Why Don't We Bring a Korban Chatas After Pesach?

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  • #617542
    Little Froggie

    Didn’t you SWEAR you’d NEVER bring chametz into your car anymore???


    Didn’t you SWEAR you’d NEVER bring chametz into your car anymore???

    A. No, I didn’t.

    B. Even if I did, a chatas is only brought for a shogeg. It cannot be brought for willfully violating an oath.

    The Wolf

    Little Froggie

    I’m referring to one of the reasons a woman bring such a korban after birth of a child.

    (oish, dissected another joke..)


    I’m referring to one of the reasons a woman bring such a korban after birth of a child.

    Yes, but the truth is that the reasoning for that is not absolute. One brings a korban chatas after childbirth, even if no such sh’vua was made or even if no such sh’vua could have been made (for example, if the mother was in a coma).

    The bottom line is that a chatas is brought after childbirth for reasons that, ultimately, are known only to HKBH. We may try to come up with post-hoc reasonings (such as the one you bring), but you cannot rely on them to make halachic rulings in other areas (such as with chametz in your car).

    The Wolf

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    but you cannot rely on them to make halachic rulings in other areas (such as with chametz in your car).

    He wasn’t. He was making a joke.


    He was making a joke.

    I understood that. I still felt the need to make the point.

    The Wolf


    Woe unto us.

    The CR has lost its sense of humor.

    Dark days indeed.

    Little Froggie


    Wolfish: Thing I mentioned is a Medrash, not to be trifled. Of course you’re correct in reality. But that inyan is from Medrash, divrei Elokim chaim.

    <Back to REAL SELF MODE>

    Golfer: Do you really think I’m leaving anytime soon?!?


    LF: Yes, but the Gemara that says that is still only giving an explanation, not a reason. Meaning, it’s a Sevara meant to teach a lesson, not a Halacha. Because if it were so, then a mute woman would not bring such a Korban, which is true. I don’t know how pointing that out is “trifling”, especially when Wolf was using it to reject your (incorrect) usage of it in another context.

    Actually, now that I think about it, I believe that Gemara (somewhere in the middle of Niddah, maybe in the 30s) quotes R’ Shimon as saying that. And we know that R’ Shimon holds Darshinan Taama Dikra. So maybe R’ Shimon would think it could be situational and would accept your application (though I doubt it, but it’s an interesting thought project). Which, of course, means that to us, who don’t hold Darshinan Taama Dikra, it really is just a Gezeiras HaKasuv (with a decently transparent lesson) and is certainly not applicable elsewhere.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Sam: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/why-dont-we-bring-a-koran-chatas-after-pesach#post-606981

    Although I agree that Wolf wasn’t disrespecting the Medrash in any way.


    Wolfish: Thing I mentioned is a Medrash, not to be trifled. Of course you’re correct in reality. But that inyan is from Medrash, divrei Elokim chaim.

    Who trifled with it? I simply pointed out that while it’s a nice point, it is, in fact, not the *true* reason for the bringing of a chatas after childbirth (since it is brought even if there was no possibility of a neder).

    The Wolf


    (oish, dissected another joke..)

    That doesn’t go well with your username…


    Little Froggie

    Sidi: Same as in another post: pun intended!

    Wolf: I’m sorry I implied so. I just wanted the olam to know that that ‘inyan’ is not just “made up”, it’s brought down in Medrash.



    LF: Something that does not appear in “Medrash” is not necessarily “made up” and not every idea that appears in “Medrash” will be applicable in other cases.

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