Why doesn’t coffee have it’s own ברכה?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why doesn’t coffee have it’s own ברכה?

  • This topic has 62 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Meno.
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  • #1834429
    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, sorry, once it was decided not to have its own brocho, we cannot change that. We can have in mind that the above brocho should also apply to coffee since it does not say how in the brocho.

    catch yourself

    Rav Shlomo Zalman ZT”L leaves as צ”ע the question of why nowadays we do not say בורא פרי העץ on orange juice. I have seen some Poskim extend this question to coffee. Nevertheless, of course, the accepted פסק is to say שהכל.
    IIRC, according to some ראשונים (specifically, I think, the רמב”ם), all fruit juices are מכשיר לקבל טומאה, but only שבעת מיני משקים can themselves become טמא (although I might have this distinction exactly backwards).
    Without question, Reb Eliezer is right that we should have coffee in mind while saying המעביר שינה, since this is one of the ways of “removing sleep from our eyes” which הקב”ה ברוב חסדו implanted in the בריאה.

    ☕️coffee addict

    What if you’re too tired in the morning to have כוונה for it?

    catch yourself

    A very choshuve Rav in New York told me once, before Shacharis, with his coffee in his hand, “It’s the first thing in the Siddur.”

    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, if someone is too tired in the morning, oy vaiy.

    Reb Eliezer

    The way I learned it in the yeshiva that יד שחט דם is machshir.

    רמב”ם הלכות טומאת אוכלין פרק א הלכה ב
    אלו הן השבעה משקין שמכשירין את האוכלין לטומאה: המים והטל והשמן והיין והחלב והדם והדבש, ואינן מכשירין עד שיפלו על האוכלין ברצון הבעלים, ולא יהיו סרוחין שהמשקה הסרוח אינו מכשיר וכיון שהוכשר האוכל אף על פי שיבש והרי הוא נגוב הרי זה מקבל טומאה.

    Reb Eliezer

    There is a very interesting Klei Yokor on Para Adumah in Parashas Chukas ומזה מי הנדה. We will use Newton’s Law known a hundred years before by the Klei Yokor. Opposiites React. The question is how can one item be both tahor and tamei? What about being two parts, water and ashes. The water is tahor whereas the ashes are tamei. The question might be for King Solomon that how is it that the ashes don’t make the water tamei? Now, if you put this on a tahor person then the water being tahor has no reaction, so the ashes make him tamei. However when you put it on a tamei person then the ashes being tamei will have no affect and he will become tahor. With this he explains the idea of hechsher. Fruits and vegetables are neutral so we need something tahor to touch them that later the tamei should have an affect on it and make it tamei.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Catch yourself,

    He makes a מודה אני in his cup of coffee? 🤔

    I think I found my פוסק & רב מובהק!

    I wonder if his Yeshiva is called הר סיני

    Reason being is because ד׳ was כפה עליהם הר כגיגית

    And we say אל תקרי כפה אלא קפה


    Reb Eliezer

    coffee addict, why did they need coffee to keep them awake when they over slept, so were rested?

    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb eliezer,



    I can’t even stay up one day straight without coffee

    catch yourself

    “IIRC, according to some ראשונים (specifically, I think, the רמב”ם), all fruit juices are מכשיר לקבל טומאה, but only שבעת מיני משקים can themselves become טמא (although I might have this distinction exactly backwards).”

    Turns out I had it backwards and inside out. Everyone agrees that only שבעת מיני משקין are מכשיר לקבל טומאה (which is a משנה מפורשת). The רמב”ם holds that they are also the only ones which can themselves become טמא, and the ראב”ד disagrees and holds that מי פירות הנסחטים הם עיקר הפרי ומקבלין טומאה (but מי פירות היוצאים מעצמן are זיעה בעלמא ואינם מקבלים טומאה).

    I guess that Rav says מודה אני by heart.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I heard a pshat by Reb Joey Newcomb that we make a שהכל on coffee because we put the water (hot) with milk (cold) and coffee (bitter) with sugar (sweet) all different extremes and put it together


    Ever had one of those dreams where you’re trying to tell people a joke but they keep responding as if you’re saying something serious?

    That’s this thread.

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