Yet Frum people get screamed at or thrown off the plane

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    Airline allows female passengers option to choose seats next to other women
    IndiGo says it ‘aims to make the travel experience more comfortable’ for female flight passengers….


    BM; Just to be clear, this is an Indian airline which is offering a comparable option long-available on Indian rail lines. If you’ve ever been to India, you know that most of the intercity rail lines have women only cars to literally protect women from the pervasive physical assaults and unwanted touching from men that is sadly embedded in Indian culture. It is not done for religious accommodation nor are women required to use gender-segregated rail cars. Some rail lines in Japan offer the same option and airlines are following suit. The same arrangements would likely be illegal in the U.S. and most of Europe.

    ☕️coffee addict

    To add to GH’s point

    It’s different if a man says he doesn’t want to sit next to a woman as opposed to the opposite

    Men are perceived as being perverts so women can’t control that so all they can control is sitting somewhere else, they expect the perv to control themself


    It proves the lie that it is somehow discriminatory or sexist to have gender separation.

    Just as women are permitted to demand sitting only next to another woman for being concerned about the small chance of being attacked, so too members of either gender ought to be permitted to demand to sit next to a member of their same gender for reasons of holiness in order to avoid unintended contact with a member of the opposite gender.


    >>>It’s different if a man says he doesn’t want to sit next to a woman as opposed to the opposite. Men are perceived as being perverts so women can’t control that so all they can control is sitting somewhere else, they expect the perv to control themself

    Huh? So when a “perv” asks to be seated elsewhere in an effort to control himself he is told he can’t make that request but when a woman deicides the guy sitting next to her is a perv who can’t control himself she has the right to sit elsewhere to prevent him from acting out? Why do woman have exclusive rights in deciding how men should act or can not act when it comes to seating on planes?


    “Why do woman have exclusive rights in deciding how men should act or can not act?”

    I’m sure there are documented cases where women on airplanes or on trains have assaulted mail passengers but it is an order of magnitude more frequent that men inappropriately touch or assault women. The numbers are what they are and sadly its not all that “rare”. Obviously not all men are “pervs” but in some countries the realities of these kinds of assaults are all too real and offering women the option is something the governments of those countries support. They are not doing it for purposes of “holiness” or any element of religious preference. Its purely a matter of physical safety.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “Why do woman have exclusive rights in deciding how men should act or can not act when it comes to seating on planes?“

    Because that is feminism


    Mexico City has subway cars that are restricted to women and children. The subway is so crowded that it is impossible not to have physical contact with others.

    anonymous Jew

    Ujm, you can request but cannot demand segregation based on gender.
    When asked, I comply 7nder the following conditions:

    1. The seat must be an aisle seat
    2. Seat cannot be near an infant


    The same women/children only options are available to some extent in Singapore, Manila, several cities in Japan, Thailand and other cities I’ve been to (and there are probably others). As repeated noted, the practice is driven entirely by levels of crowding and the extent there are high levels of inappropriate groping, assault etc.


    What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.


    How about airlines provide additional information during seat selection: gender, ethnicity, age range, girth, attractiveness level – all publicly observable when you are in the plane, marital status (optional) – I am sure they can charge more then.

    anonymous Jew

    It’s not just frum people. There are youtube channels dedicated to why/how people get thrown off planes and have yet to see it happen to a frum person


    “attractiveness level”

    That’s subjective.


    > That’s subjective.

    This is not the real problem. The real problem is that true answers will attract creeps, not well-matching candidates. Maybe booking system should simply ask users for their match com or CU@Sinai profiles and manage the bookings.

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