I know that this whole coffee room is for discussing various topics that people post.
My question is why you all have to bash eachother? why the harsh words? If you don’t agree with something someone wrote, (mind you it’s only their opinion) why do you have to call them reshaim or apikorsim? Lashon hora is also in writing.
Syag, as to your first question, with my super user abilities. As to your second question, per the rules I’m not permitted to divulge that information.
To the ehrliche members of the CR, I just want to say, can’t we all get along? Why can’t we all get along?”
However, assuming there are valid reasons why you must call out reshoim, apikorsim, and demented Dems suffering from TDS, please seek to frame your rants with the understanding that they will first have to pass muster with the Virtual Beis Din Shel Maalah (aka the maalachim of social media or the Mod Squadiii)