Why did the Bnei Yisroel eat milchigs at har sinai?

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    Because the Torah hadn’t been given yet and they didn’t know it was a mitzva to eat meat on yontiff.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    What did the Avos do?


    I’d assume the avos ate meat, but the imahos ate milchig

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    ‘?????? ?”? ??


    Malochim don’t have mitzvos.


    Some dolt sent me a link to the passuk, and it’s about chasing away hagar. I assume you meant to cite the passuk about serving the malachaim chemah and chalav and ben habakar asher asah

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    No, it’s about listening to the Imahos.


    and that wasnt nice that you called him a dolt.


    After the Torah was given at Har Sinai, the laws of kashrus became immediately incumbent on everyone, and they had no separate keilim for meat and milk, nor did they as yet know the halachos of shechitah and kashering meat. Only milchigs were ostensibly possible to be eaten at that point. At least, that’s what I was taught many decades ago. I think the real reason is that it was just a great excuse for Jewish women to make and eat cheesecake. I guess they had not yet heard of Tofutti.


    I never understood the whole “they didn’t know how to shecht” thing. The answer is so much simpler. It was Shabbos. They couldn’t Shecht. (It’s also wrong because the Gemara says that animals that died before Mattan Torah were Muttar to eat after, I think.)


    Sam, I believe you are correct. I actually learned, and am recalling now thanks to you, that it was not that they didn’t know how to shecht, but that ma’amad Har Sinai was on Shabbos, 6 Sivan. So you are right, they couldn’t shecht and kasher their keilim until a day later. All they had available was milchigs, apparently.


    Its funny that everyone knows only one of the reasons brought down by chzal when in fact there are several other reasons cited as well. A few of them are:

    1) Magen Avraham says that the seven weeks of Sefira before Matan Torah represent the 7 Nekiyim. After that we were no longer considered Tamei. As Chazal say in other places, the body converts blood into milk. Therefore we eat milk products to represent that we are no longer Tamei.

    2) Ramah says that the minhag is to eat milk and meat in the same seudah. This requires bringing out new challos when you switch from milk to meat. The two sets of challos represent the Shtai Halechem brought on Shevuos (and the Karbon Re’iyah and Chagiga).

    3) Milk represents pashtus, which is the derech to aquire Torah.


    As an additional note, many people eat milchigs at the night meal. The reasons most people give for eating milchigs – not being able to prepare meat and to represent the Shavuos Karbonos – would only be appropriate for Shavuos day. At night Benai Yisrael had not yet received the Torah and do not bring Karbonos. the appropriate time to eat milchigs to satisfy those minhagim would be for the day seudah.


    Ender: The term “Chazal” usually refers to Tannaim and Amoraim. “Chazal” said nothing about eating dairy on Shavuos. It’s a much later Minhag.

    Also, that Magen Avraham has always been a Pele to me as it’s clear that we hold that the blood does not turn into milk. (See Niddah 9a)


    And before we move on to our next agenda, let’s not forget Har Gavnunim.


    did they have fresh dairy shabbos morning too?

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