Why is the cost of hats so high?

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    I remember not that long ago (35 years?) when even a Borsalino cost $60. I just read an article about two Chabad brothers who were upset about the high costs of hats so they did some research and came up with a cheaper hat. But it says they charge $180-$220 for a hat! Are the rabbits price gouging us for their fur? What happened? Most clothing over the last 35 years has stayed the same price or actually gone down in price. Why are hats the exception?


    The price of clothes staying the same is due to volume. There’s no volume in selling hats.


    I thinks it’s also a lot to with what people will pay.


    Why are you buying Borsalino? Buy the $60 brand of Yeshivish hats.


    Why is flankin 17.99.
    Why is 8oz cholov yisroel cream cheese almost $5 not on sale.
    Why is salmon and white fish more expensive in a kosher store then in a non kosher store.


    Takes two

    Where I shop in Brooklyn (krm, Moshe’s, bingo), kosher cream cheese is less than $3 and flknin is approximately $12 a pound


    On sale, cream cheese is less than $2 and the meat goes down to about $8.99

    Kosher fish stores need kosher certification and are usually situated in high-rent neighborhoods

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    I’m sure there are many other things that have gone up nearly 400% since the early 1980’s.


    It costs money to make and the company wants to make money


    Because there are enough people for whom money is no issue.


    Takes two

    Where I shop in Brooklyn (krm, Moshe’s, bingo), kosher cream cheese is less than $3 and flknin is approximately $12 a pound


    On sale, cream cheese is less than $2 and the meat goes down to about $8.99

    Kosher fish stores need kosher certification and are usually situated in high-rent neighborhoods.
    My kids in lakewood pay almost 5 dollars for cream cheese not on sale.
    Where in ny is flankin with a bone 8.99?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    My kids in lakewood pay almost 5 dollars for cream cheese not on sale.

    Your kids must be rich. It’s easy enough to get a less expensive brand for $3 or even $2.

    Where in ny is flankin with a bone 8.99?

    I haven’t seen $8.99 in years, but I have seen $10.99 frequently.


    Why? Because people are so worried about being seen wearing the “wrong brand” of hat that they’ll shell out the money no matter what. maybe they’re afraid it will hurt their kids’ shidduch chances? (BTW that’s not a joke.) Sellers will charge what the customers will pay. Quit paying too much for hats and watch the prices go down.


    Kosher whole fish and fruits and veggies in its natual form DONOT need certification.
    Ehats the excuse for over charging on these things?


    June 17, 2018 2:03 pm at 2:03 pm#1541009REPLY
    DaasYochid ☕Participant
    My kids in lakewood pay almost 5 dollars for cream cheese not on sale.

    Your kids must be rich. It’s easy enough to get a less expensive brand for $3 or even $2.
    Apparently the only time cream cheese is on sale is around shvous time.givat brand, which is the cheapest brand is westgate is 4
    . Jj is 5.

    $18 for rib steak. Flanken with bone in 17.49.
    Hardly goes on sale in Westgate.


    Midwest2, bad answer. The grey hats don’t cost less.


    Because Jews take abuse.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Ehats the excuse for over charging on these things?

    Who’s overcharging? And why are you buying there?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Apparently the only time cream cheese is on sale is around shvous time.givat brand, which is the cheapest brand is westgate is 4
    . Jj is 5.

    They must be rich if they only buy in the most expensive store, and only buy the most expensive brand.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Givat cream cheese is on sale now in Gourmet Glatt for $2.99.

    Hatov and Fresh & Healthy are $3.19 in NGPS.

    Seasons has F&H on sale for $2.49.


    CTRebbe is NOT related to CTLawyer (to the best of my knowledge, and I should know)


    folks prices go up over the years. nothing and I mean nothing costs the same as it did 35 years ago. Gas in the mid ninties in chicago was 1.10. now its around $3. And yes cholov yisroel cream cheese is around $4-$5 heres. and no im not rich, theres nothing else available.


    “CTRebbe is NOT related to CTLawyer (to the best of my knowledge, and I should know)”

    How could you possibly know if you don’t even know who CTR is.


    When was the last time you bought a whole fish? Cut it out.

    The store still as overhead. This isn’t complicated.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    “They must be rich if they only buy in the most expensive store, and only buy the most expensive brand.”

    no offense but that was kind of a dumb comment…for lack of a more intelligent word


    CTL and CTR could very well could very well be related but someone here in the CR should volunteer to collect digital DNA from both so a firm identification could be confirmed

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Gas in the mid ninties in chicago was 1.10. now its around $3. And yes cholov yisroel cream cheese is around $4-$5 heres. and no im not rich, theres nothing else available.

    I have no idea what CY cream cheese sells for in Chicago. I was talking about Lakewood, NJ.


    Actually food ex is more expensive on most products then in westgate.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    There are more than two supermarkets in Lakewood.


    When was the last time you bought a whole fish? Cut it out.

    The store still as overhead. This isn’t complicated.
    Shoprite has plenty overhead, yet they manage to have the price of salmon and white etc.as low as the non kosher fish section wgich also carry salmon and white fish etc. Both whole and sliced.


    Look at most flyers(available on line) in lakewood and you will see that cream cheese, hard cheese,flanken,, rib steaks are almost never on sale and they are outrageously priced for mostly one reason.
    Food stamp recipients are thier biggest customers. Why do u think the big wigs in lakewood who also own grocery stores in lakewood managed to make sure that moshe binik from krm in Brooklyn never came to lakewood. They were simply afraid of his buying power and cheap prices. This os a fact.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Rib steaks are $11.69 per lb. in NPGS.

    I posted cream cheese prices.

    Flanken ends are less than $4.

    I didn’t see regular flanken or “hard cheese” on NPGS’ site.


    The connection between hats and cream cheese?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Seasons and Gourmet Glatt did open in Lakewood. NPGS is still consideed the most affordable

    I think all of them have websites. You can check prices yourself.

    I’m not sure why you keep posting inflated prices.


    Takes2: Nobody could have stopped Moshe Binik from opening a Moshe’s or KRM in Lakewood if he wanted. Or if anyone else wanted to open such a store in Lakewood. Nobody could stop anyone.

    Jersey Jew

    Cost of hats is high because of supply and demand. Case closed.

    Back in the day, the hat companies like Stetson and Borsallino were selling to the ayno yehudim too. Nowadays its only the jews which is why Bors is almost kaput after a few bankruptcy filings.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The connection between hats and cream cheese?

    They both can’t be eaten together with ribsteaks or flanken.

    (BTW, T⁴, Gourmet Glatt in Lakewood sells flanken for $11.99 per lb, and they happen to be advertising ribsteaks this week for $10.99).


    If you read my post, in its appropriate legalspeak, it said that CTRebbe and I were not related to the best of my knowledge.
    How do I know, you ask?
    I know all my relatives up to the 5th cousins. There is a very limited number who have or currently live in CT and are male (who might use the handle ‘rebbe’).
    Having seen most of them at our daughters’ chasunah, last summer, during shivah for Mrs. CTL’s mother this fall and a family funeral/shivah in Boro Park this month>>>The Coffee Room was a subject of discussion. 5 Family members admitted to being members of the CR, 2 Lawyers (myself and a son) and 3 doctors (1 in Brooklyn, 2 in NJ). Not a Rebbe in the family.


    For more than 50 Years I’ve bought my Borsalinos, Stetsons and other hats from Delmonico Hatters in New Haven. Less than 1% of their business is from Jews. Their business is thriving, in the store and on-line. My father A”H also bought from them.


    aasYochid ☕Participant
    Rib steaks are $11.69 per lb. in NPGS.
    Im pretty sure that those are imported from mexico or uraguay. They are cheap because the taste is cheap.

    Flanken ends are less than $4.
    ————————-why would u comment
    On flanken ends.
    Might as well comment on chicken. And fish tails which can be gotten for free.

    I didn’t see regular flanken or “hard cheese” on NPGS’ site
    Flyers are only for sale items. The discussion non sale items.


    Takes2: Nobody could have stopped Moshe Binik from opening a Moshe’s or KRM in Lakewood if he wanted. Or if anyone else wanted to open such a store in Lakewood. Nobody could stop anyone.
    Just so happens that you are clueless.
    If you dont believe me go ask his family members and close friends.
    Lakewood is known for its bulvanishe tactics when you do something not or against the interests of the self appointed askanim.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Im pretty sure that those are imported from mexico or uraguay.

    That’s what Moisha’s and KRM sell for that price. Please tell me where you can get American beef ribsteaks for $12 per lb.

    Flyers are only for sale items. The discussion non sale items.

    I wasn’t looking at the flyer. I was looking at their site from which you can order sale items and non sale items for delivery.


    1. Supply and demand makes no sense;If there are less customers than 35 years ago they automatically produce less hats. It should not affect the price.

    2. Volume is also not a factor-just because people where less hats than suits does not mean prices for suits should remain or lower (” According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices for men’s suits, sport coats, and outerwear were 19.16% lower in 2018 versus 2000.”)

    3. Regarding the cost of most things in 1984 compared to today-

    “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, the dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 2.64% per year. Prices in 2018 are 142.2% higher than prices in 1984.

    In other words, $100 in 1984 is equivalent in purchasing power to $242.15 in 2018, a difference of $142.15 over 34 years.”

    4. I was not only talking about Boraslino. I only brought up Borsalino to show how much the most expensive hats costs. I believe my off-brand Barlisoni or Stetson cost $30-$35.

    5. In 1984 the Gentiles were no longer wearing hats. Hats went out of style after JFK

    6. I don’t understand either the connection between hats and cream cheese. I don’t even like cream cheese.

    7. To my knowledge, I also do not believe I am closely related to CT Lawyer (although all Jews are family). I am friends with his son-in-law from Yeshiva but not related.


    The imported rib steaks and flankin coming in from mexico etc are boneless. They are absolutely horrible tasting.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The ones I saw are not boneless.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    1. the concept of supply and demand was not invented here on the CR. Basic Eco101. It makes a lot of sense- it explains why the price of tomatoes goes up if the tomato crop was affected by bad weather, why oil prices go down when OPEC releases more oil reserves, and why the US govt buys up surplus wheat to save farmers from plunging wheat prices. The question is whether it applies here.
    2. Volume: If they are making fewer hats, then they are making less money, and perhaps the business will no longer be viable. Unless they mark up the hats so they can provide their product to the fewer costumers who want them. That’s the concept of volume: if you sell a large volume of any item, you can sell it for less and still make a profit. That’s why bigger supermarket chains can charge less for the same item sold in a Mom&Pop’s minimarket.
    3. Quality: Keep in mind, that unlike a lot of clothing, hats are not mass produced in China where they can be made cheaply and therefore sold cheaply in places like Walmart. Hat making is a skill, much of it done by hand. Here’s a line from Borsalino’s website: “The uniqueness of the Borsalino product lies in its production process: made of fine fur felt (rabbit or hare) it passes through around fifty production phases and it takes an average of seven weeks’ work to finish every hat.” I imagine wool hats are cheaper than hats made from fur, imitation felt cheaper than fur felt.


    “1. Supply and demand makes no sense;If there are less customers than 35 years ago they automatically produce less hats. It should not affect the price.”

    Sorry, but you are wrong.
    My first degree is in Management Science.
    In freshman economics we learn about ‘economy of scale’
    The more you produce (manufactured goods) the less it costs to produce.
    The hat manufacturer will get better prices on larger quantities of supplies: thread, boxes, ribbons, machine needles, etc. Larger facilities rent for less dollars per square foot, there are volume discounts for shipping, insurance, etc.


    For the record, like CTRebbe:

    For 40 years, I have paid for the butter at my shul’s Sunday morning breakfasts because the shammos insisted on only serving cream cheese.
    My eldest brother also does not eat cream cheese.
    Our nieces and nephews know that if you invite the uncles to a milchige event, we will show up with sealed packages of butter. We tired of eating dry bagels decades ago.

    So, if cream cheese was $10 a container or 50 cents it would not affect my purchasing decision. As for hats, a good hat that is properly cared for: cleaned, blocked, stored in the cedar closet on the summer, should last many decades. At this point I am wearing my summer straw collection in colors to match my suits. Today I’m wearing a medium blue with a navy hatband to match my navy suit with a medium blue pinstripe. I have to be in court at 9 and as I’ve posted before: Judges wear Black, smart attorneys do not (hear in Yankee New England).

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    Hm. Why haven’t we spun off into talking about butter yet? And, why haven’t there ever been threads about the lack of availability of Cholov Yisroel butter?

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