YCT Mechayev es ha'apikorsim

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    You might think you will go to shomayim, and they’ll say, why didn’t you learn Torah?

    And you’ll say, “because I was an apikores!”

    But they’ll say, “klum hayisah apikores yoseir m’YCT?” “Could you have been an apikores more than YCT?” And YCT people learn! (albeit rak l’kanter…)

    So you see, YCT is mechayev the apikorsim.


    Are you sure YCT is absolutely the worst?

    catch yourself

    I thought it’s better not to learn than to learn rak l’kanter.


    CY: Ask better.

    Do they ask the apikorsim why they didn’t learn Torah? And if they do, do the apikorsim think that being an apikores is a good excuse?


    Do they ask the apikorsim why they didn’t learn Torah? And if they do, do the apikorsim think that being an apikores is a good excuse?

    Why not? Look, you can get me for being an apikores, but once I am, can you get me again for doing what apikorsim do? I dunno.

    Rebyid: Yes. You phrased it perfectly. They are “the worst.”


    Well, the famous story with the Vilna Gaon seems like you. He was in jail, and rebuked the guard, a Jew who had shmadded himself, for eating without a brachah.

    The guard was taken aback. “I completely abandoned Yiddishkeit, and you’re worried about my saying a brachah?!”

    The Gaon explained how a person will be held accountable for every single deed.

    As the story goes, he came back to Yiddishkeit.

    May all of our lost brethren at YCT come back to Yiddishkeit.


    For whatever it’s worth, several fellow YCT students were outraged at the dumb statements of a YCT student this week and felt he went beyond the pale of Orthodoxy.


    he went beyond the pale of Orthodoxy.

    Why didn’t they call a spade a spade and state it is apikorsus?


    “For whatever it’s worth, several fellow YCT students were outraged at the dumb statements of a YCT student this week and felt he went beyond the pale of Orthodoxy”

    Could you provide clarification or a term to search so I can understand your comment better?



    For whatever it’s worth, several fellow YCT students were outraged at the dumb statements of a YCT student this week and felt he went beyond the pale of Orthodoxy

    Yes, we know how this goes. Now they each write a blog post about it, and then their teachers post on facebook proudly referencing the “rischa neged (sic) oraisah.”


    Joseph: You’re gonna be Medayeik in thirdhand hearsay? “Outside the pale of Orthodoxy”=Apikorsus. No one there was saying otherwise.

    PBA: Are you referencing that you actually saw a Rebbe from there that supported the insane comments? It happened, I’m just curious if you knew it happened or got lucky.

    And the students and other faculty Rebbeim were very upset at this Rabbi for agreeing with the Apikores Talmid.

    At some point the Yeshivah will make a split. Either they’ll kick out all of the Apikorsim or all of the non-Apikorsim (read: Rabbi Linzer and everyone Frum there because they all hold like him) will leave. Until then, though, it is both impossible to accord the institution any respect and unfair to denigrate those who go there who are Frum (though that number is dwindling).


    You misunderstood my question, Sam. I was asking why didn’t the YCT guys call apikorsus about the thing the YCT guy said that they acknowledged crossed Orthodox boundaries.



    Actually, neither. I don’t even know what statements you are referring to. I’ve just read this book before.

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