- This topic has 40 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago by Health.
July 17, 2018 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm #1559655whitecarParticipant
Almost everyone agrees that the Trump Putin summit was a disaster for the US. Conservitives are not happy with the weak weak stance Trump took with Putin giving him the upperhand. Currently there is a few debates on what strategy was. The main thing is were not interested in having a weak President like Obama going around and apoligizing to every country about our past strength, and bowing to them in hopes we’ll have better relations.
That being said, the Liberals who loved Obama are also outraged, but why? This President seemed to have been imatating the previous policy of weakness that the liberals loved. He’s putting down America (intelligence agency) which is what Obama did and allowing Putin to be the victor. Isnt this what they always wanted????
July 17, 2018 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm #1560556👑RebYidd23ParticipantLiberals don’t like their own politicians. They vote for the lesser of two evils in their own view.
July 17, 2018 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm #1560560☕️coffee addictParticipantIsnt this what they always wanted????
No, whatever trump does the liberals think is wrong
What liberals want is trump out of office and some democrat socialist in his place
July 18, 2018 11:43 am at 11:43 am #1560879jackkParticipant“This President seemed to have been imitating the previous policy of weakness that the liberals loved.” That was not Obama’s policy at all.
” He’s putting down America (intelligence agency) which is what Obama did and allowing Putin to be the victor.” Obama never said that he trusted the word of Putin over the assessment of every single US Governmental agency. He never, as far as I remember, ever put down the American Intelligence Agencies. He certainly never did this on the world stage at a summit with Russia.Most Americans (Trump lost the popular vote) want him out of office because they do not agree with his policies. His embarrassing behavior and constant lying, and then lying about lying, to cover up his lies are also reasons to want him out. He ha a meeting with the Russian President, who the Amerian Intelligence agencies said was behind the cyber attacks on our elections, without anyone else present is a red flag. No normal American President would do that.
July 19, 2018 7:29 am at 7:29 am #1561394ToiParticipantJackk- Your donkey ears are showing…
July 19, 2018 12:49 pm at 12:49 pm #1561589HealthParticipantNo one bothered to mention that all Russian activities that we don’t like, started under Obama!
July 19, 2018 12:50 pm at 12:50 pm #1561528jackkParticipantToi,
You don’t have a trunk and I don’t have long ears.
None of the political parties – Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals have a monopoly on the Torah.Do you have anything smart to add?
July 19, 2018 1:54 pm at 1:54 pm #1561620It is Time for TruthParticipant“None of the political parties – Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals have a monopoly on the Torah.”
While correct, Some have a monopoly on being anti TorahJuly 19, 2018 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm #1561614☕️coffee addictParticipantJackk
He never, as far as I remember, ever put down the American Intelligence Agencies. He certainly never did this on the world stage at a summit with Russia.
That is true but during his whole presidency he constantly apologized for America and put down the American nation
He also did put down the police departments when he constantly sided with the thugs (Trayvon, the one in Massachusetts, etc.)
July 19, 2018 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm #1561622It is Time for TruthParticipantWhy are Liberals outrages [sic]?
Authentic conservatives should be and are more outragedJuly 19, 2018 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm #1561689Amil ZolaParticipantUnfortunately our President refuses note taking under any circumstance. Since Reagan presidents had full time stenographers following them about to record their conversations and meetings. Heck Nixon had tapes made. President Obama often mentioned that it was cumbersome but helpful, he could always go back to the record. Our current President has no concern for such official record keeping so we only know what he tells us. There is no way anything he says about the conversations he’s had with Putin can be fact checked.
July 19, 2018 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm #1561672jackkParticipant“coffee addict” I do not recall him constantly apologizing. In fact, I googled clips of Obama apologizing that were put out by sean hannity and they do not say a word of apology.
He says that America made mistakes. If you call that an apology then you must be very upset over what Trump just said about American mistakes.
In fact, in one clip at the UN that sean hannity shows, Obama says that he will never apologize for the US.
I do remember sean and his ilk calling his first visit overseas an apology tour but that was their definition because they hated him. Until Trump arrived, I honestly thought that sean and his ilk were just strong republicans. After Trump, it all smells of racism. Obama is clearly not a Muslim and clearly was born in Hawaii. So ask yourself, why do they still believe in the conspiracy theories?Don’t you agree that there a police departments with cops that are racist ? That shoot black people in the back on video? Or black people being shot while complying with orders that are on the ground begging not to be killed on video? Or black people in a choke holding saying that they can’t breathe?
There is no comparison between this and Trump trashing American intelligence agencies.July 19, 2018 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm #1562068whitecarParticipantJackk jackk, relax. Everything is good
July 19, 2018 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm #1562067🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantIs using the word “clearly” here a bit of poetic license? When you make a point and just through pieces of information and opinions together but express them as facts, do they magically become so? Here’s a bit of advice for you. When you see a video on the internet, it probably doesn’t provide you with all the facts. I know that that is a tough pill to swallow because we see people writing posts regularly that give definitive opinions on things they have no knowledge of, but trust me on this one. Those clips are actually not overflowing with objective information nor a clear picture of the facts.
July 19, 2018 7:00 pm at 7:00 pm #1562108HealthParticipantJackk -“Obama is clearly not a Muslim and clearly was born in Hawaii.”
He might be Not a muslim, but he likes them over Jews!
This is a fact – how he treated Israel & he’s friends with the Nation of Islam.From The Guardian: A muslim writer says – A third of Americans thought Obama was a Muslim.
As far as born in the US – I doubt it! This is where the left pulled the wool over American eyes!
From PolitiFact:
“When we contacted Trump’s organization, Michael Cohen, his political aide, referred us to Jerome R. Corsi, author of The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, which makes a case against Obama, calling him a political extremist who associates with radicals and has disturbing connections to Islam. (PolitiFact found the book was riddled with errors). In a brief telephone interview with PolitiFact, Corsi said he has spoken to Trump and that the statement about Obama’s grandmother was, in fact, based on her taped conversation with McRae. Corsi pointed us toward an article he wrote for the conservative WorldNetDaily, in which he says that he spoke to two unnamed Kenyans familiar with Sarah Obama’s dialect, and that they claimed she was clear in saying that she witnessed Obama’s birth in Kenya. Futhermore, Corsi said they told him it appeared her later efforts to recant appeared to be heavily coached by those around her. Corsi has a book questioning Obama’s birthplace coming out next month.”July 19, 2018 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm #1562117☕️coffee addictParticipantHealth, personally I don’t care if Obama was born on mars! His policies made me think he was born in Russia which is what I care about
July 19, 2018 10:51 pm at 10:51 pm #1562193MRS PLONYParticipantI didn’t come here to talk politics.
The only reason I came to this thread was because the title is misspelled, and it’s getting on my nerves. Mods, could you pleeeeeeease change it from ‘Outrages’ to ‘Outraged’? Pretty please? Thank you.July 19, 2018 10:51 pm at 10:51 pm #1562194chasidParticipant“coffee addict” which policies are you referring to?
July 20, 2018 12:59 am at 12:59 am #1562248MRS PLONYParticipantThe mods changed the ‘s’ to a ‘D’. Thanks.
July 20, 2018 6:37 am at 6:37 am #1562267☕️coffee addictParticipantChasid,
Forcing people to buy insurance
Forcing companies to pay for birth control even if it goes against their religion
Higher taxes on the rich to “pay their fair share”All these come from a socialized way or thinking which is the trademark of Russia
July 20, 2018 6:37 am at 6:37 am #1562268☕️coffee addictParticipantOh and btw BH the republicans took over congress two years later or it would be worse
July 20, 2018 11:29 am at 11:29 am #1562350jackkParticipant“coffee addict”
Russia is communist.
Forcing people to buy insurance is a socialized way of thinking but it has nothing to do with Russia.
Canada, Israel, Norway, and Belguim are democratic political systems with socialized medicine.
USA already has Medicare and Medicaid.
Taxation is the trademark of every government in the world. It is done on the Federal, State. and Local Level. How else do you pay for NASA, Military, Highways and other expenditures?
Right now the rich pay higher taxes $91,901 – $191,650 at 28% up to $418,401+ 39.6%.
The argument always is how much.Can we debate Obama’s policies without calling them Russian ?
July 20, 2018 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm #1562344whitecarParticipantThank you mods for the correction. Now can you please uncapitalize the “D”. Its gettting me nervous
July 20, 2018 1:09 pm at 1:09 pm #1562402It is Time for TruthParticipantAmerica is overdue for a third party ( with longevity)
Republicans should
Split with the TrumpistsThey could still coalition
a la the GOP
and the Southern Democrats of the ’50s and early ’60s
(For communism,internal subversion,)July 20, 2018 2:43 pm at 2:43 pm #1562474HealthParticipantjackk -“Can we debate Obama’s policies without calling them Russian ?”
Nothing to debate! His laws are Not binding on anyone!
He wasn’t legally our president. I don’t understand why Trump gave up on the Birther issue?
Maybe it was because he had to focus on Hillary?!?July 20, 2018 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm #1562492jackkParticipantHealth “Nothing to debate! His laws are Not binding on anyone!” Try that on a judge. Maybe you will discount all the laws that come from the SC because Sotomayor and Kagan are illegal ?
That is not a healthy view while living in America.
Trump gave up the birther issue because even he knows it is a 100% complete lie.July 20, 2018 3:32 pm at 3:32 pm #1562488👑RebYidd23ParticipantMaybe it’s because he was embarrassed.
July 20, 2018 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm #1562487☕️coffee addictParticipantTaxation is the trademark of every government in the world. It is done on the Federal, State. and Local Level. How else do you pay for NASA, Military, Highways and other expenditures?
Correct but that’s how the democrats pay for their program that cater to special groups too much of anything is a bad thing and if agencies have an open tab to do what they choose that’s when taxes are a bad thing
Think of taxes as the price of an object if it costs more less people would want to buy it
July 20, 2018 6:31 pm at 6:31 pm #1562502HealthParticipant“Corsi has a book questioning Obama’s birthplace coming out next month.”
A lot of questions on Obama’s birth certificate were debunked.
But this one is proof that the birth certificate he produced is a forgery:In the birth certificate it states:
“Kenya, East Africa”
At that time it was the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, but it was also referred to as Kenya.Now the official name was “British East Africa Protectorate”.
It was called East Africa Protectorate or (also known as British East Africa),
NOT just East Africa!!!July 24, 2018 8:26 am at 8:26 am #1563528jackkParticipantHealth,
I could answer your “proof”. Before I do, I would like you to consider the number of people that are involved in this conspiracy, for how long they have been silent and that there are both Republicans and Democrats.
Consider that those involved in the conspioracy are positive that it will never be revealed by any of the organizations of the US Government.It boggles the mind.
July 24, 2018 1:32 pm at 1:32 pm #1563779HealthParticipantjackk -“I could answer your “proof”.”
I’m still waiting!!!
July 25, 2018 9:03 am at 9:03 am #1564170jackkParticipantHealth,
I asked you to consider the number of people who need to be silent, lie and ignore the truth for this conspiracy that Obama is a non-american to be true and for it to forever remain a secret and never be revealed.
This is the same proof when people claim that the moon landing was a hoax.
Every one of the thousands of workers at NASA in the 60’s until now need to have been sworn to secrecy.It not only boggles the mind it makes the theory sound stupid.
July 25, 2018 3:23 pm at 3:23 pm #1564461HealthParticipantjackk -“I asked you to consider the number of people who need to be silent, lie and ignore the truth for this conspiracy that Obama is a non-american to be true and for it to forever remain a secret and never be revealed.”
No one said he wasn’t an American. It’s no big deal to become an American citizen. Nowadays you can become one without speaking the English language.
There are laws in this country about who is eligible to become the President. Obama doesn’t qualify!July 26, 2018 11:47 am at 11:47 am #1565475jackkParticipantHealth ,
You know I meant that he was not born in America and therefore not eligible to become the president.
Now , answer the questions regarding the number of people needed for the conspiracy of the presidency and of the landing on the moon.If you agree he is American , just not born in America, then show me one official document for his becoming an American!
Why does the Hawaii newspaper, The Sunday Advertiser, in 1961 have a birth announcement for Mr and Mrs Barak H Obama in Hawaii?
Did this conspiracy start in 1961 when nobody imagined him becoming president ?July 26, 2018 1:07 pm at 1:07 pm #1565495☕️coffee addictParticipantWhy does the Hawaii newspaper, The Sunday Advertiser, in 1961 have a birth announcement for Mr and Mrs Barak H Obama in Hawaii?
Did this conspiracy start in 1961 when nobody imagined him becoming president ?Mr & Mrs Barack H Obama? How can he be married when he is born
July 26, 2018 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm #1565772chiefshmerelParticipant@coffeeaddict, He wasn’t married. His father was also Barack Obama.
July 27, 2018 8:07 am at 8:07 am #1565969☕️coffee addictParticipantWhat is it with presidents being named after their father?
July 27, 2018 8:10 am at 8:10 am #1565956HealthParticipantjackk -“then show me one official document for his becoming an American!”
I already posted that he was an American. Anyone born to an American parent is automatically a citizen, no matter where they are born!
From the WEB:
“Letter: Obama’s words may have created birther movement
PUBLISHED: January 28, 2017 at 8:12 pm | UPDATED: April 20, 2018 at 5:21 am
Donald Trump has been excoriated for his interest in the Barack Obama birther movement most recently in the E-R though it coincidentally resulted in Obama releasing his long form Hawaiian birth certificate.
I have no means to prove or disprove Obama was born in Hawaii. I do believe Obama himself planted the seeds of the “birther” movement.Fact: In 1990: Obama was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, a student publication featuring analysis of important legal matters. The review’s student yearbook includes a biography of Obama, stating “born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”
Fact: In 1991: Obama hired a literary agency, Acton & Dystel, to help promote sales of his upcoming book, “Dreams of My Father.” The agency published a promotional booklet listing its 90 client/authors, including Obama. His biography states “born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.””
July 27, 2018 8:37 am at 8:37 am #1565997jackkParticipantHealth – If a us citizen is born outside the US to US parents, he needs to go to US agencies and show documentation to get his US citizenship. There are none for Obama.
What is written by a person to promote themselves and make money is not proof of anything.
July 27, 2018 8:37 am at 8:37 am #1565999jackkParticipantTo add to what I wrote about self-promotion. It is known that Trump lied and inflated what he owned to the Forbes so that they would put him on the richest Americans list.
July 27, 2018 1:54 pm at 1:54 pm #1566169HealthParticipantJackk -” If a us citizen is born outside the US to US parents, he needs to go to US agencies and show documentation to get his US citizenship. There are none for Obama”
Obama’s mother took the easy way out – when she came back from Kenya – she told a newspaper that she had a son in Hawaii.
“What is written by a person to promote themselves and make money is not proof of anything.
It is known that Trump lied and inflated what he owned to the Forbes so that they would put him on the richest Americans list. ”Now Trump exaggerated so people would do business with him.
What purpose would Obama lie?!? He could have written – born in the US, but his black Roots are from Kenya! -
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