Yeshiva guys on the Internet when they are supposedly learning in yeshiva

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    There are learning guys on the market as learning and doing the right thing that are supposedly in yeshiva all day everyday… But they are on the Internet until 5 in the morning… Get up late don’t go to shachris… Etc…

    Why are parents sending them away to learn if they can’t be mature enough to appreciate what the purpose is??!! It makes me sick to see kids (bachurim) that I know are in yeshiva and are online!! Don’t send your kids away just to have the reputation of a learning boy’ send him to learn after he can appreciate what learning is!!

    Hell just ruin his name and reputation otherwise… So it’s not worth it!!

    I’m definitely sending my boys away to yeshiva after a year of university. Not before that! They can learn in their spear time in a local yeshiva.. What are you doing to your kids?! They are wasting their youth!!!

    K enuf with da rant now don’t all yell back but I’d like to hear sum feedback in a respectful manner!


    so your solution is that they should mess up their kids names instead what kind of purpose is that? a better solution is to enroll your kids in a hybrid program such as landers, ohr hachaim, ner yisroel, or shaar yashuv where you get the best of both worlds.

    this will teach the kids a sense of achrayus which is lacking in many yeshivos. btw im not sure why online makes it worse – this kind of stuff was happening before the internet became as prevelant, then it was movies, going places etc.


    Jbaldy22: How am I ruining my kids name by sending them to university after highschool until they are mature enough to make calculated decisions? I do agree that a yeshiva program/university program is better than just a regular college… However there are outta town communities where this is not plausible.. There needs to be more of those types of programs…every Yeshiva ketana should be a like a ner israel! No matter how Yeshivish they are yeshiva kids are wasting their youth not only with the Internet but also like you mentioned with nondirective stimulation… Whether the child wants to learn for the rest of his life or have a profession should be his decision based on that year after high school. No parent should ever force a child to do Sth because it’s the done thing.


    wut is this i don’t even…

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