Would you re-elect trump?!?!

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    Lololol…… Freddy the shark trying to bite a chunk
    out of the other” thread’ster…”
    Yes, of course. …MAGA



    ☕️coffee addict

    All the libs would say “of course the three of you would vote for trump, you’re white males”


    I always assumed Joseph was black


    How are we supposed to know the race of other posters?

    ☕️coffee addict


    Why does knowing one’s race preclude a democrat from saying that


    I’m yellow (Chinese).


    Yes, the biggest ally the Jews ever had.


    Of course I would and be”h he will get reelected

    Avi K

    Absolutely. The alternatives are an ultra-leftists antisemitic socialist and a crook who wants to force people to change their religious beliefs.

    Mariana Santos

    PUUuuuHahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!

    Oh wait, you’re serious?!?!?

    Good heavens!! Of course not. Aside from moving the embassy and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel what prezactly has the Commander In Chief done for the Israeli State or Jews in general? Yup, I’m having a hard time fishing for an answer to that as well. Even the stock market is cowering in the face of his antics.

    The best thing President Trump can do for himself, and the country, is to put an end to his baloney style of governance is by breaking ties with the Republican Party and forming an independent style of third party. It will allow him to save face when he resoundingly loses the next election and it will give the Republicans a chance to catch their breath, regroup, and return as a viable option for those who’s politics skew to the right.

    The man is a worldwide laughing stock clown. It’s not a good look on him or by extension any and all Americans. Jews included.


    You mean, ” Would I vote to re-elect Trump.” The answer is that it depends. There is no doubt that Trump is something of a mixed bag as POTUS. He started out strong but lately his ego and his arrogance are getting in the way of good governance. Also, bear in mind that he didn’t so much win the election in 2016 but that Hillary blew it. The up side of that was that Hillary was not only even more ego driven and arrogant than Trump, she was also dumb as a brick.
    back to the OP’s question, Would I vote for Trump in 2020, The answer is a conditional “yes” unless:
    1. Trump does something so egregiously stupid that I decide he cannot be allowed another term
    2. The Democrats run a candidate who is not a radical Socialist, Progressive anti-Semite, America hater
    but who espouses reasonable policies at least some of which I support. ( Highly unlikely but possible)
    3. There is a primary fight in the GOP and Trump loses in which case I will probably support the
    Republican candidate unless he’s a complete duffus and the Dems select option 2. (N.B. can’t vote for
    Trump if he isn’t the candidate)

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    If the questions is do I think he’s sold out and betrayed his loyal supporters like myself, yes I do.

    But, I will probably still vote for him. What else am I going to do? Vote for Elizabeth Warren?



    “ALL” the libs would say…………

    NONSENSE,this lib is a white male who voted against Trump, as did his sons, brothers and sons-in-law

    Don’t use absolutes that are FAKE NEWS and ALTERNATIVE FACTS, that’s Trumpian…open your mouth and spew lies

    roger green

    of course!!!!!

    ☕️coffee addict


    I thought you can think for yourself

    You guys say “everyone that voted for trump is a white male”


    “All white males voted for trump”

    Simple logic reasoning

    Not commenting

    No Yid in their right mind should say no to that question and if they do must be שנכנסה בהם רוח שטות
    So the answer is YES the best thing that ever happened to America and Israel

    Shopping613 🌠

    I mean, I think Trump is pretty good, but not like the best.
    If someone better comes around, than I would not re-elect.
    If no one better comes around I’d re-elect…if I feel like going through the whole mess of elections overseas.


    Youguys? Who?
    I have never said all Trump voters are white males,
    I live in a little Republican dominated town. I know many females who voted Republican in 2016

    Your logic is warped


    So it seems like 90% of Jews would still vote for trump!!!!

    ☕️coffee addict

    ny times

    Ever since Donald J. Trump began his improbable political rise, many pundits have credited his appeal among white, Christian and male voters to “economic anxiety.” Hobbled by unemployment and locked out of the recovery, those voters turned out in force to send Mr. Trump, and a message, to Washington.


    After Trump’s surprise win in the 2016 presidential election, disaffected, middle-aged, working-class white men were credited with one of the biggest political upsets in American presidential politics.

    who’s logic is warped, ctlawyer?

    Mariana Santos

    Not really, Freddy. Your 90% doesn’t take into account that your straw poll was conducted in the Coffee Room of a small ‘c’ Conservative Jewish news site. You’d need a much larger cross section of the American Jewish electorate to participate in your poll for a more accurate analysis.


    90% of Jews did NOT vote for Trump
    the percentage you mention might apply to frum Jews, not unobservant Jews


    Joseph, calling Chinese people yellow is dumb. If you want to be non-PC, you say Oriental. That’s also silly, but it’s still more correct.


    Chinese people aren’t yellow !!!


    My initial response was because you used the word all, which I know to be false……………………

    I know many white males who voted in 2016 and did not vote for Trump.

    You can not use absolutes and paint them as accurate, they are too easy to refute


    As presidents go, Trump isn’t actually the worst. But out of the millions of people who could be president, do you really think that he’s the best choice?


    I think Joseph was just identifying himself as a a Jaundiced Chinese-American


    In that case, ubiquitin, does it mean our healthcare system needs to be reformed in a way that allows more people to access quality healthcare?


    Probably not. I voted for him the first time, but now he has moved to limit gun rights and is getting kookier by the hour. Plus he got rid of Mattis. It depends who runs against him, but he is going to have to work hard to earn my vote back.

    ☕️coffee addict

    You can not use absolutes and paint them as accurate, they are too easy to refute


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