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- This topic has 39 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by Harris101.
April 15, 2018 10:32 am at 10:32 am #1506381Harris101Participant
What is a strong yeshiva for a boy who wants to be in a good environment and wants to grow a lot in Israel?
Also, what is Yeshiva Bais like?
April 15, 2018 11:26 am at 11:26 am #1506394ToiParticipantPerhaps providing the background of the boy looking for a yeshiva, where he is on the ‘yeshivish’ spectrum, and what he’s looking for in a Yeshiva will help us help you.
April 15, 2018 11:28 am at 11:28 am #1506398samthenylicParticipantBefore you consider a yeshiva in Israel, my 2 grandsons, who were there this winter till Pesach, negotiated with their Landlord for the spring-z’man and paid for their rooms. Last week upon returning, they found their rooms locked, and in one case, the yeshiva, told him that there is NO ROOM FOR HIM in the Beis Hamedresh, this after negotiating with the parents & taking a deposit.
NO WONDER SO MANY BOYS GO O.T.D! This is a “HIMMEL GESHRAY! Beware! There are plenty of American out-of-town yeshivas worth exploring.April 15, 2018 11:51 am at 11:51 am #1506403Harris101Participant@Toi he comes from a highly educated family- not too yeshivaish – less yeshivaish than his family but his parents want him to grow in that area. He wants a place with good boys who will not distract him(no smoking, drinking etc..) but rather influence him for the good.
April 15, 2018 12:05 pm at 12:05 pm #1506405moti134ParticipantThe best Yeshivas are in ISRAEL.
Everything in ISRAEL is better than חוץ לארץApril 15, 2018 12:27 pm at 12:27 pm #1506407April 15, 2018 12:29 pm at 12:29 pm #1506411The little I knowParticipantmoti134:
I think I have אהבת ארץ ישראל to a large degree. I am among those who thinks about it often, concentrate on many references to it in davening and birchas hamazon, etc. So I am not in any way minimizing קדושת הארץ by my comment that follows.
I consider your statement somewhere close to moronic, as it misses the point greatly. You see, the matching of a bochur to a yeshiva is quite similar to a shidduch of a prospective chosson and kallah. The location is irrelevant, and the principal (not the academic one) is what really matters. Someone who is born and bred in E”Y might have his/her shidduch in חוץ לארץ. The בת קול called out names, not addresses.
Every bochur carries a profile of assets and liabilities, a unique combination of traits, history, tendencies, and dynamics that will do best in certain yeshivos while faring poorly in others. But not every bochur belongs going to yeshiva that is a great distance from home. For some, it is great. For others it is a fatal mistake.
Generalizations will not accomplish much when applied to the exclusion of full consideration of matching the bochur to the yeshiva.
April 15, 2018 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm #1506423Midwest2ParticipantIf the parents are pushing him to be more yeshivish, sending him to EY might be a disaster, unless they have family there who will keep a close eye on him.
Every boy and girl has their own personality and values, and trying to push them to be something they’re not happy is going to set them up for a difficult time. From what I’ve heard there is a real lack of supervision in the yeshivas there compared to here, and the temptations are just as strong., especially if there is no family close by for support.
If the family is well-educated but not extremely yeshivish it is’t reasonable to expect the son they have raised to be different. If there are problems that are not being mentioned, and I sense there might be, it would be better to get counseling or personalized advice. It might also be wise to – strange as it may seem – talk to the bochur himself and find out what he feels he needs. Trying to jam a square peg into a round hole damages both the peg and the hole.
April 15, 2018 1:00 pm at 1:00 pm #1506432moti134ParticipantHarris101 you are right.
I didn’t mean that every bochur have to study in ISRAEL.
But those who can, we have here in ISRAEL, yeshivos of all kinds.April 15, 2018 1:19 pm at 1:19 pm #1506440Harris101Participantmidwest2 the boy himself wants to become better–his parents are not forcing him.
Any suggestions of yeshivos–or does anyone know what Bais is like?
April 15, 2018 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm #1506558iacisrmmaParticipantYeshiva Toras Chaim
April 15, 2018 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm #1506546refoelzeevParticipant@samthenylic the exceptional cases such as the one you describes have no bearing on the majority of cases where thousands of bochurim have positive experiences in yeshivos in Israel and shteig away. No need to scare others.
April 15, 2018 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #1506570Harris101Participantiacisrmma –Wats yeshivas Toas Chaim like?
April 15, 2018 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm #1506686🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantSam, i thought you were making it up until i heard that my friends kid got to his dira to find out they gave it away to someone else. I too hope those who do that are not the same ones redponsible for bringing Torah to the bachurim.
April 16, 2018 1:53 pm at 1:53 pm #1506965oyyoyyoyParticipantMaybe Tomo
April 16, 2018 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm #1507062sam4321ParticipantYeshivas Bais Yisroel is a very fine yeshiva. They have real talmidei chachamim as rebbeim. Its a very solid yeshiva.
April 17, 2018 11:31 am at 11:31 am #1507342iacisrmmaParticipantHarris101: Two of my cousins attended the yeshiva as well as others from my shul. I don’t have any personal knowledge other then how I see these bochurim daven and learn. One bachur went to EY as a “brooding” teenager to come back to Chutz Laretz a smiling ben torah.
April 20, 2018 10:11 am at 10:11 am #1509208Harris101Participant@sam4321 and @iacisrmma thank you!- but can u elaborate more of what u know about it? any aspect..
April 21, 2018 10:13 pm at 10:13 pm #1509389sam4321ParticipantWhat specifically would you like to know?
April 22, 2018 9:44 am at 9:44 am #1509456Harris101Participanteverything! do boys become more serious there? whats the atmosphere like? is it a warm place?etc..
April 22, 2018 12:08 pm at 12:08 pm #1509653sam4321ParticipantIts a serious place,but at the same time the guys are very normal . As I mentioned before the Rebbeim are real talmidei chachamim who give over a real mehalach in learning. The yeshiva is a big mix of guys,coming from America,and European countries. The yeshiva also has many transfers from other yeshivas who decided they wanted a more serious learning environment.
April 22, 2018 4:34 pm at 4:34 pm #1509699ToiParticipantI don’t know if you care, and I don’t mean this negatively; it is a shtikl on the harry-ish side, not considered ‘yeshivish’ at all.
April 22, 2018 9:20 pm at 9:20 pm #1509730cjweezParticipantKerem B’yavneh. Far and above the best yeshivah for American guys in Israel. at least for Shana Aleph.
April 22, 2018 9:58 pm at 9:58 pm #1509746SteveParticipantThe mir is the best yeshiva!!! There is a different shiur for everyone and as long as he ends up in a dira with good guys he shld do well!
If he’s not on the level of the mir maybe one of the brisker yeshivos like reb avraham yehoshua or reb dovid (maybe reb tzvi) will be good for him.April 22, 2018 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm #1509750🍫Syag LchochmaParticipant“If he’s not on the level of the mir maybe one of the brisker yeshivos like reb avraham yehoshua or reb dovid (maybe reb tzvi) will be good for him.”
April 22, 2018 11:31 pm at 11:31 pm #1509769HalachayidParticipantNot sure you meant about the Brisker Yeshivos, but the Mir is definitely the best place to be if I is somewhat self motivated and is serious about his learning
April 23, 2018 7:44 am at 7:44 am #1509855ToiParticipant@Me12345- How could you possibly say it’s the best Yeshiva given the rest of your comment. Are you even being serious? The better guys by R’ Asher are great, but the average guy in the Mir doesn’t hold a candle to an average Brisker bochur. Trust me, I learnt in one of the Brisker yeshivos, and spoke in learning many times with guys in the Mir. There is no comparison.
@Halachayid- Why would you say that over Brisk, etc.?
KBY is vaiter more modernish/harry-ish/mizrachi-ish, though it is a great place for serious guys that fit there.
April 23, 2018 10:50 am at 10:50 am #1509987BORUCHHASHEMBORUCHHASHEMParticipantYep..
So im in the sugya myself and i have done lots of research into basically every american yeshiva in EY.
Here are some options (like bais) with details:Bais Yisroel, as you asked, I have a couple of friends going there. It has great learning but the guys are also chilled. It is in Neve Yacov which is a bit out of the way from everything.
Mercaz Hatorah, similiar to Bais, also quality learning and the guys are cool as well.
Senters (aderes hatorah) – Great Place!
Tomo (Toras Moshe) – More shtark than above mentioned places..
Reb Tzvis (heichal hatorah) – Also more shtark and serious than above places.
Medrash Shmuel – Amazing place, very warm atmosphere with good learning.
Toras Chaim – Top Ruchniyus, Top Gashmiyus….
Brazils (Zeev Hatorah) – More ‘hipped out’, spiritual guys, incredibly warm and loving
Ohr Someach – Apart from the kiruv, they have an amazing bais medrash program
AJ’s – more chilled
Check each one out, google them, ask around..
Hatzlochoh Rabbah
Hope to see you in EY!!!!
April 23, 2018 11:29 am at 11:29 am #1510021HalachayidParticipant@Toi
I figured you went to a brisk yeshiva that’s what a lot of them think. I’m not putting down brisker yeshivos, but the Mir is a real mokom Torah and there is a lot of opportunity to grow, lot s of shiurim in mussur and hashkafa that you don’t get in the brisker yishivos,( there is a reason why a lot of guys from brisk come to Rabbi Elefant’s alei shur vaad) and yes there are a lot of guys in the mir that are wasting their time, but there are plenty of brisk guys wasting their time (in a more yeshivishe oifen) but as I said for a guy that takes his learning seriously I think the Mir is the best place, unless your specifically looking to be a brisker.April 23, 2018 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm #1510076BORUCHHASHEMBORUCHHASHEMParticipantMir is not a first yeshiva, and there is not much support in terms of mussar, hashkafah, or personal mashgiach.. it is more for older guys once they have been in yeshiva for a few years. Which may not be applicible here.
Same thing with brisk!April 23, 2018 1:20 pm at 1:20 pm #1510112ToiParticipantHalachayid- I’m not knocking the things the Mir has to offer. There are more guys in the Mir wasting their time, in a less yeshivishe oifen, and being in a brisker yeshiva and becoming a brisker are not at all synonymous. The mehalach halimud is incomparable; a good guy in brisk will take apart a good guy in the Mir anytime. I’m not saying they’re not good yeshivaleit, I’m saying the darga in learning cannot be compared. I have friends in the ‘elite’ chaburas in Mir, over 30, have been there for 10+ years, are very smart and serious, and just aren’t as good in learning as their counterparts in brisker yeshivos. I don’t think anyone who knows the matzav will question this. The really, really good guys by R Asher are usually ex-brisker chevra, and I know some of the best guys from R Asher that went on to learn in brisker yeshivas after having finished the whole machzor by him, and admit there’s no comparison in mehalach. If you’re looking to learn how to learn, besides shteiging in ruchnius, a brisker place will best afford you that opportunity. That said, almost no-one can be compared to R Asher- I heard chazara shiur from him for a week when my kollel learnt the same mesechta as the Mir, and I was poshut blown away. Also, it should be noted that Brisk wasn’t shtelled aveck for mussar, rather mostly for learning, and a bit of hashkafa (if you call RAY’s chumash shiur hashkafa, but that’s a whole ‘nother animal).
April 23, 2018 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm #1510135SteveParticipantHarris
All the different yeshivos have categories that they fall into. Bais is mostly out of towners. They usually come straight of high school and some of them do really well there if they stay the course. Tj is usually kids with a history or they’re on the way down and if u stay the course after 3 years ull “flip out” and go to the mir. Ohr sameach has a program for everyone although it’s a kiruv program. Keren biyavne is prob one of the top non chareidi yeshivos and they will try to get u yo make aliya. The mir as stated above has a shiur for almost anyone (although the youngest guys there r 20 and most guys 1st get to there at 21) and you also need to be sort of self motivated.
April 23, 2018 1:53 pm at 1:53 pm #1510133SteveParticipantToi
I myself learnt in brisk and then the mir and u might b right that most of the top guys from the good yeshivos in america go to brisk but the biggest masmidim r in the not! If u wanna be part of a yeshiva for sure don’t go to brisk. Ull end up In achva down the block and if u don’t go with a group if guys ur finished. In the mir each shiur has a core group of guys that are really serious and they’re much bigger masmidim then the briskers. Of the 300 American bachurim by reb Asher there are 200 of them that can hold there own with any bachur in brisk (although idk y were trying to make it a competition)!
April 23, 2018 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm #1510241ToiParticipant@Me12345- I’m maskim about the craziness of the matzav in brisk in terms of shiur, achva, etc. Fully agree it doesn;t have the tzurah of a reg. yeshiva- probably R Tzvi and R Sholom would be better for that. I don’t know if I believe 2/3 of the oilam by R Asher match up, but I don’t know, just speaking from experience from handling with everyone there I know- and I know good guys. Didn’t mean to make it a competition, just my thoughts about where to go to develop best in learning.
April 25, 2018 12:58 pm at 12:58 pm #1511026Harris101Participant@BORUCHHASHEMBORUCHHASHEM can u elaborate a bit more on bais and other yeshivos?
what yeshiva do u think is best for someone who is a bit modern but wants to go to a serious place and grow–a place with no smoking , drinking…?May 11, 2018 10:20 am at 10:20 am #1519339mendy1234Participantcan anyone tell me a bit about tomo?
May 23, 2018 11:52 pm at 11:52 pm #1525376Harris101ParticipantCan anyone elaborate about Senters? what is it like? what kind of boys go there? is it a serious place?TIA!
May 24, 2018 7:55 am at 7:55 am #1525399SammyonetwoParticipantThe smartest guys are in brisk period no one argues with out.
Now what’s a lot more important then being smart is actually learning itself not just growing your Payos and saying your in brisk now I’m not saying brisk guys don’t learn ofcurse they do some of the best massmidim our American Yeshivas produce are there.But their is a portion of brisk that are just there to say I’m in brisk while doing nothing the whole entire day and yes their are mir guys who do nothing but mir is a 100 times the size then brisk and brisk is sopposed to be the best.
An average mir guy who learns all the time is learning more lishma then a brisk guy just because he not learning to say I’m in brisk and prove everyone he can learn better then you and is smarter.
My dira was half brisk half mir so I’m a pretty good source
May 24, 2018 7:55 am at 7:55 am #1525400SammyonetwoParticipantSenters guys come in not interested in learning and a lot of times to cool to be in mir or just more 5 towns type who just never went to yeshivish yeshivas AND LEAVE the Yeshiva really frum learning guys that will send their kids to Yeshvish yeshivas because they just found themselves and what’s makes them happy in life.
All my friends that were in centers always said they live it thier and I saw transformation in so many of them if they wanted to find themselves.
I have to admit I was jealous back then sometimes how a lot of them just seemed so happy because they were learning a ton and found the right balence of fun to help them grown.
I have friends that wanted to bad and they did bad inventers to Isreal in general depends on what the guy wants to do with his life that’s why it’s very scary to send guys who haven’t realized it’s time to see what I’m about as a person and what I believe in.
But yet again a lot of bochrim know thier doing what’s wrong just want to have fun and when they have become a man they do the all depends on personality alot
May 27, 2018 12:21 pm at 12:21 pm #1526510Harris101ParticipantCan someone compare and contrast Senters yeshiva and Bais Yisrael Yeshivas in Israel?TIA
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