Why do we remove teffilin before Musaf on Rosh Chodesh?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Why do we remove teffilin before Musaf on Rosh Chodesh?

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  • #1451581
    Barn Owl

    See Mishnah Berurah OC: 25:61-62
    סא) קדושת כתר – פי’ במקום שאנו אומרים נקדש במוסף אומרים בקצת מקומות כתר יתנו לך לכן אין נכון להיות אז כתר של תפילין עליו ואפילו בעת תפלת הלחש ופשוט דאם שכח והתחיל להתפלל בהם לא יחלצם באמצע דאינו רק מנהגא:

    (סב) בכל מקום – והט”ז כתב דהנוהג שאינו חולץ במוסף אין עליו תלונה מאחר שאין אנו אומרים קדושת כתר יתנו לך ושמעתי על גדול הדור אחד שלא היה חולצם במוסף אך המתפלל בצבור בודאי לא ישנה מנהגא דצבורא:

    Seems like Bnei Lita, should be leaving on their teffilin.


    One time this reason was discussed here. A few days later i was on a date and a nice less religious jewish man started shmoozing with me. He randomly asked me, while in front of the girl, “why do we take off our tefillin by mussaf” bh, the coffee room made me look good.


    “Seems like Bnei Lita, should be leaving on their teffilin.”

    Except that you quote the opposite
    “אך המתפלל בצבור בודאי לא ישנה מנהגא דצבורא:”


    I believe the German Minhag up until around sometime in the middle ages was to leave tefilin on for the entire davening on Rosh Chodesh. And in some communities on Chol Hamoed they were left on for Hallel and only taken off for Musaf like we do today with Rosh Chodesh.


    *before Hallel except


    ReuBrew: from what I recall, today, those who wear tefillin on Chol Hamoed remove them before except for the first day of Chol Hamoed Pesach (or Second if the first day is Shabbos) since we lein from the end of Parshas Bo which mentions the mitzvah of tefillin.


    There is also an inyan that if the baal tefilla is wearing them on chol hamoed PESACH only, he waits until after hallel to remove them. It’s likely because of tircha d’tzibbura, which would not be as pressing on chol haMoed Sukkos, when there is already a break before hallel, to permit people to bentsch esrog.

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