Yeshiva Tuition

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    Recently I was excepted to a Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel. The date of my admissions is the 6th of Shevat. I have recieved about two thirds of the years tuition from grants but I am still short by about $6,000. My family is unable to help due to their issues with parnassa and I am currently selling any of my possessions that have any value. I have some money saved but barely enough for daily living expenses for the year. I am not worried in the slightest bit, I know that HKBH is in control. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions or advice for my tuition situation. Everything is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    am yisrael chai

    wondering if the school would work something out with you if you contacted them


    You were excepted? Well you must be an exceptional person.


    Ein Od Milvado- I have a suggestion…..”Ein Od Milvado” !!! and you dont need to search the CR for ideas. Remember the famous Ein Od Milvado story with the Nazis on the train? They didnt hide in the bathroom, on the roof, undercarriage etc..


    ayc – i have contacted the admissions department and seem pretty set on me coming up with the rest of the tuition. they pointed me in the direction of the grants.

    mr. prime – sorry about the usage and context error. accepted*


    When you go to College, Many colleges have a work-study program where they give you a Job on Campus to earn some extra money.

    Is this possible in Israel?

    Do Yeshiva’s in Israel allow Bochrim a part time job outside the yeshiva , if there are no in Yeshiva jobs available (Is this Legal according to Israeli law)



    do you except his apology?

    ain od,

    is there another yeshiva where you can learn as well which charges less tuition? $18,000 sounds rather steep. Do all Israeli yeshivos charge that much?


    mr dad – i dont think that i have the option or time to work. the daily study schedule is pretty intense.

    mr brown – all roads have led me to this yeshiva. i took a a lot of things into consideration when making my choice. as far as cost for yeshiva goes, i have no idea.


    I still think it is exceptional you are doing so much in order to learn Torah in Eretz Yisroel.

    Perhaps you can work in the Yeshiva as a kitchen boy or something in that category. A friend of mine is currently employed as a waiter for Shabbos meals in a Yeshiva in New York City. While he cannot go home for the weekends as much as the other students, he does pay a lower amount of tuition.


    Perhaps you can work something out with the Yeshiva. Like writting a contract in which you obligate yourself to pay the remaining balance in payments over the next two or three years.

    Anyways, I think that if you cannot afford the tuition, you should choose a different yeshiva.

    Dr. Seuss

    Hillel didn’t choose a different shiur when he couldn’t afford to pay to attend. He went to the roof and listened in.


    Maybe cuz there was no other shiur available at that time and place.


    thank you for the recommendations. im sure everything will work out.

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