Home › Forums › YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues › Why does the Yeshiva World constantly post anti Trump articles
- This topic has 83 replies, 30 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago by whitecar.
July 2, 2018 2:52 pm at 2:52 pm #1550375whitecarParticipant
@crazykanoiy what is your alternitive to President Trump
July 2, 2018 4:20 pm at 4:20 pm #1550417HealthParticipantWhitecar -“what is your alternitive to President Trump”
I’ll answer this one – it’s easy!
Hillary Clinton!We will be well protected under her leadership, just like she did in Benghazi.
From VOX:
“After the attack on the mission, the State Department convened an Accountability Review Board to identify what went wrong with security. Its final report faulted “systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels” for the inadequate security at the mission.”July 2, 2018 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm #1550387The little I knowParticipantReading the comments here, I find so much comedy. In humor, one seeks to spin truth, and the result of yes is no, and vice versa. There is a reality here. While I have strong opinions, I believe I am moderate about certain things, including politics.
In a choice between Trump and Hillary, we B”H made a choice that is light years better. Not negotiable.
Trump has proved himself to be irresponsible and loose, using twitter much as a small child, with the temper tantrums, the extremes of emotional expression, and sometimes superficiality. He is no choir boy, and I would not choose him as a role model. His policies, however, are far more rational, even if you disagree. And the results speak for their efficacy. I believe that there is a needed infusion of responsible marketing for the president, and the use of social media to speak his feelings is contraindicated.
I reject the comments about how Trump lied so many times. Many of these, with the MSM documenting the inaccuracies, were later proven to be true. The MSM is far more dishonest than Trump ever was, and their word on anything is automatically suspect. I do not even respect the MSM when they broadcast the weather forecast. Meanwhile, the Democrat agenda has zero to do with leading the country, helping the population, or even the constituencies of the various elected officials, but rather the good ole ATDS (Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome). When Trump policy separated children, there was an outcry against it. When he wrote an executive order changing that, the same people screamed.
Then the brain dead people take to the microphones, truly comical. Waters asks the public to be violent. Pelosi can’t figure out if she is against President Trump or Bush. And Schumer contradicts himself from one day to the next. Should YWN broadcast articles from these idiots? Why embarrass them further?
I do not see YWN as taking a side here. But this post in the CR is not about addressing YWN policy. It is simply egging on the readers and lurkers here to join in the fracas about pro-Trump or anti. And it is time we stopped the obsession with Trump. It doesn’t help, and it diverts energy that is better used elsewhere. Perhaps some of the anti-Trump people here could look for ways to help so many of the needy recipients of chesed whose situations are repeated multiple times on every page on this website. At least something useful might be accomplished, plus a mitzvah to boot. Yes, I get involved, so I am coming from the point of being a doer.
July 2, 2018 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm #1550726crazykanoiyParticipant“@crazykanoiy what is your alternitive to President Trump”
Any person who respects the constitution, the seperation of powers and the free press and does his job with a sense of duty and dignity and with respect to others and to the country that he serves would be a better alternative than Trump.If you want specific names. Gov. John Kasich, Gov. Mitt Romney, Gov. John Hickenlooper, Sen. Jeff Flake, Evan McMullin, Sen. Evan Bayh, Sen. Bill Nelson, Sen Joe Manchin, Sen John Tester would all be fine candidates who would do a fine job for this countrt. Im yortzeh Hashem we will have a good candidate to challenge tripTrump and truly give this country the great leadership it deserves.
July 2, 2018 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm #1550736Midwest2Participantcrazykanoiy – a good lineup. The Republican leadership was missing in action in 2016. That’s how the country got Trump.
July 3, 2018 12:15 am at 12:15 am #1550770Avi KParticipantAvram, are you saying that the US should take in all comers? How exactly would you monitor them without establishing a totalitarian state?
July 3, 2018 2:41 am at 2:41 am #1550785forkParticipantGood post, the little I know, and if I could just stick in the little I know, there were a few points in crazykanoi’s post that weren’t addressed. crazykanoi didn’t say who he’s comparing Trump to and maybe means to compare him to a different politician. However, if he meant to compare him to Trump or Clinton, there are a few shocking points he made.
first of all, “We should be concerned when the president uses his position to attack free enterprises such as Amazon with lies and slander.” I much prefer that to a president who uses his position to encourage homosexuality.“We should be concerned when the president fabricates falsehoods against law enforcement such as claiming that the FBI planted a spy in his campaign even though every Reuplican with access to the intelligence says that this is a lie.” Let’s be honest: the FBI did cover up for Clinton and was out to get Trump, as was evidenced by the texts discovered a few weeks ago. True, Trump probably made up planting a spy, but the fact that every Republican says so is little indication. They’re all trying to tone Trump down and make everyone get along nicely. So until there’s concrete proof they wouldn’t say it’s true.
“We should be concerned when the president publicly states that he can just do away with due process by saying we don’t need judges at the border to process asylum seekers and detainees.” I’m not a lawyer, but the feeling I’ve gotten was that the President, as chief of the executive branch, has a right to make such orders. (And a lot better than Obama’s executive orders.)
“We should be concerned when the president showers praise on unrepentant dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong Uhn and Dutarte.” Maybe. Maybe not. He was opening the doors to try to get some deals going. Maybe it was a bad idea, but if Obama would have done it he would have been awarded a second Nobel. It’s only when Trump does it that people mind.
“We should be concerned when the president attacks the free press and demonizes reporters who are doing their job and claims that any story that portrays in an unflattering light is fake news.” You really just hit a nerve with me. 1) The “free press” is Fake News, as everyone, but you, realizes. (See Avram in MD’s post about Rich Lowry’s article.) They are extremely biased against Trump and all conservatives, and twist his every action and every word. 2) “just doing their job” the golden excuse everyone makes for them. The fact that they support their families doesn’t validate any article whose truth is questionable. 3) How any Jew (besides Satmar) who sees the way the “free press” casts Israel in “an unflattering light” can still defend them is beyond me.
I personally would count Trump’s war with the media as one of the good things he’s accomplished.“And when Trump refuses to distance himself from David Duke for three days and says that there were good people marching with NeoNazi’s in Charlottetown that should be enough to make every Jew shudder.” You have a good point here (with David Duke. The second part is news to me, I have to look it up.) Yes, that was very scary. However, I don’t find it better when someone kisses Arafat’s wife or when someone condemns Israel when they defend themselves and/or declare them a no-flying zone. In fact, the latter is worse in a lot of ways. It’s the typical wolf in sheep’s clothing that the liberals impersonate, worse than the conservative wolves.
“Even Trump’s withdrawal from Iran deal is of questionable benefit and may actually increase the threat of a nuclear Iran and much like Obama, Trump has done basically nothing to reign in Hizbullah in Syria.” Whereas Obama’s deal with Iran was of unquestionable benefit–i.e., of no benefit.
As for YWN’s coverage on these subjects, I do think they do a good job. Obviously, anything from the mainstraem media has to be taken with a grain of salt, but overall their balance is good and they don’t show bias. (Posting AP articles isn’t bias.) Thank you for your great work!
July 3, 2018 9:27 am at 9:27 am #1550831July 3, 2018 12:03 pm at 12:03 pm #1550885Avram in MDParticipantAvi K,
“Avram, are you saying that the US should take in all comers?”
That’s another false dilemma. The U.S. should prioritize keeping dangerous people out while maintaining its values as a refuge and beacon of hope for those yearning to be free, and stop mucking up the legal process to try and keep non-violent people out. Personally, I fear the flow of drugs northward into the U.S. and the flow of guns southward into Mexico and Central America a lot more than I fear families who happen to speak Spanish, and I think that’s where most of the U.S. border security resources should be prioritized.
“How exactly would you monitor them without establishing a totalitarian state?”
The best way would be to speed up the processing of asylum claims in the legal system. Barring that, something like a weekly check-in with a case worker is hardly totalitarian.
July 3, 2018 12:03 pm at 12:03 pm #1550886Avram in MDParticipantThe little I know,
“I believe I am moderate about certain things, including politics.”
” I do not even respect the MSM when they broadcast the weather forecast. Meanwhile, the Democrat agenda has zero to do with leading the country, helping the population, or even the constituencies of the various elected officials, but rather the good ole ATDS (Anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome).”
“Then the brain dead people take to the microphones… Should YWN broadcast articles from these idiots?”
Well! If this is your definition of “moderate” I’d hate to see your definition of partisan.
July 3, 2018 12:50 pm at 12:50 pm #1550965JosephParticipantAvram, do you believe that America should accept anyone in the world who isn’t dangerous that wants to move to America for economic reasons?
If not, what should America do to those that come here illegally for economic reasons?
July 3, 2018 1:42 pm at 1:42 pm #1551287Avram in MDParticipantJoseph,
“Avram, do you believe that America should accept anyone in the world who isn’t dangerous that wants to move to America for economic reasons?”
Increase opportunity for legal immigration? Yes. Automatically accept everyone who wants to immigrate because of economic reasons, even if it stresses U.S. resources? No.
“If not, what should America do to those that come here illegally for economic reasons?”
If apprehended at the border, charge them with a misdemeanor and deport them.
July 3, 2018 2:37 pm at 2:37 pm #1551442jackkParticipantYWN doesn’t post enough articles about the man in the WH. They should post many more.
It is not OK for any President:
1) To lie every day about everything from the most insignificant verifiable facts like the size of his inauguration to very serious matters like whether the previous President bugged his hotel.
2) To enrich himself while being President
3)To enrich his family while being President
4) To have an administration full of people that are enriching themselves
5) To have his personal lawyer enrich himself, selling access to the President
6) To hire people in his administration that have zero experience in what they are leading.
7) To hire people for agencies that have directly lobbied against the purpose of those agencies
8)To call all free press – enemies of America.
9)To distrust and ignore the Congress, FBI and CIA when they have determined that Russia directly influenced our election
10)To destroy the institutions of the US – including the FBI, CIA, and our electoral system either directly or by casting aspersions on them
11) To declare himself so powerful that he can commit any crime that he wants and has the power to pardon himself for them’
12) To tell members of his family and friends that they have nothing to fear since he will pardon them.
13) To hire major staff and administration officials who have been compromised by working for other countries
14) To lie constantly
15) To be a racist and sexist
16) To call for a ban of all Muslims from entering the US to cheers from the crowd. (Replace Muslims with Jews.)
17) To start trade wars with friends of the US
18) To deny people health insurance with pre-existing conditions
19) To advance conspiracy theories like that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii
20) To constantly insult Heads of State, Politicians, and even common people
21) To believe in “revenge/hitting back” as an answer.
22) To try to financially destroy American companies because the owner is not politically aligned with him. (Amazon\WP\…).
23)To lie constantly.
24) To not send more assistance to PR thus causing thousands of deaths.
25) To declare black football players unpatriotic for protesting police violence against blacks during the national anthem
26) To declare anyone opposing his policies as unpatriotic.
27) To waste millions of dollars on a military parade to stroke his ego.This is a small sample of the corruption that he is involved in. I could add to this list daily since the corruption emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave multiplies exponentially daily.
This does not mean that he has never done anything good or praiseworthy. It means that when he does improper actions, including tweets , then the press and TYW are correct in printing and publicizing it.
July 3, 2018 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #1551622The little I knowParticipantAvram:
As a moderate, I reject the extreme. The reason that Liberalism has become a Disease is because it is limitless in its scope. One might entertain a concept of gender identity as something other than a form of psychopathology. But it has wandered far beyond the limits of morality or logic, and has thus become a goal of its own. At last count, I found gender identities listed as some 70+, and anyone who guesses wrong at someone’s momentary self-identification is branded as a guilty perpetrator of discrimination.
I can entertain positions that differ with the current Trump administration. When every single action and word is taken as a cause for a “justified” protest full of hate, violence, and threats, we are dealing with a different situation.
The labeling of anything Trump does as evil is an extreme position, and this is detestable. In fact, his immigration policies were actually stated openly by Bill Clinton, Obama, and numerous Democrat politicians in Congress. But now that Trump says it, it is evil. That kind of extremism is no longer logical, and is driven by passionate hate. As a moderate, I cannot tolerate this form of disagreement. Sadly, the Democratic Party has stooped to this level of self-degradation. I try in vain to hear something that approaches rational thinking. I cannot find it in the words of any of our politicians. I guess politics corrupts.
July 3, 2018 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm #1551796yaakov doeParticipantIf Trump wasn’t so inept , corrupt and offensive there would be nothing negative to post
YWN should report the news regardless of an elected offical’s position for or against Yiddin and Israel. Just the facts.July 3, 2018 5:42 pm at 5:42 pm #1551847whitecarParticipantEveryone on this site knows YWN is very bias (for example they never post any anti israel articles or pro neturei kaitra (which is a good thing)) this bias if reporting extends to their political views as well. Its really annoying when YWN makes their articles all opinion and not news. IM HERE FOR THE NEWS, NOT WHAT YOUR (YWN’s) PERSONAL OPINION IS. We have a coffee room for that
July 3, 2018 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm #1551849The little I knowParticipantJack:
You deserve a line by line response. Firstly, I note that you repeat yourself , making the list longer. If I don’t accept your statement the first time, chances are that the next 1-2 times won’t help much. But the longer list sure makes your anti-Trump stand look stronger.
1, 14, 23 – lying. Not so sure, and it certainly doesn’t add up to lying about everything.
2, 3 – enriching. This cannot be documented anywhere. The left sells this message via its liars in the media. No evidence has ever been found. Trump himself has disconnected from his businesses, and this was monitored carefully prior to his taking office. Yet, his businesses continue to prosper, without current benefit to him. Same goes for his family.
4, 5, 6, 7 – ethical issues with those he hired. Once again, conjecture, and based on the belief that anything he does must be suspect. Most of his hires have undergone scrutiny by others, including Congressional approval.
8 – free press. You gotta admit, as even they do – the MSM has occupied often up to 80% of their broadcast time to trashing Trump, even ignoring major stories in the news. There is a HUGE amount of falsehood in the MSM. Trump just calls them on it, and NEVER took any action to restrict what these journalists do, even when they spread lies and misrepresentations about him.
9 – distrust of Congress. You are factually inaccurate. Trump did not challenge the hacking and meddling claims. He has denied having any role in that whatsoever, and there has yet to be evidence demonstrated that he did. There is evidence that Russia did not directly influence the election, though they tried. This was reported in your beloved MSM.
10 – destroying institutions of US. You’re kidding. There is demonstrated improper behavior of people at the helm of major government agencies. IRS, the Obama cabinet, the FBI, and the CIA. The evidence of all this has seen sunshine. The electoral system has its issues, and massive pockets of voting fraud have been exposed. Trump never destroyed or tried to destroy anything. There have been problems, still are, and Congress is aware of them, as is available to the public via the WWW.
11, 12 – pardons. You’re kidding. Please supply a quote and source for any such statements. The idea was floated by inquisitive people within the media. No one ever stated they would commit crimes with impunity. That accusation is vicious on your part. You know it’s untrue,but you flaunt it the same way the Fake News MSM does it. Have you no shame?
13 – staff who worked for other countries. You’re getting ridiculous. Every administration had staff that had prior connections to other countries. Such experience can be potentially valuable. Whether this experience becomes a conflict of interest is an issue. Don’t suggest that Obama and Hillary had no such conflicts of interest. They were jam packed loaded with these. Shall I cite Uranium One?
15 – racist and sexist. This is a proven fabrication. This gets repeated often enough by some of the stupidest people, including some Democratic politicians and some of the imbeciles of the MSM. Nothing has ever been documented. But it does sell well. Sorry, but it doesn’t wash.
16 – Muslim ban. Another documented red herring. The countries on the travel ban are all associated with terror. I agree that when we think of terror, the first image that comes to mind is a Muslim. That’s not a Trump fabrication. That’s the hard work of the terror groups, and gets the support of the libtards of the world. Do you want to offer the populations that commit, support, justify, and encourage terror, who have sworn to attack Israel and the United States free entry without proper vetting? If you do, I would sooner see you as an enemy of Israel and US than a friend.
17 – trade wars. Partially valid issue. I am not in the business world, and I do not have any deep understanding of world economics. I bet that trade wars are not good for anyone. But the current lopsided status, with American goods subject to tariffs without anything similar existing in the other direction just sounds unfair. If someone offers to negotiate with you and you refuse, can you blame him for taking a hard stand against you? You asked for it. More often than not, US has a good chance of winning the trade war, and the other countries are likely to back down and bargain in good faith. I understand Trump’s stand, as far as my limited grasp of economics permits.
18 – health care. I would agree. But who will pay for these pre-existing conditions? You, me? This is not the only problem with health care. The costs of health care are inflated greatly by the desperate need for tort reform, and no one with a background in law will tolerate this. I think only one state placed a cap on awards, and health care costs went down drastically. 49 to go. Would you support that, or do you just want to gripe about the push to eliminate the albatross called Obamacare?
19 – birthing. Do you really care at this point? There was so much shrouded history and documentation that the suspicion that something was being hidden is justified. The real problem with Obama was that he was an enemy of democracy, the Constitution, and he wanted desperately to push socialism and Islam down the throats of America. I might believe what I want about his legal status, but it is overshadowed by my disdain for him.
20 – insults. Good point. Anyone want to address Obama’s insults to Netanyahu? Trump is quite free with saying insulting and insensitive things. Most have learned to not take those comments seriously. As of yet, they are foolish and babyish, but harmless.
21 – revenge. Please explain. I can’t guess what you mean. In the business world, that’s how competition works.
22 – financially destroying. Are you for real? There are times when companies exert their market power in a manner that becomes destructive to the public. Amazon has huge discounts for delivering Amazon merchandise. It comes at a substantial deficit for the USPS, and contributes handsomely to the USPS running in the red. That system is bankrupting a government agency, and needs to be revamped. Trump is correct. I am a beneficiary of the current system, but it is unfair to all. It has nothing to do with political views. It is dollars and sense.
24 – aid to PR. Read the rest of the story. The systems in place to distribute monies effectively are failing. Just giving them a blank check will not work. There is structure needed so that the people of PR benefit, and the current work is about creating that.
25 – police violence. I won’t debate the cause, though I solemnly disagree with the premise. But even so, there are ways to deal with it. The anthem kneeling thing is nothing but a disgrace. It accomplishes nothing. It creates a narrative that is false, and justifies the pattern of protest and violence that has characterized the left. Trump loves America, and is sincerely trying to make it great again. The left doesn’t want that, and opposes everything just because it comes from Trump. That’s shameful. What, pray tell, does the left propose to make America great again? Anything?
26 – unpatriotic opposition. Another myth promoted by the MSM, the anti-American politicians, and the left. I ask you to please document this suggestion of yours.
27 – stroking his ego. You’re getting stupid. He has an ego, strokes it all the time, especially in his persistent tweeting. The money spent on the parade was supposed to go for another event, which he cancelled and diverted to this. He ended up saving a ton of money.
You have the burden of proof.
July 4, 2018 12:49 am at 12:49 am #1551990Avi KParticipantJackk,
1. What about FBI agents explicitly working against his election? Is that respect for the Constitution and separation of powers? As for trade wars, he wants a fairer deal for America. What’s wrong with that. I also wouldn’t care so much if he blocked Jews from coming. Let them make aliya.Little, so what if Amazon bankrupts the USPS? I would completely privatize it and let the free market decide. This is, in fact, the true public interest.
As for alternatives, I od not see any of the abovementioned candidates running in 2020. It takes a great deal to unseat a President from leading his own party. So far as I know it has not happened, at least not in the last 100 years. As for the Democrats, that party is drifting increasing into leftist never-never land. They might as well call it the Sanderscratic Party.
July 4, 2018 9:05 am at 9:05 am #1552039ParticipantParticipantIf you want specific names. Gov. John Kasich, Gov. Mitt Romney, Gov. John Hickenlooper, Sen. Jeff Flake, Evan McMullin, Sen. Evan Bayh, Sen. Bill Nelson, Sen Joe Manchin, Sen John Tester would all be fine candidates who would do a fine job for this countrt. Im yortzeh Hashem we will have a good candidate to challenge tripTrump and truly give this country the great leadership it deserves.
July 2, 2018 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm #1550736REPLY
crazykanoiy – a good lineup. The Republican leadership was missing in action in 2016. That’s how the country got Trump.Is that a joke? They had like 20 candidates up on stage.
July 4, 2018 9:52 am at 9:52 am #1552056jackkParticipantou deserve a line by line response. Firstly, I note that you repeat yourself , making the list longer. If I don’t accept your statement the first time, chances are that the next 1-2 times won’t help much. But the longer list sure makes your anti-Trump stand look stronger.
1, 14, 23 – lying. Not so sure, and it certainly doesn’t add up to lying about everything.
2, 3 – enriching. This cannot be documented anywhere. The left sells this message via its liars in the media. No evidence has ever been found. Trump himself has disconnected from his businesses, and this was monitored carefully prior to his taking office. Yet, his businesses continue to prosper, without current benefit to him. Same goes for his family.
4, 5, 6, 7 – ethical issues with those he hired. Once again, conjecture, and based on the belief that anything he does must be suspect. Most of his hires have undergone scrutiny by others, including Congressional approval.
8 – free press. You gotta admit, as even they do – the MSM has occupied often up to 80% of their broadcast time to trashing Trump, even ignoring major stories in the news. There is a HUGE amount of falsehood in the MSM. Trump just calls them on it, and NEVER took any action to restrict what these journalists do, even when they spread lies and misrepresentations about him.
9 – distrust of Congress. You are factually inaccurate. Trump did not challenge the hacking and meddling claims. He has denied having any role in that whatsoever, and there has yet to be evidence demonstrated that he did. There is evidence that Russia did not directly influence the election, though they tried. This was reported in your beloved MSM.
10 – destroying institutions of US. You’re kidding. There is demonstrated improper behavior of people at the helm of major government agencies. IRS, the Obama cabinet, the FBI, and the CIA. The evidence of all this has seen sunshine. The electoral system has its issues, and massive pockets of voting fraud have been exposed. Trump never destroyed or tried to destroy anything. There have been problems, still are, and Congress is aware of them, as is available to the public via the WWW.
11, 12 – pardons. You’re kidding. Please supply a quote and source for any such statements. The idea was floated by inquisitive people within the media. No one ever stated they would commit crimes with impunity. That accusation is vicious on your part. You know it’s untrue,but you flaunt it the same way the Fake News MSM does it. Have you no shame?
13 – staff who worked for other countries. You’re getting ridiculous. Every administration had staff that had prior connections to other countries. Such experience can be potentially valuable. Whether this experience becomes a conflict of interest is an issue. Don’t suggest that Obama and Hillary had no such conflicts of interest. They were jam packed loaded with these. Shall I cite Uranium One?
15 – racist and sexist. This is a proven fabrication. This gets repeated often enough by some of the stupidest people, including some Democratic politicians and some of the imbeciles of the MSM. Nothing has ever been documented. But it does sell well. Sorry, but it doesn’t wash.
16 – Muslim ban. Another documented red herring. The countries on the travel ban are all associated with terror. I agree that when we think of terror, the first image that comes to mind is a Muslim. That’s not a Trump fabrication. That’s the hard work of the terror groups, and gets the support of the libtards of the world. Do you want to offer the populations that commit, support, justify, and encourage terror, who have sworn to attack Israel and the United States free entry without proper vetting? If you do, I would sooner see you as an enemy of Israel and US than a friend.
17 – trade wars. Partially valid issue. I am not in the business world, and I do not have any deep understanding of world economics. I bet that trade wars are not good for anyone. But the current lopsided status, with American goods subject to tariffs without anything similar existing in the other direction just sounds unfair. If someone offers to negotiate with you and you refuse, can you blame him for taking a hard stand against you? You asked for it. More often than not, US has a good chance of winning the trade war, and the other countries are likely to back down and bargain in good faith. I understand Trump’s stand, as far as my limited grasp of economics permits.
18 – health care. I would agree. But who will pay for these pre-existing conditions? You, me? This is not the only problem with health care. The costs of health care are inflated greatly by the desperate need for tort reform, and no one with a background in law will tolerate this. I think only one state placed a cap on awards, and health care costs went down drastically. 49 to go. Would you support that, or do you just want to gripe about the push to eliminate the albatross called Obamacare?
19 – birthing. Do you really care at this point? There was so much shrouded history and documentation that the suspicion that something was being hidden is justified. The real problem with Obama was that he was an enemy of democracy, the Constitution, and he wanted desperately to push socialism and Islam down the throats of America. I might believe what I want about his legal status, but it is overshadowed by my disdain for him.
20 – insults. Good point. Anyone want to address Obama’s insults to Netanyahu? Trump is quite free with saying insulting and insensitive things. Most have learned to not take those comments seriously. As of yet, they are foolish and babyish, but harmless.
21 – revenge. Please explain. I can’t guess what you mean. In the business world, that’s how competition works.
22 – financially destroying. Are you for real? There are times when companies exert their market power in a manner that becomes destructive to the public. Amazon has huge discounts for delivering Amazon merchandise. It comes at a substantial deficit for the USPS, and contributes handsomely to the USPS running in the red. That system is bankrupting a government agency, and needs to be revamped. Trump is correct. I am a beneficiary of the current system, but it is unfair to all. It has nothing to do with political views. It is dollars and sense.
24 – aid to PR. Read the rest of the story. The systems in place to distribute monies effectively are failing. Just giving them a blank check will not work. There is structure needed so that the people of PR benefit, and the current work is about creating that.
25 – police violence. I won’t debate the cause, though I solemnly disagree with the premise. But even so, there are ways to deal with it. The anthem kneeling thing is nothing but a disgrace. It accomplishes nothing. It creates a narrative that is false, and justifies the pattern of protest and violence that has characterized the left. Trump loves America, and is sincerely trying to make it great again. The left doesn’t want that, and opposes everything just because it comes from Trump. That’s shameful. What, pray tell, does the left propose to make America great again? Anything?
26 – unpatriotic opposition. Another myth promoted by the MSM, the anti-American politicians, and the left. I ask you to please document this suggestion of yours.
27 – stroking his ego. You’re getting stupid. He has an ego, strokes it all the time, especially in his persistent tweeting. The money spent on the parade was supposed to go for another event, which he cancelled and diverted to this. He ended up saving a ton of money.
You have the burden of proof.A line by line response.
1) “You have the burden of proof.”. I wish you would hold the President to the same standard as you do me.
2) 1, 14, 23 – lying. Not so sure, and it certainly doesn’t add up to lying about everything.
You aren’t so sure ? I brought 2 examples. (BTW ‘Everything’ was explained as being from insignificant to very serious. It did not mean everything.) Here is a lie from this morning. Donald Trump has tweeted an unsubstantiated claim from an hardline Iranian cleric and circulated by a news agency linked to the country’s Revolutionary Guard, that thousands of Iranians were granted US citizenship as part of the 2015 nuclear deal.
In his 8am tweet, the US president said: “Just out that the Obama administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians, including to [sic] government officials. How big (and bad) is that?”
He cited no evidence for the allegation.
The Iranian American population is about a million strong, and the number of Iranians naturalised in the US dipped slightly between 2015 and 2016, from 10,344 to 9,507.
The claim of 2,500 Iranians being made US citizens as part of the nuclear deal was first made in a newspaper interview on 26 June with Mojtaba Zonnour, a member of parliament from Iran’s Shia religious centre at Qom. He is an outspoken critic of President Hassan Rouhani and the nuclear agreement, by which Iran curbed its nuclear programme in return for sanctions relief.3) “Firstly, I note that you repeat yourself”. I agree that a repeated claim does not strengthen an argument. Please hold the President to the same standard.
4) “enriching. This cannot be documented anywhere. “ I guess you also want to see his tax returns for proof . In truth, it is simple. He has not sold his share in his businesses or put them in a blind trust. All of the Trump businesses prosperity goes directly to his pocket. That means from Mar A Lago here he spends many weekends to the Trump Hotel in Washington DC where many foreign dignitaries stay . The naiveté that it takes to trust someone who has been enriching himself his whole life and will continue after he leaves office to completely disconnect from his businesses that he spent his whole life building is astounding and I don’t buy it.
5) 4, 5, 6, 7 – “ethical issues with those he hired. Once again, conjecture.” Do the names Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort mean anything to you? Does an indictment still mean it’s conjecture? Check into Scott Pruitt and his behavior . Does a lobbyist for private schools show the necessary background to head the Department of Education ? Does being Trump’s doctor give you the skills to head the VA ?
6) “11, 12 – pardons. You’re kidding.” Absolutely not. Rudy Guliani is an official Trump spokesman and a lawyer said . I quote: Asked whether Trump has the power to give himself a pardon, Giuliani said, “He’s not, but he probably does.” Giuliani added that Trump “has no intention of pardoning himself,” but that the U.S. Constitution, which gives a president the authority to issue pardons, “doesn’t say he can’t.”Speaking on ABC’s “This Week” program, Giuliani added, “It would be an open question. I think it would probably get answered by, gosh, that’s what the Constitution says.”I will finish this list later and I have proofs for everything I said.
July 4, 2018 9:55 am at 9:55 am #1552133YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThese posts are much too long. I approved them, but please keep them shorter in the future.
July 4, 2018 4:07 pm at 4:07 pm #1552401HealthParticipantTLIK – Why are you responding to Jackk? He suffers from TDS.
Notice – that any lib – never discusses crime. The reason is – liberal policies promote More criminal activity!July 5, 2018 12:44 pm at 12:44 pm #1552905jackkParticipantHealth,
Calling a person a name is your response ?! I can discuss crime if you want. Please show me one proof that liberal policies promote crime and we can debate. Vacuous slogans and repeated insults are not replacements for truth.
“Liberalism is a disease” is not a very good argument.
July 5, 2018 1:13 pm at 1:13 pm #1552928Avram in MDParticipantThe little I know,
“The reason that Liberalism has become a Disease is because it is limitless in its scope.”
Define “Liberalism” – I imagine we might largely agree with respect to socially liberal issues as in your example. But if someone has a different opinion than you do regarding, say, the role of the Federal Government vs. the states, the degree of economic assistance offered by the government, or the amount of tax citizens should pay, etc., would you also label those different opinions a capital-D Disease?
“The labeling of anything Trump does as evil is an extreme position, and this is detestable.”
Yeah, those are partisans, and both parties have ’em.
“In fact, his immigration policies were actually stated openly by Bill Clinton, Obama, and numerous Democrat politicians in Congress.”
Really? Which previous administration called for the building of a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it? Which previous administration called for extrajudicial removal of asylum claimants?
July 5, 2018 2:23 pm at 2:23 pm #1552962Reb EliezerParticipantExtremes are no good.
July 5, 2018 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm #1553080jackkParticipant“1. What about FBI agents explicitly working against his election? Is that respect for the Constitution and separation of powers? ”
Text messages only show that they did not want him. It does not show that he worked against him. Show me proof that the explicitly worked against his election.
“2) As for trade wars, he wants a fairer deal for America. What’s wrong with that. ”
That is a nice concept. A trade war is not he answer.“3) I also wouldn’t care so much if he blocked Jews from coming. Let them make aliya. ” I doubt you really mean that.
“4) Little, so what if Amazon bankrupts the USPS? I would completely privatize it and let the free market decide. This is, in fact, the true public interest. ” So when we privatize the USPS and they start acting like big insurance companies and raise the rates every year and apply different rates for American in out of the way locations that would be good? OK.
July 5, 2018 6:35 pm at 6:35 pm #1553384HealthParticipantjackk -“Calling a person a name is your response ?!”
TDS – is not a name, it’s a syndrome. A lot of libs suffer with it!
“I can discuss crime if you want. ”
So go ahead! I was talking about the fact that they only protest immigration, Not crime!
“Please show me one proof that liberal policies promote crime and we can debate. Vacuous slogans and repeated insults are not replacements for truth”
The fact that we have liberal judges promote crime by their liberal sentences.
From the Topic – I started – “Crime in the Good Ole USA”
“Another travesty of justice!
If it was the other way around – the perp would have gotten 25 – life!
Hopefully the feds will prosecute & he’ll get the death penalty.
Because now we have a real Justice Dept.!”July 5, 2018 7:21 pm at 7:21 pm #1553391The little I knowParticipantjackk:
1. Wrong. His text messages say clearly that he wants to stop him.
2. Trump does not want a trade war any more than you or me. The current lopsided status is not sustainable. These countries already place tariffs on American products. Why is that OK? Why should America take it on the chin? Trump wants an even playing field. If you have any business sense, you would want that, too. If these foreign countries find that hard for them, they will sit at a negotiating table and make a deal. They refused so far.
3. Volunteer to facilitate aliyah for American Jews. Don’t just make snide comments.
4. Perhaps privatization is the way to go. Obviously, no White House or Congress considers this idea viable, and never did in the past administrations. Meanwhile, you cannot dictate what is in the public interest. I would be open to all suggestions. But I doubt you have all the relevant issues in your knowledge base to make a decision on this, or even to have an educated opinion. Meanwhile, the Amazon USPS deal is running in the red, and does so daily. What would you put in place before you dismantle USPS?
July 5, 2018 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm #1553392whitecarParticipant@Ywn Moderator, can u confirm ywn is trying to be as neutral as possible? (Although i have noticed less anti trump articles recently)
July 6, 2018 1:22 am at 1:22 am #1553474Avi KParticipantJack,
1. Don’t be disingenuous.
2. So what is?
3. Only half tongue in cheek. If someone is relocating anyway why chose another galut? What really made me sick was an article in a certain “Hareidi” magazine trumpeting the revived Jewish community in Berlin. @TLTIK, if Rav Meir Simcha could not move German Jew to make aliya what can I do. Secular Jews are disappearing anyway. Orthodox Jews will soon have no place in Western countries except possible, thank to Trump, the US. Why I think that is is a whole other subject.
4. So let the USPS trim the waste and be competitive. Anyway, what is so bad about charging according to distance? Buses do it. Besides, with email snail mail is a museum piece. We have saved the trees.July 6, 2018 8:30 am at 8:30 am #1553511CuriosityParticipantAvram in MD: “Since when is it a crime to request asylum?”
The way you phrase this question shows complete intellectual dishonesty and twisting of the truth. There is a big difference between “requesting asylum” and illegally sneaking across the border. One is a crime the other is not. Let’s not pretend anyone is saying we should no longer accept legitimate asylum seekers who don’t try to skip the line ahead of everyone else who is trying to go through it the legal way. Oh and by the way, most of the illegals who sneak in do it for money not for asylum.
July 6, 2018 9:32 am at 9:32 am #1553513votekosherParticipantExcept the President isn’t separating children from their parents. Stop spreading lies.
The separation of children from adults started under Bush, continued under Obama (and you and Democrats SAID NOTHING) and was done because the children were coming SEPARATEY from their parents, induced her by Jewish and Catholic charities who are making MILLIONS in taxpayer funding to manage the illegals, because the parents are here illegally as well, all smuggled in with the dope and the sex slaves.
Trump STOPPED IT and is now starting DNA testing so children are not put with non family adults.
And hopefully soon ALL HERE ILLEGALLY WILL BE DEPORTED. We can deport the children WITH THEIR PARENTS.
Or perhaps you are one of those who make money off cheap labor, and prefer more future DEMmigrants to vote against Israel and for more cultural filth, but most here do NOT.
July 9, 2018 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm #1554353Avram in MDParticipantCuriosity,
“The way you phrase this question shows complete intellectual dishonesty and twisting of the truth.”
Well hello to you too. I would appreciate if you could address the content of my posts without making ad hominem attacks.
“There is a big difference between “requesting asylum” and illegally sneaking across the border. One is a crime the other is not.”
I have already addressed this in other posts in this thread. To recap:
1. Some of the families who had children separated had entered the U.S. at legal ports of entry.
2. One must be physically present inside the U.S. to request asylum, and it is extremely difficult to enter the U.S. at legal points of entry. Some families are turned away outright. Others are left waiting for days. Due to this, asylum seekers frequently cross the border and then surrender themselves to authorities. Take the hysteria out of the equation, if you’re trying to get somewhere and you’re stuck for a long time at an obviously broken traffic signal, what would you do? Yes, it’s a misdemeanor offense, but from the hysteria over this issue you’d think it’s mass murder or something.“Let’s not pretend anyone is saying we should no longer accept legitimate asylum seekers who don’t try to skip the line ahead of everyone else who is trying to go through it the legal way.”
Line? How about let’s not pretend that there is a line for people to get in or skip. Read my posts from above. It’s nearly impossible to legally immigrate to the U.S., and prohibitively hard for families to request asylum.
“Oh and by the way, most of the illegals who sneak in do it for money not for asylum.”
That’s for the courts to decide on a case by case basis. We’re a nation of laws, remember?
July 23, 2018 2:57 pm at 2:57 pm #1563248whitecarParticipantYWN knows that headlines that make you angry will bring im more clicks
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