Why don’t shadchanim get paid as much as psychologists?

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    Can someone here explain it to the AmiLiving letter writer?


    Maybe because they didn’t go to college


    Why don’t psychologists get paid as much as major league pitchers?


    Supply and demand. Any yenta can be a shadchan. Only a yenta with a psychology degree can be a psychologist.


    I think we need stricter licensing requirements for shadchanim.


    Why should someone here explain something to the AmiLiving letter writer?


    I haven’t read the letter……………………
    BUT, many a shadchan gets paid when a marriage takes place after the introduction.
    The shadcan may have worked many hours to find a suitable match. The client may have needed to date many potential mates before a successful match was made. Then the hourly rate is far lower than a case where the Shadchan spends 1/2 an hour with the girl (or parents), 1/2 an hour with the boy (or parents) then makes one phone call to set up the date…the couple hit it off immediately, both sets of parents approve and a chasunah results. The hourly rate can be very high.

    The psychologist has a static hourly rate and collects for each 50 minute hour that a patient is seen.

    So if a Shadchan gets $2000 for a marriage and it takes 2 hours work, the Shadcan makes $1000 per hour before expenses. If it takes 40 hours work over 6 months to a year, the hourly rate is only $50

    The Psychologist may be billing $125 per hour. If the therapist takes insurance the actual rate they receives may be as low as $35…the rest is written off. The psychologist has to work and bill 16 hours to a private pay patient to earn the $2000.


    I think a better question is why don’t rebbeim get paid as much as psychologists


    Why don’t parents get paid as much as rebbeim?


    Because they don’t have their kids for as long as the rebbeim do.
    It’s that simple


    Parents have the kids much longer, it’s just that they are the ones responsible for the expenses.


    Ry23 you need reasons?
    Two parents per kid
    Parents can’t get fired so there is no accountability
    Any idiot can become a parent
    Parents get paid more, just they are the ones paying the rebbe so they end up with less
    Parents get paid in grandkids
    Parents are paying back their Dept to their parents
    Nobody hired the parents
    Parents don’t ask their boss for a raise
    Need more?


    Why don’t firemen 🚒 get paid as much as policemen 👮



    Here in small town America, Firemen don’t get paid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    They are volunteers

    In the large city next to our small town Police and Firemen get the same pay


    Two parents per kid – when mechanchim have to feed, clothe, bathe, put to bed, wake up in the middle of the night to nurse, change a diaper, change bedwetters linen and pajamas, the analogy might start.
    Parents can’t get fired so there is no accountability – no accountability? ever hear of shidduchim?
    Any idiot can become a parent – sadly any idiot can open a school and hire staff too
    Parents get paid more, just they are the ones paying the rebbe so they end up with less – what about unemployed parents?
    Parents get paid in grandkids – mechanchim get paid in nachas (I hope they are not simply teaching machines spitting out lessons),
    Parents are paying back their Dept to their parents – no they are not. they are ensuring the next generation of klal yisroel is properly educated. an institution with mechanchim such as the attitude you display is probably not the place to ensure they are.
    Nobody hired the parents – look at most mosdos you are familiar with, who did the hiring? who did they hire?
    Parents don’t ask their boss for a raise – of course they do. only in most instances boss isnt named school administrator.
    Need more? – no, this is enough nonesense for one day.


    “Why don’t shadchanim get paid as much as psychologists?”

    Why cant they? every shadchan is free to set whatever fee they want. As is a psychologist.


    Yeah but people won’t give it to them. I could say that I charge $2,000 an hour to gently glue cotton swabs to people’s cars, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get paid $2,000 an hour.


    You answered the question yourself. people wont give it to them because thy can get the same thing elsewhere for less. If there was a good psychologist for $6.25 an hour the $200 psychologists would be free all day.

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