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Tagged: #YangMediaBlackout, Andrew Yang, Andrew Yang 2020, Don't Dump Trump, Dump Trump, Support Trump Above All, Universal Basic Income, Yang is actually kind of more moderate than the other Democrats
- This topic has 51 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by Jersey Jew.
January 13, 2020 12:03 pm at 12:03 pm #1822094RebbeDebbieParticipant
Yang’s freedom dividend (aka universal basic income) is fantastic for many, and especially a kollel family. That’s an extra $24,000 a year for a kollel family! The free medical care for all US citizens is also a burden removed from these families.
Also, it could be a potential solution to the shidduch crisis, since the girl’s father will no longer be required too much support because we have a freedom dividend.
January 13, 2020 1:30 pm at 1:30 pm #18221791ParticipantThey aren’t on Twitter
January 13, 2020 1:32 pm at 1:32 pm #1822210ftresiParticipantBecause it’s totally unrealistic. How do you suppose that program would be paid for? It would never get off the ground. Total nonstarter. Same for free healthcare for all. There is no realistic way to pay for it. It won’t happen.
January 13, 2020 1:38 pm at 1:38 pm #1822233yaakov doeParticipantYang is best known among Yiddin for his opposition to Bris Milah. Isn’t that enough reason not to support him?
January 13, 2020 3:08 pm at 3:08 pm #1822243YOSSIESParticipanti thought the shiduch crisis is strictly an age gap factor with the only solution is that boys start dating in 11th grade!!
what a genius
we should vote in a president based on his empty promises of national welfare that he cannot pay for
this will solve our kollel problem!!
solve the problem by sending half of the boys to work
no one ever died from workJanuary 13, 2020 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm #1822321roshvrishonParticipantWe don’t go for candidates offering “free stuff”. that’s socialism and bad for the country. We vote for the candidate who is good for the country and hence good for the Jews living in it. It saddens me to hear of Jewish groups endorsing bad candidates because they offer programs with free stuff. Where is their “seichal”
January 13, 2020 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm #1822332lowerourtuition11210ParticipantSince he is a democrat!
January 13, 2020 6:27 pm at 6:27 pm #1822330akupermaParticipant1. When the governments pays, it controls. Once you addicted to the “drug”, the pusher can start running your life.
2. He is talking about massive tax increases, particularly of consumption taxes (a VAT and carbon tax).
3. His agenda is otherwise mainstream Democratic, meaning he will continue to crack down on religious groups who don’t accept their agenda in sexual matters, and otherwise oppose cultural minorities who don’t have a politically correct life style.
January 13, 2020 6:28 pm at 6:28 pm #1822333samthenylicParticipantYes! Instead of sitting on their tuchis for at least a year or two doing nothing, they will be “mekayem” what it says in the Ketuba, “I will feed you, clothe you, etc”!!!!
January 13, 2020 6:38 pm at 6:38 pm #1822339GadolhadorahParticipantHis positions on EY (to the degree he has even spoken to the issue) seem to tilt in the direction of those who focus on Palestinian rights w/o a commensurate concern for Israel’s security. I do like his focus on the future job market and the radical changes posed by automation, robotics and artificial intelligence which have the potential to eliminate millions of low skilled jobs. None of the other candidates seem to be addressing this issue.
January 13, 2020 6:38 pm at 6:38 pm #1822340👑RebYidd23ParticipantYaakov Doe, please provide a source that says that he is against religious circumcision.
January 13, 2020 6:38 pm at 6:38 pm #1822341👑RebYidd23ParticipantThe answer to the title is because he’s a Democrat.
January 13, 2020 6:38 pm at 6:38 pm #1822344springbok007ParticipantSad, the coffee room is now called the selfish room, thinks of others, think big picture, & you will see the big picture. Kleine keppele.
January 13, 2020 6:38 pm at 6:38 pm #1822345☕️coffee addictParticipantWhat are his other policies?
Same gender policies?
Abortion?And why should people change from the candidate that we know is an oheiv yisrael
January 13, 2020 7:03 pm at 7:03 pm #1822398klugeryidParticipantFirstly because we lack to back a winner
secondly why should all boys work?
You hate torah so much?Sammy boy do you know what else it says in the ”ketubah ”
Or you found out that it says something about work and you lost your head??January 13, 2020 9:14 pm at 9:14 pm #1822228GadolhadorahParticipant“Yang’s freedom dividend (aka universal basic income) is fantastic for many, and especially a kollel family. That’s an extra $24,000 a year for a kollel family…”
RebDebbie: I assume that since our resident Troll, Reb Yosef, may be under the weather today, you felt an obligation to provide some trolling humor for a Monday Morning. If you were serious, than you would probably realize that most yidden, frum or not, have ZERO enthusiasm for this new progressive meshugaas of “free stuff” for everyone. Obviously, for most of us who work hard and pay taxes, we don’t want the government to take our hard earnded funds and hand them out to others who choose not to work . Same for FREE medical care. Its NOT FREE. We will all pay for it in higher taxes. As to the shidduch crisis, the freedom dividend will barely cover the costs of a shadchan and simcha hall for your shvers’ 200 BFFs.
January 13, 2020 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #1822447klugeryidParticipantYes! Instead of sitting on their tuchis for at least a year or two doing nothing, they will be “mekayem” what it says in the Ketuba, “I will feed you, clothe you, etc”!!!!
מאי אהני רבנןI’m sure he they were spending years researching the dung makeup of African termites you would be all proud of their ”important ” work
Go wash your mind with soapJanuary 13, 2020 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #1822498The little I knowParticipantKlug:
You wrote: “secondly why should all boys work?
You hate torah so much?”No. But not all boys should sit in the kollel either. Way too large a percentage of “kollel yungerleit” are doing little beyond warming a chair. They are there because they were indoctrinated with the idea that this is their obligation, and that they need to be “learning boys”. The girls were indoctrinated with the girls’ version of that myth.
All of this challenges the reality of what the Torah says, Certainly, the mitzvah of learning is applicable to every single Yid, and that this mitzvah is characterized in the posuk as והגית בו יומם ולילה. That is not open for debate. But the יומם ולילה is also explained by our Poskim as referring to קריאת שמע which is recited by day and by night. There is a rational explanation for all this. Many of us are required by Halacha to support our families. It does not say anywhere that we are to schnorr money from others. It does say multiple versions of the message יגיע כפך כי תאכל. There are among us those whose skills and talents are such that they can excel in various careers, in business, professions, manufacturing, retail, law, sciences, and, of course, Torah. No, I’m not equating Torah with the list of careers. But as a career option, it is one of those. It is truly a great one. But not everyone has the potential of succeeding. And applying the “learning boy” label just because one wants to is foolish. That’s like expecting a fish to climb a tree.
Boys should not all work nor all learn. Each individual should do what he is capable of doing. These broad brush strokes are unfair, and create situations that end up in conflict later. Kollelim are terrific for the one inclined to use the time wisely and efficiently. A yungerman lacking the requisite learning skills or passion will fail, probably sooner rather than later. That should not be done at the expense of the family, wife’s work, or the baalei tzedokoh.
January 13, 2020 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #1822501southernerParticipantCause trump is mashiach
Keep America great!
Trump 2020!January 13, 2020 11:45 pm at 11:45 pm #1822539klugeryidParticipantTlik
That’s a reasonable position, I may not agree with every kind but I certainly would not challenge it outright and totally.
That’s a very different tone and position then someone who says ”send half the boys out to work!! ” ”let them Get off their tuchus” which is what I was responding toJanuary 14, 2020 1:45 am at 1:45 am #1822552👑RebYidd23ParticipantGadolhadorah, don’t forget that guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
January 14, 2020 8:03 am at 8:03 am #1822576☕️coffee addictParticipantGH
I see you’re not as progressive as your candidates
January 14, 2020 8:12 am at 8:12 am #1822578Shimon NodelParticipantSimple math. If everyone gets a million dollars, then the economic starter is reset from zero dollars to 1 million. Yeshivas teach math, but yours apparently didn’t teach math or gemara. Or maybe it’s just you. Either way, pick up a gemara and you’ll understand a little more mathematics.
January 14, 2020 9:23 am at 9:23 am #1822587etzharParticipantTLIK
“Way too large a percentage of “kollel yungerleit” are doing little beyond warming a chair.”Do you have any evidence for this?
When I go to Kollelim etc I see much hasmodoh and hear much kol torah
January 14, 2020 1:24 pm at 1:24 pm #1822638GadolhadorahParticipantDoes anyone have any example where chazal bring down any guidelines as to who should work versus shteigiing 24×7 or what portion of a person’s daily waking hours should be spent earning a parnassah for his/her family with the balance of their time devoted to limud torah. Do we read V Higisa Bo Yomam V Laylah as requiring full-time learning and if so, how do we explain hundreds of years of our mesorah where in the alte heim, the majority of yidden were farmers, retailers, as well as doctors and scientist, with some time carved out for limud torah?
January 14, 2020 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm #1822637funnyboneParticipantThe simple answer is, nobody embraces a loser. If he was polling at 30% it would be a question.
The simpler answer is, we aren’t socialist Russia! Their economy couldn’t sustain it’s people! We need to know that the harder you work and the better the product that you produce will bring for you economic gain! Getting free $$$ for doing nothing is a terrible idea!
I think it’s great that people learn in kollel. It means a few things.
1. Middle class and wealthy people have income that they can donate.
2. Parents have income that they can give to their children.
3. The young couple works. Wife can have income or husband can tutor in the evening. They need income as well.
Giving out free $$$ means that everyone will have less. Less people can hire a tutor. Lessbpeople can hire kollel wife. Parents will have less. Donors will have less.January 14, 2020 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm #18226701Participant“We aren’t socialist” DNC didn’t get the memo.
January 14, 2020 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm #1822702WhatsaktomeParticipantIn יורה דעה we rely on a heter to be able to get payed to learn torah, and that is only under certain circumstances. In history the great rabbis have always worked also
January 14, 2020 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm #18227041Participant“Nobody embraces a loser” This is the problem with a lot of Jews. Too many hive minded people. Nobody thought Trump would win the nomination. Support who you think is right.
January 14, 2020 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm #1822713The little I knowParticipantGH:
Chazal never addressed the question you asked, because it is not a question. While יומם ולילה is the ideal, it does not require sitting in kollel. One can engage the day in Avodas Hashem with a combination of learning and implementing the mitzvos. The formula for that was never dictated to the Klal, as it cannot be determined effectively in this manner. Rather, individuals needed to decide for themselves, with guidance from elders (parents, rebbeiim) which direction was best for them.
It is the recent generations that made it “suicidal” for a bochur to say they will go to work after marriage. It also became unbecoming for a girl to not declare that she only wants a learning boy. So in previous generations, those with the aptitude to become farmers, roshei yeshivos, retailers, poskim, etc. did so, most often al taharas hakodesh. Our leaders are asleep at the switch by not making such guidance part of their positions. In reality, we need our frum lawyers, doctors, mechanics, bankers, clothing salesmen, etc. as much as we need our klai kodesh.
I am not driving bnai kollel to work. I am proclaiming that the responsibility for supporting their families is theirs, not yours or mine. If they have the means to remain in the bais hamedrash, that’s wonderful. And if they have the kishronos to become klai kodesh and become a leader in the Klal in whatever capacity, we can discuss the use of public funds for this (עשרה בטלנים). Someone who stays in kollel and accomplishes nothing more than having failed to support his family has committed a disservice to himself and family, to the public, and to HKB”H.
We are guilty for stigmatizing working and living an honest living of Avodas Hashem. גדול תלמוד שמביא לידי מעשה. We need Reb Chaim Kanievsky’s, and our gedolim and leaders. Face reality. Not everyone is built with those potentials. And many have other skills and talents that need to be used for the tzorchei tzibbur. Many of the greatest tzaddikim of generations, from tana’im to the recent past had businesses.
We do not need to “carve out” time for Torah. We need to live Torah 24/7. A piece is continuing learning, for which our chachomim guide us to be קובע עתים. For some this is several hours. For others, the time stretch may be less. ובלבד שיכוון את לבו.
January 14, 2020 9:31 pm at 9:31 pm #1822828Emunas1ParticipantBecause it’s the stupidest idea in a very long time. Socialism will destroy our country. And BTW, we have a fabulous president.
January 15, 2020 1:41 am at 1:41 am #1822934anonymouse1079ParticipantHe never said he’s against circumcision for religious reasons. All he said was that he did some research and decided not to circumcise his sons. It wasn’t a blanket, “nobody should do it”, “it must be banned” kind of thing. It was a personal decision and he’s not shoving it down anyone’s throats
January 15, 2020 1:11 pm at 1:11 pm #1823073👑RebYidd23ParticipantNo, 1, elections are just a “guess what everyone else will vote for” contest, but with higher stakes.
January 15, 2020 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm #1822996RebbeDebbieParticipantAll those accusing Yang of being of a socialist are wrong. He is very much in support of the free market.
January 15, 2020 5:27 pm at 5:27 pm #1823199👑RebYidd23ParticipantRebbieDebbie, those are not opposites if you define the word “socialism” the way many people do nowadays.
January 20, 2020 3:53 pm at 3:53 pm #1824508RebbeDebbieParticipantYakkov Doe, as others have pointed out, he is not against religious brit milah. He has stated that it is merely his opinion and he would not make it a policy issue.
January 26, 2020 7:27 am at 7:27 am #1826002som1Participantbecause hes a socialist, and the number 1 problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of OTHER peoples money!
January 26, 2020 11:15 am at 11:15 am #1826068RebbeDebbieParticipantsom1, how is Yang a socialist? Because he is a democrat?
February 10, 2020 10:44 pm at 10:44 pm #1830678bsharg2ParticipantAmy Klobuchar is the best for the Jews, out of the Democratic candidates
February 11, 2020 7:33 am at 7:33 am #1830704lowerourtuition11210Participantbsharg2: Amy Klobuchar is the best for the Jews, out of the Democratic candidates. And your basis for this assertion?
February 11, 2020 7:35 am at 7:35 am #1830693interjectionParticipant“how is Yang a socialist? Because he is a democrat?”
Why is your gut reaction to assume hes not a socialist? Is it because he’s a Democrat?
Have you followed him at all? Learned about his policies? Gone on his website?
His entire platform is socialism. He calls it capitalism but if you go on his website, he quotes karl Marx in order to say something along the lines of ‘although this sounds similar, it’s very different and much better’. Then he goes on to describe his policies which are in part inspired by socialism and in part simply humorous.
Among the ridiculous things he says, “the economy should be judged by absence of substance abuse, mental health and life expectancy”.
His “human capitalism” policy is based on the belief that “humans are more important than money” but he plans to carry that out by taking away money from business owners and distributing it to everyone else whether or not they are working. He also plans to penalize people who have earned too much by making it illegal for them to get other forms of work.
He is campaigning to allow every American to afford a high standard of living but he plans to do so by punishing big corporations for making decisions to improve their bottom line, while taxing everyone else to oblivion.
He says his policies will get rid of student debt, allow Americans to afford anything they desire, and ensure that big companies cant earn a profit on necessities if it means those necessities will be too expensive.
If you read his website, each idea is more disastrous than the next and will destroy this country.
February 11, 2020 12:35 pm at 12:35 pm #1830769Yserbius123ParticipantI love the irony about how frum communities are so aggressively socialist on the state level, but turn into rabid capitalists once things go national.
February 11, 2020 2:14 pm at 2:14 pm #1830817bsharg2ParticipantYang recently said “all Palestinians should have the right to return”
We can’t support him
February 11, 2020 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm #1830834Amil ZolaParticipantIgnoring all the other issues that are being raised. It would not benefit some frum families to receive another $1k per month. This amt may be sufficient to bump them off entitlement programs or raise their rent contributions under HUD section 8 vouchers.
February 11, 2020 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm #1830840interjectionParticipant“I love the irony about how frum communities are so aggressively socialist on the state level, but turn into rabid capitalists once things go national.”
I agree with you.
I don’t think the Frum community needs any government programs. With lower taxes and less government programs, our community would step up and fill in the gaps. More of our income would be spent on yeshiva and kollels and less money on planned parenthood.February 11, 2020 3:35 pm at 3:35 pm #1830849bsharg2ParticipantI am voting for Trump
However, Amy Klobuchar is the best for the Jews, out of the Democratic candidates. she is the most pro Israel. She is opposed to BDS. She wants to keep US embassy in Yerushalayim
February 11, 2020 8:51 pm at 8:51 pm #1831049Reb EliezerParticipantYang just suspended his candidacy.
February 12, 2020 9:57 am at 9:57 am #1831121Ex-CTLawyerParticipantSmart enough to know he didn’t have a chance
February 12, 2020 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm #1831202GadolhadorahParticipantAs noted earlier, Yang had raised some structural issues about the future economy and job market that the other candidates were not addressing. But for his policies on milah, EY, etc. he was an interesting candidate. The Dems should be worried since his Yang Gang followers will not easily be grabbed by other candidates and many will stay home in November. They are not easy converts to Bernie Bros or Mayor Pete’s “cool kids”.
February 12, 2020 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm #1831229☕️coffee addictParticipant“They are not easy converts to Bernie Bros or Mayor Pete’s “cool kids”.“
Reason being is because they weren’t getting paid 1,000 a month
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