus men zugt of yiddish, in me’ken nisht zugen of english iz:
“M’lot nisht leben, in m’lot nisht shtarben!” (Gaay zug dus of english.. es hut nisht der zelba taam!
January 13, 2010 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm #931560RaisedEyebrowMemberIch zol nisht reddin doo vahl ven ich red yiddish ich darf ah dukter far mein tzein 😉 Ubber vehn ich lein dus “thread”… oiy!! Ah shreck! Ich darf ah dukter far mahn oiygelech 😉
January 14, 2010 6:55 am at 6:55 am #931561bombmaniacParticipanteer kenst nitzin “google translate”
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