Why b’davka Trump was shot, and why b’davka in the ear

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    Shtell Aryein

    It’s well known that often when klal yisroel deserves a punishment or just a little wake up call, instead of punishing us, Hashem in His infinite kindness punishes the goyim instead hoping that we wake up, learn and change from it.
    And (hopefully) we also all know and believe that everything, down the the last and smallest detail that happens, happens with an exact cheshbon.
    Having said that, I would like to maybe suggest a reason that Hashem had the bullet pierce b’davka his ear.
    The torah says that a jewish slave after 6 years when it’s time to go free that says אָהַ֙בְתִּי֙ אֶת־אֲדֹנִ֔י אֶת־אִשְׁתִּ֖י וְאֶת־בָּנָ֑י לֹ֥א אֵצֵ֖א חׇפְשִֽׁי׃
    “I love my master, my wife and my children, and I do not wish to go out free”, we bring him to the doorpost and we pierce his ear. One of the reasons given for this is because he failed to recognize his true Master and his true potential and is fully content where he is in life with his human master.
    Unfortunately we are living in a time where many of us are fully content with the lives we are living and can’t see past it. We say to ourselves that “we are living life to it’s fullest” and deep down we don’t really want anything to change. For an example we want the anti-semitism to die down so we can just go back to our day to day lives. We want to just live the American dream, nice house, nice cars, good job, vacations (and obviously being a good jew). But we have to all realize that this is not the ideal life for us. We’re destined for so much greater. Of course we’re suppose to love our country and the lives that Hashem has set forth for us, but we have to be able to pick up and leave when the time comes. We shouldn’t chas v’sholom say “לֹ֥א אֵצֵ֖א חׇפְשִֽׁי – I do not wish to go out free”. And maybe just maybe if we put too much trust and too much love in our “humans masters” and forget that Hashem is our real master Who controls every last thing, so maybe that’s why He has to wake us up and b’davka pierces this man’s ear.


    Like others are saying, not everything has a hechsher, so stam azoy be careful.

    Reb Eliezer

    Maybe it teaches us haughtiness, gaaiva where someone thinks that the whole universe turns around him, is being admonished.

    Reb Eliezer

    Hashem bores the ears when we forget Hashem and serve another master who thinks that he needs no help from advisors because he knows everything.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Reb Eliezer,

    You mean like not listening to everyone else when told to drop out 😂

    Then again when one gets old enough they get stubborn



    Given your incredible haughtiness, crowning yourself with an undeserved title and insisting that others use it, you’d better buy some Kevlar earmuffs.

    Sam Klein

    Let us remind ourselves directly and not need tragedies hitting klal yisroel DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM to remember

    a)that Hashem runs the entire world from big countries down to little cities and all the way down to YOUR breathing from second to second to keep you alive

    B)we all know the famous line of “ain poranius baolam Ela bishvil yisroel” which means EVERYTHING going on in the world even when there’s not a single jew involved is still always a message and wake up call to klal yisroel DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM for serious Teshuva and Achdus together.

    C)as the author said we’re so happy in America and missing the most important part holding us back from Mashiach already coming. WERE MISSING THE TZIPISA L’YESHUA the YEARNING for Mashiach to come already……. If Klal yisroel was really yearning for Mashiach to come already then we wouldn’t all be looking at our clocks on Tisha B’av for Chatzos so we can go back to sitting on a couch but it would actually be vice versa where the person would say for the sake of the churban Bais hamikdosh, forget about chatzos but I will fast a full extra day all I ask is that Hashem please rebuild the Bais hamikdosh……. But we all know that this is not what’s going through our minds just even one day a year of mourning. Instead we just want to get back to ourselves and our self-centeredness of Sedom were currently living in

    May this be a wake up call for all of us to finally stop living in denial and FACE REALITY and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov


    It’s well known that often when klal yisroel deserves a punishment or just a little wake up call, instead of punishing us, Hashem in His infinite kindness punishes the goyim instead hoping that we wake up….”

    So when the goyim deserve to be punished, the Ebeshter inflicts pain on Yidden?? Whats your point??

    If you want Reb Moshe to change his ways, punishing Reb Yankel is unlikely to create the needed incentive for Reb Yankel to behave differently


    Gadol > f you want Reb Moshe to change his ways, punishing Reb Yankel is unlikely to create the needed incentive for Reb Yankel to behave differently

    Reb Yankel Hagadol, sigh, this attitude explains a lot .. please try to keep up with all the lessons that Hashem sends to you indirectly.
    Gut shabbos


    Nu, interesting pshat, but remember the kohanim in the beis hamikdash also had blood placed on their ears…

    Sam Klein


    Let’s remind ourselves to stop living in Denial and FACE TRUTH AND REALITY. First our loving father and king of Kings Hashem rulercof the entire world, sends wake up calls through other nations to bring us to Teshuva but if that Chas VShalom doesn’t work then we leave Hashem no choice but to Chas VShalom hit his loving nation klal yisroel directly with non stop horrific tragedies as we have all see just in the last few months alone. ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE LIVING IN DENIAL? and then ask ourselves why there’s so much tzaros in Klal yisroel? When it could’ve all been avoided if we only accepted Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation.

    Do YOU know any father in the entire world that likes to hit and punish his child? Sometimes the father has no choice, the kid won’t do his homework or listen and go to sleep when told. What do we call that? A potch of LOVE, the parent has no choice and it’s completely for the kids benefit of chinuch and when he grows up if he remembers the story he might even come back to his parents and thank them when he now as an adult knows it was completely out of love and for his good.

    It pains Hashem to see his loving children Klal yisroel suffering but there’s no one else to blame except ourselves who openly see the horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel and Instead choose to continue living in denial and doing nothing about it versus waking up and showing Hashem that we accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva kinnus and taanis like we did in the story of Purim and our lives were saved because of it.


    “please try to keep up with all the lessons that Hashem sends to you indirectly…”

    I generally find it challenging just to keep up with the multitude of direct messages, so the indirect communications often get sidelined.

    Menachem Shmei

    I thought Trump’s ear was pierced because he wanted to do another term of serving the nation.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “I thought Trump’s ear was pierced because he wanted to do another term of serving the nation.“

    I love that answer!

    אהבתי את אדני את אשתי ואת בני

    Trump loves the United States!

    Sam Klein


    Thank you for letting Hashem know that you openly deny and don’t accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus. So now we know who to blame and why we are still in golus today as we head into the 3 weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh.

    I was hoping as we head into the mourning season of the 3 weeks we can do a little more hishtadlus and show Hashem that we are a loving nation deserving of the coming of Mashiach already but not if we go around with this negative attitude and keep living in denial instead of openly FACING REALITY and openly confess to Hashem and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.

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