Why Are There So Many Seminary Threads???

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    Little Froggie

    Just wanted to add another one regarding (hey, what was that again?)


    To answer the opening poster: Because so many girls want to announce that they are going to seminaries and pretend that they want to pick the “right” one.


    cause now-& not pesach time-is the time of the year to start choosing a seminary for next year

    I. M. Shluffin

    Because there are so many new sems popping up every year, and girls need info on them, and the info needs to be current, and every girl has different and individual needs, and the CR is a great resource in this regard. I got most of my info for sem from here. Granted, I went in with no expectations, because I didn’t find out so much, and I didn’t know what biases lay behind the comments. But that’s all I had. And I thank the CR community for that.


    Seminary is in the air…

    I’m so glad I’m actually already in a seminary…now it’s all about what happens afterwards.

    I got a lot of info on sems from here but in the end didn’t use much limasseh

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    because there are a lot of girls in the world, Boruch Hashem! I think it’s about half the population, actually.

    And seminary is one of the two most important decisions a girl makes in her life (it’s a debate which of the two is most important).

    Little Froggie

    Every girl that pops on the scene MUST make a new thread about (hey, what was that again?) ?!? A new one, chewing and reading the oldies wouldn’t suffice… each girl with her own, NEW, unique, personal thread…

    I guess when I’ll be a girl I’ll understand…


    Women are about half the population. 17-18 yr old girls is just 1/80th or so of that half (assuming 80 yr lifespan). They may be over-represented on this forum, however.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “Women are about half the population. 17-18 yr old girls is just 1/80th or so of that half (assuming 80 yr lifespan).”

    Keeping in mind the population growth , 18 year olds would be way more than 1/80th of the population. (just ask the founders of the NASI project).

    Also, keep in mind that the 0-16 year olds are very unlikely to posting in the CR (at least I certainly hope so!), and since there are less people in every age over 18 (because of population growth), that means that the 18 years should represent for more than 1/80th of the people who could potentially be posting in the CR.

    Furthermore, one could assume that wives and mothers are less likely to spend time in the CR as our Yeshiva bochurim/yungeleit. So it makes sense that 18 year old girls could represent a much greater percentage of those in the CR. They also probably spend much more time online than most others.

    However, I would guess that despite their overrepresentation online, most of the topics in the CR don’t paricularly interest them (Trump,Clinton, etc), so they only post about those topics that interest them – namely seminary.


    LU I started posting here at 14. Don’t be so overdramatic. (I don’t think thats personal mods, everyone knows I’m in sem and I’ve been here for 4 years….so says my profile page)

    Plus I’m almost 19. So you are wrong!

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Shopping – I didn’t mean there were none – I know that there are some, ther e was actually an Eighth Grade boy who has posted – I meant that there are few 0-16 year olds compared to the size of their population.

    The truth is, I really should have written 0-15 in any case, because girls can be asking about seminary at 16, but the previous poster had written 17-18 year olds so I just left it at that.

    And what does that fact that you are almost 19 prove? I am missing something. What exactly am I wrong about?


    Re winnie the pooh’s comment: How do you come up with your numbers? Anybody who knows anything about population knows that if life expectancy is 80, any single age group of 1 year does not constitute 1/80th of the population. And 17-18 year olds, on your incorrect model, would be 1/40th of the population. You are clearly a victim of government schools.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    How do you get 1/40th? I agree that it’s not 1/80th as I already pointed out, but why 1/40th davka? I’m not disagreeing – just curious how you figured that out.


    goodness, this wasn’t meant to be a scientific study, I don’t know anything about population growth and I don’t feel victimized. My point was to say that they were not half the population, and I was counting 17-18 as the 1 year between 17 and 18, not both 17 and 18. The number wasn’t based on anything concrete, which is why I added “or so”.


    I think this might be one of the most interesting seminary threads! Even though it doesn’t give me much information that I’m looking for 😉

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