Women staying up all night on shevuos and being tznius all night.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Women staying up all night on shevuos and being tznius all night.

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    Can they eat cheesecake in the morning?


    Yes, they can eat cheesecake, but first they have to drink coffee.


    Can they eat cheesecake in the morning?

    What, as a punishment for being feminists?

    (I have a machlokes with popa about cheesecake. He holds it’s disgusting, I hold it’s delicious. The punishment is l’shitaso, but l’maaseh, we pasken like me.)


    Taka if they were to eat cheesecake the whole night that might make their clothes tighter tough call.


    DaasYochid, you are mistaken. The feminists learn all night. The anti-feminists stay up all night and are tznius.


    The non-feminists go to sleep. You can sleep and be tznius, but you need to be awake to learn (unless a malach comes to you in your dream).


    The non-feminists sleep. The anti-feminists, to show that for a woman tznius is more important than learning as the feminists do, stay up all night to make sure that they are tznius.


    Anti-feminists are non-feminists, and they sleep, as they should, so that they can be well rested to serve their husbands cheesecake when they come home in the morning.


    The feminists only learn on shavuos night and the non-feminists learn every night besides shavuos.


    I’m not a feminist and I’m up every night learning Toras Hatinokim

    But Shavuos night, I’m going to let my husband learn instead.


    Not all anti-feminists are non-feminists.


    If you’re not a non-feminist, that means you’re a feminist, so probably not an anti-feminist.


    I’m up every night learning Toras Hatinokim

    I know a woman who’s learning the same thing. Are you possibly looking for a chavrusah?


    A lot of anti-feminists are really secretly half feminist.


    Then they’re secretly not really anti-feminists.


    They are half feminist, half anti feminists and they half hate themselves.


    Are they half asleep Shavuos night?


    Half of them is half asleep, the other half is half asleep half the time.

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