Why Moshiach didn’t come after the holocaust.

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    Somebody pls tell me the answer to this question because surely full redemption is greater than the creation of the state of Israel.


    Because of the Zionists.

    I’m not saying as such; the Gedolim said so.


    a number of gedolim have said specifically because of Zionism and it’s state that ensnared so many otherwise frum jews into that heresy. this is not to say we know Divine calculations or reasons, rather we are obligated to look at the reality of our situation and always learn from it and do tshiva


    I think we should bring Obama back as president of America. He’s the best person for the job


    Actually, the two are opposite of each other: galus under the Zionists is the worst galus, as per Rav Elchonon Wasserman.

    Both the Satmar Rav and Brisker Rav stated the reason was that Jews prayed for the Zionist idol “State” to come into being instead of praying for Moshiach, and that Moshiach would (not just could) have come then. The Satmar Rav wrote this Divrei Yoel al HaTorah in Vayechi. The source for the Brisker Rav is in the Brisker Rav books by Rabbi Meller, if memory serves.


    HaKatan said:

    “Both the Satmar Rav and Brisker Rav stated the reason
    was that Jews prayed for the Zionist idol “State”
    to come into being instead of praying for Moshiach,
    and that Moshiach would (not just could) have come then.”


    Considering that neither one of them was a Navi [prophet],
    how could they have so much detailed knowledge,
    and such certain knowledge, of Cheshbonei Shamayim?


    In a conversation with the Satmar Rav, shortly after his talk
    on the U.N. declaration, Reb Shraga Feivel [Mendlowitz]
    was subjected to the sharpest criticism for his “Zionist leanings.”

    Later he told his family, “I could have answered him [the Satmar Rav]
    Chazal for Chazal, Midrash for Midrash,
    but I did not want to incur his wrath,
    for he is a great man and a tzaddik.”

    He added with a twinkle, “And besides, he has a fiery temper”…

    SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz,
    the architect of Torah in America (chapter 26, page 335 to 336)
    by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001,
    based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
    ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965


    Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz was the founder of Torah U’Mesorah
    and became principal of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in year 1921 CE.
    His career in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas lasted 25 years.
    He was known as “the premier architect of Torah in American history.”
    He left this world in 1948 CE at the age of 62 years.


    Once full-scale war broke out after the State of Israel declared
    its existence on May 14, 1948 [CE] Reb Shraga Feivel’s [Mendlowitz]
    thoughts were never far from Eretz Yisrael.

    A group of students saw him outside the Mesivta building one day,
    talking excitedly with Rabbi Gedaliah Schorr and
    gesticulating rapidly with the newspaper held in his hand.

    “If I were your age,” he [Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz]
    told the students, “I would take a gun and go to Eretz Yisrael.”

    SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz,
    the architect of Torah in America (chapter 26, page 338) by Yonoson Rosenblum
    for Artscroll / Mesorah, year 2001, based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
    ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965


    The OP question is based on the assumption that (1)Mosiach would have come right after the holocaust and (2)there is some correlation with the State of Israel for why it didn’t. First explain in simple terms that even the feeble minded like me can understand why either of those two assumptions are necessarily true and then we can discuss the answer.

    Bonus extra credit question. Why does Hashem have so much more issue with the Zionists than any other secular Jewish group? The (anti-Zionist) Yevsektsiya certainly did a lot more destruction to Torah and Mitvahs than the Zionists. Ditto for the (also anti-Zionist) reform movement. Somehow I never heard that Hashem mass punished anyone for their behavior. Let alone people who had nothing to do with them. Why are the Zionists so unique? Please explain this too in simple terms that even the feeble minded like me can understand .

    yankel berel

    Ein Yisrael nig’alin ela bi tshuva.

    Hayom …. im bekoli tishma’un.

    Thats why mashiach did not come.

    At least -thats what chazal say .


    It wasn’t the time for him to come. Other than Rav Yoel Zatzal of Satmar, I don’t know anyone else who attributed this to Zionism.


    it’s very simple:

    1) the zionist movement was an explicit breaking of the “three oaths” whose punishment is stated in the gemura as “[Hashem] will allow your flesh like wild animals”

    2) the zionists ensnared otherwise frum people, which would warrant punishment to the “sonnei yisroel”, in contrast to the actyion of secular people who are not part of “am yisroel”. In other words, the punishment is not so much because of what so evil heretics did, it’s because of the help and endorsement of the religious Jew, r”l.

    Sam Klein

    There are many reasons but the most important thing to remember is that all these reasons and messages come DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM (your not going to find it in any Sefer in the world or hear it from any gadol hador speaking in a shiur or shmuz and neither is it from me a Internet businessman writer)

    1st message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM
    Why did WWII happen?all of us would be reform today, don’t start telling me these stories my grandfather learnt in ponovetz yeshiva hes still a צדיק today. We would all be reform today it was just a matter of time Hashem had no choice but to do it. Before the 2 בתי מקדש were destroyed there were only 2 choices what to do (& one of them wasn’t to put a hunger in the land) either kill out all jews or destroy the בית המקדש that was the only makeup for the sins we did then, if Hashem destroyed all the jews then Israel is not full of uncleanliness anymore, if the בית המקדש is destroyed then the holiness left the land & the jews can live (either both holy=no jews or both uncleanliness=no בית המקדש) Hashem had to destroy it we were too low in spirits & couldn’t be with it anymore.

    MORE REASONS COMING SOON some directly from the Torah written thousands of years ago.

    Sam Klein

    Another set of reasons DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM why Mashiach didn’t come after the Holocaust and we are still in exile even 80 years after the Holocaust sadly

    I see no reason why Hashem should give us back the בית המקדש. Hashem goes to one person sitting in this corner, he has beautiful children he already bought his house he has a car, he’s so happy he’s not grieving over my בית המקדש that’s 1 less person for my בית המקדש. The next person sitting at this corner has beautiful children he loves to learn & has a rich Father-in-law supporting him he’s so happy hes not grieving over my בית המקדש thats 1 less person for my בית המקדש. what is Hashem saying to his Malachim? just look at my children down there look how happy they are i gave them everything cars, planes, computers, Electricity & phones Etc… forget if they are Makir Tov (Grateful) for everything i give them that is not today’s lesson, Let me leave my בית המקדש up in heaven with me when my children cry for it i will give it back to them, but right now look how happy they are. A perfect Mashal would be if a Principal in a Cheder took away a ball from a boy, because he was hitting people with it. If he went to the Principal & said i’m sorry i just want to have fun i won’t hit anyone with it. I give you my word he will give him his ball back. Do you think the Principal needs it? He already has a whole basket of balls sitting in his office. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to wake up & do תשובה, the gates of תשובה are never closed, the worst kings of Klal Yisroel did תשובה at the end of their life yes, Achav & Menashe look at them, after 30 years of avoda zora Menashe cried & wept out all the way from his heart for teshuva from Hashem & Hashem accepted it WHY? Because he really meant it. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to do תשובה. Hashem is waiting for the day to put his presence back in this world & bring us back the Bais Hamikdosh but we just don’t seem to be ready.

    in yiddishkeit, if a person wants something (be it a livlihood, shidduch or child etc…) a person needs to do more then just daven & say tehillim, anyone could just take out a siddur or Tehillim. The person needs to also YEARN for it.-sadly- in today’s society we are living in, we are not YEARNING for the Bais Hamikdosh, we have everything from planes to cars & computers etc… even the gift of Shabbos for Gashmius to sleep & relax etc… HASHEM SAYS to klal yisroel, come back to me when your ready & ask me for something from your HEART & i will give you whatever you want. (i’m sure if your child came to you for something you would get it, why wouldn’t you? the love between a parent & child is unlimited…. & that’s the way Hashem loves EACH & EVERY ONE OF US that’s why we call Hashem, Avinu She’bashamayim our FATHER IN HEAVEN cause Hashem loves his children klal yisroel like a father.)
    All of us have heard, read & seen tons of true stories of people who had their first child at 42 or had a sick child in critical condition, & then the doctor says i’m very sorry but your daughter has only 3 hours to live & then he comes back 2 hours later & says its really a miracle but your child is beginning to recover etc…. Why is it that they finally had a child & the child recovered? There could be tons of answers, but the most common answer Is a Pasuk we say 3 times a day in Davening. “Hashem is close to all who call to him, to all who call out truthfully.” (Tehillim 145)Because they cried out from their heart, they really meant what they were saying when they davened to H-shem to have a baby or for his daughter to recover etc…. there’s a reason we call Hashem, Avinu She’bashamayim (our father in heaven) Hashem loves us from a father to a son & is waiting to put his Shchina (presence) & his bais hamikdosh back in this world. If we really cried out for the Bais Hamikdosh from our heart with truth & show that we are missing it, then we wouldn’t still be in Golus today.

    Sam Klein

    Another set Of reasons DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM why Mashiach didn’t come after the Holocaust sadly happened
    I see no reason why Hashem should give us back the בית המקדש. Hashem goes to one person sitting in this corner, he has beautiful children he already bought his house he has a car, he’s so happy he’s not grieving over my בית המקדש that’s 1 less person for my בית המקדש. The next person sitting at this corner has beautiful children he loves to learn & has a rich Father-in-law supporting him he’s so happy hes not grieving over my בית המקדש thats 1 less person for my בית המקדש. what is Hashem saying to his Malachim? just look at my children down there look how happy they are i gave them everything cars, planes, computers, Electricity & phones Etc… forget if they are Makir Tov (Grateful) for everything i give them that is not today’s lesson, Let me leave my בית המקדש up in heaven with me when my children cry for it i will give it back to them, but right now look how happy they are. A perfect Mashal would be if a Principal in a Cheder took away a ball from a boy, because he was hitting people with it. If he went to the Principal & said i’m sorry i just want to have fun i won’t hit anyone with it. I give you my word he will give him his ball back. Do you think the Principal needs it? He already has a whole basket of balls sitting in his office. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to wake up & do תשובה, the gates of תשובה are never closed, the worst kings of Klal Yisroel did תשובה at the end of their life yes, Achav & Menashe look at them, after 30 years of avoda zora Menashe cried & wept out all the way from his heart for teshuva from Hashem & Hashem accepted it WHY? Because he really meant it. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to do תשובה. Hashem is waiting for the day to put his presence back in this world & bring us back the Bais Hamikdosh but we just don’t seem to be ready.
    in yiddishkeit, if a person wants something (be it a livlihood, shidduch or child etc…) a person needs to do more then just daven & say tehillim, anyone could just take out a siddur or Tehillim. The person needs to also YEARN for it.-sadly- in today’s society we are living in, we are not YEARNING for the Bais Hamikdosh, we have everything from planes to cars & computers etc… even the gift of Shabbos for Gashmius to sleep & relax etc… HASHEM SAYS to klal yisroel, come back to me when your ready & ask me for something from your HEART & i will give you whatever you want. (i’m sure if your child came to you for something you would get it, why wouldn’t you? the love between a parent & child is unlimited…. & that’s the way Hashem loves EACH & EVERY ONE OF US that’s why we call Hashem, Avinu She’bashamayim our FATHER IN HEAVEN cause Hashem loves his children klal yisroel like a father.)

    Another REASON
    All of us have heard, read & seen tons of true stories of people who had their first child at 42 or had a sick child in critical condition, & then the doctor says i’m very sorry but your daughter has only 3 hours to live & then he comes back 2 hours later & says its really a miracle but your child is beginning to recover etc…. Why is it that they finally had a child & the child recovered? There could be tons of answers, but the most common answer Is a Pasuk we say 3 times a day in Davening. “Hashem is close to all who call to him, to all who call out truthfully.” (Tehillim 145)Because they cried out from their heart, they really meant what they were saying when they davened to H-shem to have a baby or for his daughter to recover etc…. there’s a reason we call Hashem, Avinu She’bashamayim (our father in heaven) Hashem loves us from a father to a son & is waiting to put his Shchina (presence) & his bais hamikdosh back in this world. If we really cried out for the Bais Hamikdosh from our heart with truth & show that we are missing it, then we wouldn’t still be in Golus today.

    Sam Klein

    Another REASON DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM why Mashiach didn’t come after the Holocaust sadly and the message comes directly from the Torah written THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO

    The holy Zohar states that starting from the beginning of the torah, each posuk relates to a year in the jewish calender-starting from the first pasuk being year 1 etc…-I am just going to mention a few pesukim & they are the pesukim relating to the hebrew year that comes out in the English year from 1939-1945 (WW II). It begins in parshas Netzovim perek 29 pasuk 22. each pasuk relating to that year. 1-1939) Sulphur & salt a conflagration of the entire land, it cannot be sown & it cannot sprout, and no grass shall rise up on it; like the upheaval of sodom & gomorrah, admah & Zeboiim, which Hashem overturned in his anger & wrath 2-1940) And all the nations will say, “for what reason did Hashem do so to this land; why this wrathfulness of great anger?” 3-1941) And they will say, “because they forsook the convenant of Hashem, the god of their forefathers, that he sealed with them when he took them out of the land of Egypt; 4-1942) And they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to the-gods that they knew not and he did not apportion to them. 5-1943) So gods anger flared against that land,to bring upon it the entire curse that is written in this book; 6-1944) And Hashem removed them from upon their soil, with anger, with wrath, and with great fury, and he cast them to another land, as this very day 7-1945) The hidden -sins- are for Hashem, our god, but the revealed-sins- are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this torah. Now if I skip 3 years to 1948 which pasuk comes up? (perek 30 pasuk 3) the 3rd pasuk in Parshas Hateshuva-which i’m sure a lot of us here say every day-what does that pasuk mean? Then Hashem will bring you back from captivity, & he will have mercy on you & he will once again gather you in from all the people that Hashem scattered you around. Now what happened in 1948? Israel became a state of independence & millions were gathered & brought back to Israel. I would now like to move forward to the pasuk that relates to the year that 9/11 happened. What does that pasuk say? Is it to hashem that you do this, O vile & unwise people? Is he not your father, your Master? Has he not created you firmed you? What is this pasuk telling us relating to the generation of todays society & 9/11 happening? In todays society we all depend on others (from Rebbe’s to money etc…) & do not depend on Hashem-turning to him when we need help-causing us to lack in one of the most fundamental parts of Yiddishkeit. The part of Betuchin & Emuna (faith & trust in Hashem). Last but not least I would like to go to the pasuk relating to the year of 2011. What does the pasuk say? They (klal yisroel) would provoke his (Hashem) jealousy with strangers; they would anger him with abominations. What does this pasuk tell us relating to the generation of todays society? The same message as 2001 & that message is that Today-sadly-we turn to other things/people for help lacking our dependance in turning STRAIGHT to Hashem for help-rather its through tefilla or teshuva etc…-& are R”L an abomination to Hashem. Now that everyone knows which pesukim relate to which year-in the Hebrew calender-everyone is now free to look up any pesukim & see what Hashem says for that year. How many years will it be until Mashiach comes?


    I agree with common saychel that Obama is the best person for president of America.


    Reb Smerel amush,
    Your question is very good, and I will explain beH.
    In Nach Shoftim (chapter 19 et al) the sad story in Pilegesh BeGiv’ah is very similar to that of Sedom in the Torah.
    Yet, Hashem destroyed Sedom, but not The Binyaminites.
    The question is asked by many, What is the difference.
    The answer given by the Akeidas Yitzchak, written by one of the Rishonim, was often cited by HaGaon HaRav Ya’akov Kaminetsky zt”l.
    In Pilegesh BeGiv’ah, there were a bunch of hoodlums who did immoral things. It was the obligation of the Judges of the area to punish them for violating the Laws of the Torah. Since they did not, the Judges themselves were punished by the other tribes of Israel.
    In Sedom, it was the rulers themselves who were corrupt and who created an immoral system of justice to rule the land.
    Such a situation is intolerable, and Hashem destroyed them totally.

    This is the answer to your question. Certainly, through the ages, the Orthodox fought against all of the anti-Torah groups, with great difficulty, and sometimes at the risk of their lives.
    But they were all individual groups.
    However, the Zionists created a State with a legal system of laws that are contrary to the Torah (and in Eretz Yisrael, no less). This is a very grievous sin which can bring calamity on the masses chas veshalom.


    Because just like during the time of Ezra the majority of Jews did not return to E”Y. Instead they remained in Chutz L’Aretz. If they had come in after the formation of the State, we would have a Torani state today. Instead, they did not come and used the Zionist government as an excuse.


    The question is better than any answer that may be offered. To blame the delay in moshiach’s arrival on zionists is total shtus and may border on kefirah.


    Most Jews in 1945 attributed their salvation from the Nazis to Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and/or Josef Stalin. Some would attribute it to the determination and bravery of the Allied soldiers. Only the frumies said “Baruch ha-Shem”. Most of the Jews in 1945 focused on improving the material conditions (getting rich, the primary preoccupation in most countries) or building a “social paradise” (either in the Soviet Union or Israel, depending on ideology). Only the fanatical frumies though the correct response was to double down on Torah and Mitsvos.

    So unless you believe that Moshiach will come only when the world is fit for destruction, why would have expect Moshiach in the 1940s. While the relative number of frum to non-frum Jews have changed (due to frum Jews having many babies while secular Jews losing interest in have babies, and since the number of Baalei Tseuvah has exceeded the number of OTD’s, at least since the 1960s), nothing much has really changed.,


    @smerelit’s very simple: 1) the zionist movement was an explicit breaking of the “three oaths” …

    This doesn’t answer my question. Why does Hashem have so much more issue with breaking the “three oaths” (according to some) than breaking EVERYTHING that is unquestionably musbah v’oimed m’har Sinia according to EVERYONE. Why is an explicit breaking of the oath made by Har Sinai of so much less importance than the three oaths? Bonus extra credit question. Everyone agrees that the non-Jews haven’t kept their part of the three oaths. Why does Hashem not pour his fury on them for not keeping the three oaths to? Why is fury limited to Jews -even those who had nothing to do with the Zionists-but withhold obvious punishment for non-Jews clearly guilty of the same?

    >>>2) the zionists ensnared otherwise frum people, which would warrant punishment to the “sonnei yisroel”

    Even if the accusations in the most vitriolic anti-Zionist rhetoric were true , the Zionist were still tzadeky elyon compared to groups like the Yevsektsiya and ensnared a very small fraction of frum people compared to groups like Reform


    besides the Satmar Rebbe ztz”l who explains at length the obvious connection between the tragedy of the Holocaust and the tragedy of Zionsim, there are other gedolim who have made similar statments:

    Rav Avigdor Miller ztz”l was outspoken in blaming the Holocaust on Zionism, as published in his book Divine Madness

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman ztz”l Hy”d, wrote:

    These two forms of idolatry have poisoned the hearts and minds of the Jewish youth. Each of these two movements has its own collection of false prophets in the form of writers and speakers … And now a miracle has occurred: In Heaven these two idolatrous organizations have merged into one: National-socialism, the evil Nazi1954 movement. It has grown into a horrible rod of Hashem’s wrath that strikes at the Jews in all corners of the earth. The abominations to which we have bowed are now striking back at us. “Your evil deeds will punish you” (Yirmiyahu 2: 19).

    The Chazon Ish ztz”l:

    R. Dovid Shmidel related that someone asked the Chazon Ish, “How could it be that all the nations of the world stood by silently while the Germans killed millions of Jews?” The Chazon Ish replied, “Is it not explicit in the Gemara in Kesuvos that if the Jewish people violate the Three Oaths, Hashem will permit their flesh like deer and hinds in the field?”

    These last two quote were extracted from the book The Empty Wagon by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro where he gives lengthy footnotes and references to this and other relevant statements by gedolim.


    @smerelit’s very simple: 1) the zionist movement was an explicit breaking of the “three oaths” …

    This doesn’t answer my question. Why does Hashem have so much more issue with breaking the “three oaths” (according to some) than breaking EVERYTHING that is unquestionably musbah v’oimed m’har Sinia according to EVERYONE. Why is an explicit breaking of the oath made by Har Sinai of so much less importance than the three oaths? Bonus extra credit question. Everyone agrees that the non-Jews haven’t kept their part of the three oaths. Why does Hashem not pour his fury on them for not keeping the three oaths to? Why is fury limited to Jews -even those who had nothing to do with the Zionists-but withhold obvious punishment for non-Jews clearly guilty of the same?

    >>>2) the zionists ensnared otherwise frum people, which would warrant punishment to the “sonnei yisroel”

    Even if the accusations in the most vitriolic anti-Zionist rhetoric were true , the Zionist were still tzadeky elyon compared to groups like the Yevsektsiya and ensnared a very small fraction of frum people compared to groups like Reform


    >>>Yet, Hashem destroyed Sedom, but not The Binyaminites.
    The question is asked by many, What is the difference

    The answer to me seems simple. Hashem said that he would NOT destroy Sedom if he would find ten Tzadikim. Rashi explicitly says שֶׁאֲפִלּוּ צַדִּיק אֶחָד אֵין בָּהֶם. Therefore everyone in Sedom expect for Lot got killed. They were in fact all guilty. Even assuming all Zionist are Resoyim why is KLAL YISROEL collectively punished for their behavior ?According to the anti-Zionists who claim things like Zionism was the cause of the holocaust and prevents Mosiach, not only are Tzadikim not capable of saving Zionists like they would have been capable of saving the resoyim in Sedom, Tzadikim themselves who opposed the Zionists are still punished for their behavior but only their behavior . Why?

    Another question. Say you would have had the ability to either prevent the Reform movement form coming into existence or prevent the Zionist movement from coming into existence. Which would you have done? Why?


    smerel asks excellent questions which rbzs tries to explain but the answers are not satisfactory. Many liberals in the “justice system” and government today do not consider themselves Zionists btw, but even if they did, the secular Zionists are also just another anti-Torah group and the frum Zionists are not anti-Torah bechlal.

    Are the Reform who have been around since the mid 19th century and caused many, many more Jews to assimilate than than the Zionists ever did, not worse than the Zionists? And now these Reformers who have entrenched themselves in the West are trying to spread their tentacles in Israel to assault the traditional, but not Chareidi, Sephardim and Mizrachi in Israel.

    Creating a state with laws contrary to the Torah is bad, but I don’t see how it’s worse than others have have led millions more Jews astray.


    Maybe because Hashem wanted those of us born since to have the opportunity to merit Mashiach as well?

    Menachem Shmei

    This is a thread for the prophets.

    Indeed, all the prophets have arrived, like bees to honey.

    Menachem Shmei

    I agree with common saychel that Obama is the best person for president of America.


    DovidHamelech agrees with commonsechel quoting him!

    Trolling the troll-troller’s trolling of the troll.


    Why does nobody ever blame The Holocaust [Shoah]
    on the thousands of Jews who intermarried with Gentiles?

    Why does nobody ever blame The Holocaust [Shoah]
    on the thousands of Jews who converted to Christianity?

    Why does 100% of the blame for The Holocaust go on
    “The Zionists”, even though they were trying to help Jews.
    but 0% of the blame goes on Jews who intermarried with Gentiles,
    and 0% of the blame goes on Jews who converted to Christianity?


    If you think your Zionism makes you know better than those two geonei olam, that’s your business.


    Mashiah was supposed to come but the Zionists prayed for a state and Hashem listened to them instead of bringing Mashiah? That’s an insane take. No pro Hamas rallies can be surprising after realizing the mekor of their philosophy can be found here on YWN

    yankel berel

    A] I cannot understand this whole idea of ani matir et bsarchem and that it is the zionists’ fault.
    the gzerot tach vetat was also ani matir et bsarchem r’l .
    There were no Zionists then.
    Per force that there are other averot at play then. Who knows whether these averot were at play in the holocaust ?

    B] According to Avnei Nezer, Hakamat Hamedina is mutar al pi hahalach lemaase
    Something which is mutar cannot result in ani matir …

    C] Everyone agrees that religiosity as a whole was on the decline before the War.
    Because of many movements , one of them Zionism .
    Its that decline which was the catalyst, most probably.

    yankel berel

    Empty Wagon by R y shapiro is not much more than its title : EMPTY
    It’s full of misquotes.

    yankel berel

    Did you receive my posts ?


    “In [year]1948 [CE], after the Arabs attacked the newly declared
    Jewish state and soldiers were falling on the battlefield,
    several Roshei Yeshivah taunted Reb Shraga Feivel [Mendlowitz]
    for having recited the blessing [HaTov VeHaMeitiv].

    Reb Shraga Feivel turned to Rabbi Aharon Kotler, who agreed
    with him that the U. N. resolution [to establish a Jewish State
    in Eretz Yisrael in year 1948 CE] was indeed worthy of the blessing.”

    SOURCE: Reb Shraga Feivel: the life and times of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz,
    the architect of Torah in America (chapter 26, page 331, footnote 3,
    heard from Rabbi Nesanel Quinn) by Yonoson Rosenblum for Artscroll / Mesorah,
    year 2001 of the Common Era, based on Aharon Sorasky’s Shelucha DeRachmana,
    ISBNs: 157819797X, 9781578197972, 1578197961, 9781578197965


    >>>Rav Avigdor Miller ztz”l was outspoken in blaming the Holocaust on Zionism, as published in his book Divine Madness

    Not true. He is from the few to blame the holocaust on the general secularism of the time but he does single out the Zionists for blame.

    The Chazon Ish ztz”l::R. Dovid Shmidel related that someone asked the Chazon Ish, “How could it be that all the nations of the world stood by silently while the Germans killed millions of Jews?” The Chazon Ish replied, “Is it not explicit in the Gemara in Kesuvos that if the Jewish people violate the Three Oaths, Hashem will permit their flesh like deer and hinds in the field?

    I don’t believe for a second that the Chazon Ish said that but if you do please explain how that makes sense, Six million Yidden in Europe killed BEFORE the state of Israel was even created while the ringleaders who were actually trying to create it were safe in Israel at the time and remained unaffected by the holocaust.

    (I’ll only say this as a hint . Do you know why the former Muncaktcher Rebbe, son in law and memalah mokon of the Minchas Elozar -from the major pre WWII anti-Zionists – changed his view from anti Zionist to pro Zionist after the holocaust?)


    Don’t go against me. No offence but the Creater of the universe can’t make any mistakes and you know that. King David is God if you didn’t know. Instinct tells you that God is good but why would God create something that could destroy himself? This may be a bit off topic but it’s true. Its a fact.


    Maybe your entire concept of (capital-M) Moshiach is flawed, have you considered that? That what you think you expect to happen is simply not right at all. You are also putting your interpretation in the hands of Gedolim who also may not really understand what Moshiach is, because we’ve been interpreting and reinterpreting things from Tanach for thousands of years whenever things didn’t quite work out the way we had expected…


    smerel has made an excellent point.

    The Holocaust [Shoah] was from the 1930s to 1945 of the Common Era.

    The State of Israel declared independence in 1948 of the Common Era,
    with the approval of both The League of Nations (indirectly) and
    The United Nations (directly) and recognition from the USSR & the USA.

    Why should 6,000,000 European Jews be killed,
    because of an event that happened years AFTER they died?

    When we consider that only a small percentage of European Jews
    were active Zionists, blaming the Holocaust on the Zionists
    becomes even more difficult to accept.

    Last but not least:

    If The Holocaust really was the fault of the Zionists,
    then The Holocaust should have happened in the place
    that had the greatest number of active Zionists:
    ERETZ YISRAEL (also known as Eretz HaKodesh).

    I know that The Neturei Karta & HaKatan will never listen to what I just said,
    but I write for the benefit of people who are not brainwashed fanatics.

    Sam Klein


    Hashem created the gift of Teshuva/Repentance even before the entire world was created in 6 days cause the world cannot exist without repentance and giving a person a chance to make up and repent for the mistakes that he made throughout his or her life.

    Sam Klein


    Below are the 2 shocking messages DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM of why the economy crashed in relation to what you wrote regarding avoda Zara

    In the Torah in the Parsha of Shemitta & Yovel, Hashem Guarantees & promises anyone that if they keep these Halachos they will always be taken care of. (either by getting double in the Sixth year or even having extra) Where is Shemitta & Yovel TODAY in the Diaspora? Where can we find this when outside of Israel is not even responsible for these Halachos? The answer is Hashem promises anyone that if he runs his business with %100 honesty (coming to work on time & not even a minute late, never using your office time to check your personal needs or the news on the computer, paying your employees on time etc…) he is guaranteed to always have money & never have the need to struggle to make ends meet. This is where we are holding today, for those of us that have been-& still are- honest, from before the economy started going downhill in the beginning of the century. They are the people that are guaranteed to make it through the economy-even- when it crashes.

    Why is the economy so bad today? Why is the whole world going down? For the past thousands of years there was always Avoda zara in the world-from the molech to the baal to the asheira tree etc…-todays avoda zara is MONEY, we are a servant to money, we serve money, we bow down to money, we let money talk & rule us. Thus we leave Hashem no choice but to take it away from us Rachmana L’tzlan. But you can still save yourself from going down. if a person can use his money the right way & remember that it all comes from Hashem & it was just loaned to him (even though he worked for it), then he is the perfect person to continue holding Hashem’s money.


    For those who quote R’ Shapiro who wrote the book “The Empty Wagon” know that his entire book is full of lies and quotes that have been totally fabricated and were debunked by historic scholars! R’ Shapiro is a Neturei Karta Spokesman! The three oaths are an agaddateh in the Grmarra Kesubois and there isn’t one rishon or the nosei keilim in the back of the gemarra that even talk about it. It isn’t mentioned in the entire Shulchan Aruch or for that matter in the Mishna Torah by the Rambam! The Gra and the Baal Shem encouraged their followers to make Aliya in mass! In fact they did! The Gra’s talmidim settled in Yerushalyim and the Talmedei Baal Shem settled in Tveryeh! Those who say that Zionism brought the Holocause are liars as the Klausenberger Rebbe who lost a wife and 11 children said many times vis a vis the holocaust “Those who know, won’t say. and those who say, don’t know”
    The Satmar Rebbe himself as quoted in the book. שמעו דבר השם states that he is “not a navie, nor a son of a navie” so how does he know that the Zionists were the cause? The Satmar Rebbe had an obsession with the Zionists and what is ironic is that it was a Zionist that saved his life.


    When it is safe for Moshiach to be in Jerusalem, Israel he will go there, its just now Hamas a hasn’t been defeated yet and the rest of Amalek. Like the Avraham Fried song about Hashem said before he goes to the Jerusalem above he will go the Jerusalem below, in this world.


    To say moshiach did not come because of the Zionists is just as valid (or ridiculous) as the claim that the Holocaust happened because the Jews of Europe were, by and large, so anti-Zionist that Hashem got angry with them the way he did with the dor HaMeraglim. How about of instead of trying to box God into a corner we simply follow what Harambam wrote about Moshiach:

    וְכָל אֵלּוּ הַדְּבָרִים וְכַיּוֹצֵא בָּהֶן לֹא יֵדַע אָדָם אֵיךְ יִהְיוּ עַד שֶׁיִּהְיוּ. שֶׁדְּבָרִים סְתוּמִין הֵן אֵצֶל הַנְּבִיאִים. גַּם הַחֲכָמִים אֵין לָהֶם קַבָּלָה בִּדְבָרִים אֵלּוּ. אֶלָּא לְפִי הֶכְרֵעַ הַפְּסוּקִים. וּלְפִיכָךְ יֵשׁ לָהֶם מַחְלֹקֶת בִּדְבָרִים אֵלּוּ. וְעַל כָּל פָּנִים אֵין סִדּוּר הֲוָיַת דְּבָרִים אֵלּוּ וְלֹא דִּקְדּוּקֵיהֶן עִקָּר בַּדָּת. וּלְעוֹלָם לֹא יִתְעַסֵּק אָדָם בְּדִבְרֵי הַהַגָּדוֹת. וְלֹא יַאֲרִיךְ בַּמִּדְרָשׁוֹת הָאֲמוּרִים בְּעִנְיָנִים אֵלּוּ וְכַיּוֹצֵא בָּהֶן. וְלֹא יְשִׂימֵם עִקָּר. שֶׁאֵין מְבִיאִין לֹא לִידֵי יִרְאָה וְלֹא לִידֵי אַהֲבָה. וְכֵן לֹא יְחַשֵּׁב הַקִּצִּין. אָמְרוּ חֲכָמִים תִּפַּח רוּחָם שֶׁל מְחַשְּׁבֵי הַקִּצִּים. אֶלָּא יְחַכֶּה וְיַאֲמִין בִּכְלַל הַדָּבָר כְּמוֹ שֶׁבֵּאַרְנוּ:

    All these and similar matters cannot be definitely known by man until they occur for these matters are undefined in the prophets’ words and even the wise men have no established tradition regarding these matters except their own interpretation of the verses. Therefore, there is a controversy among them regarding these matters.
    Regardless of the debate concerning these questions, neither the order of the occurrence of these events or their precise detail are among the fundamental principles of the faith. A person should not occupy himself with the Aggadot and homiletics concerning these and similar matters, nor should he consider them as essentials, for study of them will neither bring fear or love of God.
    Similarly, one should not try to determine the appointed time for Mashiach’s coming. Our Sages declared: ‘May the spirits of those who attempt to determine the time of Mashiach’s coming expire!’ Rather, one should await and believe in the general conception of the matter as explained.


    The Rebbe was not ready to assume leadership until the shver was niftar. Many on the MGT held he was or halevay should be.
    Zionism has one mitzva yishuv ha’retz . That is its zchus kiyum as we see its survival. Its sponsorship of the Torah world is testimony that it is לשם שמים.


    We are still in the generation of after the holocaust. There are still people living who were in the concentration camps and either born or grew up during WW2.
    What is apparent is that Moshiach did not come on VE day in 1945.
    However what we have since them from a frum world perspective is a growth of Yiddishkeit.
    – Since the 1960s married women in the frum community cover their heads. A posistive development from the pre/post war period when it seemed that the halachoh had gone into remission.
    – In the 1960s Lubavitch, Ohr Sameach, Aish, Dvar Yerushalim, Project Seed etc. started to bring people back – the Balei Teshuvah movement.
    – From the sixties onwards, the yeshivah movement became strong – with great yeshivah around the world – the most famous being Lakewood in the US, Gateshead – UK, Mir and Ponevetz in EY. The upshot of this being that most bochurim at 16 would go to yehivah.
    – Having seen the University World take a deep dive in to left wing, atheistic philosophies during the 1960/70s, many bochurim were encouraged to stay in learning and the Kollel world has grown enormously since then. Now some 75% of new married men go to kollel rather than University or the workplace.
    – Since the late 1950s large chassidic communites all over the world have been established and grown, to provide a solid frum home for yiddisher families.
    – In the late 1980s and still today, Artscroll translated and elucidated the Talmud into English, and allowed many to study it for the first time and for a huge and growing study of daf hayomi.
    – In the 1990s the Breslov movement began to spread its literature throughout Eretz Yisroel, causing many non religious people to return to frumkeit, including Sefadim, secular Israelis, and others.

    Taking all this into account it may be that we are slowly moving towards a world ready for Moshiach, a third Beis hamikdash and the general acceptance of Hashem Yisborach.


    @Menachem, I am glad someone caught on and apricated the irony these trollish comments


    somejewiknow: The Gedolei Yisroel certainly opposed secular Zionism as it was. Non, besides Rav Yoel Of Satmer Zatzal attributed the fact that Moshiach didn’t come on Zionism. We have no reason to assume that Moshiach was meant to come at any point in the past. We have not been Zocheh for him to come yet so he hasn’t come.


    SQUARE_ROOT and other Zionist idolaters:
    Zionism was a rebellion against G-d starting at around the turn of the century, not only in 1948. The Chevron pogrom was a direct result of Zionism. The British closing the gates of Mandatory Palestine to Jews DURING THE HOLOCAUST (not post-1948) was a result of Zionist agitation and terror for their “State”. Etc.

    You idolaters should really abandon your idol.


    Speaking of dishonest, the Rambam himself invokes the oaths in Iggeres Teiman, and poskim and gedolim throughout the ages bring them as halacha including the Maharal and also the Or Sameach that the Zionists love to misuse.


    Hakatan: if you were to read Iggeret Teiman, Harambam clearly says the three oaths is a mashal that shlomo hamelech, in his wisdom, invented in order to prevent future generations from falling prey to false messiahs. This is a direct quote:

    ולפי שידע שלמה ע”ה ברוח הקודש שהאומה הזאת בארך זמן גלותם תפצר להתנועע בלא עתה הראויה ויאבדו בשביל זה ויבואו עליהם צרות והזהיר מלעשות זה והשביע האומה על דרך משל ואמר השבעתי אתכם בנות ירושלים בצבאות או באילות השדה אם תעירו ואם תעוררו את האהבה עד שתחפץ ואתם אחינו אהובינו קבלו עליכם שבועתו ואל תעירו את האהבה עד שתחפץ ובורא העולם במדת רחמים יזכור אותנו ואתכם לקבץ גליות נחלתו וחבלו לחזות בנועם ה’ ולבקר בהיכלו

    After detailing the many false messiahs were able to prey on the vulnerable and suffering nation, HaRambam writes that the three oats is a mashal to convince us to be patient.

    While the term Zionist and Zionism has many different interpretations and means something else to different people (I am sure that when Biden says he is a Zionist he does not mean the same thing as when Rabbi Meir Kahane said he was a Zionist), one hting is clear: Zionism no longer actually exists. The stated goal of the Zionists was to create a Jewish state. Once that state was realized, the movement, by its own terms, lapsed for mootness.

    Those that continue to fight against Zionists today are no different than Hiroo Onoda. When Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda was deployed to Lubang in the Philippines in 1944, he was instructed by his commander to hold the remote island until the Japanese Army returned. Onoda, having been in hiding, never found out that Japan surrendered in 1945 and fought a guerrilla war on the island until he finally surrendered in 1974. So too are the fools who bury their heads in the sand and continue to fight a war that long ended against an enemy that no longer exists.

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