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    I recently came to the realization that I may be the only person on earth who, when the gabbai calls them up to the Torah by saying “Ya’amod” that they sit down.

    This strange state of affairs came to be because of my illness. As an accommodation, I was told I could sit down between aliyos while the gabbi says his MiSheberachs. As a result, whenever I get an aliya, and the gabbai calls me up, I then proceed to sit down until the MiSheberachs are over before getting up to say the Birchas HaTorah for my aliyah.

    No, there’s nothing particularly important about this post… just an odd quirk I noticed.

    The Wolf

    Avram in MD


    May you have a refuah shleima and get back to “talking” during leining soon (if you want to)!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Refuah Sheleima.

    I’m not getting something – why are you standing to begin with, that you have to sit down when they call you for an Aliyah?


    Correct me if I’m mistaken, but… I don’t think Reb Wolf ever stopped talking during leining!


    Sounds like he stands to lain and sits down bein gavra legavra. Even if he’s called, he still sits until time to make the bracha.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Could be; sounded to me like he davka sits when called for an aliyah. If you’re right, he sits regardless of whether he or someone else is called up.


    I’m sorry if I was less than clear or didn’t fully explain.

    No, I never stopped laining. B”H, despite two years of pancreatic cancer, I’ve still managed to continue laining just about every week. The only difference is that before, when I was standing during laining and between aliyos, when the gabbi would call me up, I wouldn’t have to do anything, because I was already standing there. I just waited until the gabbai finished his MiSheberachs and then would recite the Birchas HaTorah for my own aliya.

    Now, I sit down after every aliya, so when the gabbi says “Ya’amod…,” I sit until the gabbai finished the MiSheberachs (whereupon I get up and to recite the Birchas HaTorah).

    The Wolf

    ☕️coffee addict

    Very funny wolf


    Perhaps adopt a Sephardeshe persona and arrange for someone in the Varbeshe section (Mrs. Wolfish or a surrogate) to stand when they hear the Ya’amod so the gabbai doesn’t take it personally.


    Wolf, refuah shleimah.
    Maybe you could make it easier on yourself and arrange to partner with someone and lain every second aliya so that you can rest and continue laining for many years to come?!

    kalte litvak

    Do you have to be sitting for them to say yaamod? Walfish any relation to heshy?(country yossis sidekick)

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