Women in the workplace

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  • #615185

    Bogen wrote in explanation why it is assur for there to be pictures of woman:

    Obviously, it seems like a stretch to say that since a woman’s main role is in the home therefore they can’t be seen in pictures… but I want to ask the more obvious question:

    If being in a picture is a contradiction to the halacha that a woman’s place is in the home, certainly actually being in the workplace is a contradiction to a woman being in the home. Why is it okay for a woman to support her husband in kollel? Which other issurim are permitted to ensure full time learning?

    Even if one can argue that this is not a hard and fast issur, it’s still a kulah for a woman to go out to the work world. Shouldn’t a full time career of Talmud Torah be built on a lifestyle of strict adherence to halachah and chumros, not relying on kulos to make it work out?


    This question was already answered by the only CR poster with an ounce of sechel.

    The purpose of women working is not to look at them. The purpose of pictures is to look at them.

    If a woman was going to work as a model, then certainly I would agree with you that it is innapropriate, even if she is modeling tznius clothes.

    the plumber

    Agree fully with pba

    But even if you dont like that svara, talmud torah is k’neged kulam. So why would you assume you shouldnt?

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