Why are women exempt from positive time bound commandments

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    People make up all kinds of answers for this question, so I thought I’d post that of Reb Moshe Feinstein, zt’l:

    Igros Moshe, Orach Chaim IV #49

    1) The exemption is a chok, so we don’t really know the ultimate reason other than to say Hashem commanded it.

    2) Despite reason 1), we are allowed to theorize, so the theory is this:

    “(In the matter of the exemption of women from positive time bound mitzvahs) the average woman is not wealthy and has responsibility to raise sons and daughters. This (task) is most important work for Hashem and His Torah and so Hashem made each species so that the woman should raise the offspring. Humans are no exception. The nature of women enables them to raise children. Along those lines, it (the burden) was made easier on the women by not requiring them to learn Torah and to perform positive time bound mitzvahs.”

    And he adds an important note:

    “You should know that all of this (the exemption of women from positive time bound commandments) is not because women are on a lower level of holiness than are men. While obligation in commandments results strictly from one’s having holiness, men and women, in that sense, are equal in holiness. All the verses in the Torah regarding holiness refer also to women. (This applies from) the beginning (with) the arrangement to receive the Torah (at Sinai). “You’ll be to me a treasure and you’ll be to me a holy nation.” Exodus 19:6. (The subject of this verse is all of the nation of Israel) as it says “house of Jacob” in referring to the women and “tell to the house of Israel” in referring to the men. Exodus 19:3.

    Therefore women also include in their blessings the words “you have sanctified us with your commandments.” (Women do this) even when performing commandments for which they are not obligated. (The exclusion of women from positive time bound commandments) is a leniency made by Hashem for his own reasons and not because of any diminution (regarding the women) Heaven forbid. We explained this earlier.”

    Patur Aval Assur

    Abudraham, Birchas Hamitzvos Umishpateihem:

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    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I never understood that reason.


    Stick to “Hok”. Ha-Shem made the law, and its not for us to quibble.

    If you try to find a secular reason, one runs into serious problems, especially today when women spend only a small amount of time (as a percentage of total lifespan) as “mommies”, unlike the past when most women married soon after menarche, died before menopause, and spent most of the time in between raising children (and if she was lucky, maybe some of them would outlive her). Apikoresim try to find a reason, and end up going on fishing expeditins for heterim.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    My not underatanding has nothing to do with contemporary women’s roles. I just don’t see how the reason fits with some of the mitzvos.

    For example, one of the reasons tefillin is considered shehaz’man grama is because there’s no chiyuv on Shabbos. How does that make it harder to find time during the week?


    DaasYochid: If you need a reason, other than that Ha-Shem told us to, you have a problem. “Finding time” as an issue has to do with changes in technology and lifestyle, so if you believe a halacha is based on technology and lifestyle, then Ha-Shem has little to do with it.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Akuperma, of course we don’t “need” a reason besides Hashem’s command, but when meforshim offer “mita’amei hamitzvos” or the like, it’s part of Torah and we have a right to ask in order to try as best we can to understand.


    –For example, one of the reasons tefillin is considered shehaz’man grama is because there’s no chiyuv on Shabbos. How does that make it harder to find time during the week?–

    That’s exactly why we don’t take ‘reasons’ for chukim too seriously. They give a sense of the reasons but they don’t apply in all cases. The main reason for a chok is the decree of the posuk.


    They’re not really exempt until they’re married. Women must daven 3 times a day and do most mitzvos men do, however once they’re married and have children it’s a lot harder.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    They really are exempt before they’re married.

    We pasken the chiyuv is to daven twice a day.


    The Pardes Yosef says that the rule of lo plug applies for unmarried women.

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