Who’s Worse: Democrats or Hamas?

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    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Whole thing. Responded to the second line to make my point.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    The idea that there’s any comparison between Democrats and Hamas is completely ludicrous.

    I’m not a fan of Democrats (or Republicans for that matter), but they are not actively trying to kill us

    catch yourself

    @coffee addict,

    I disagree with your characterization of Democrats as the “אחי” from which Yaakov davened for Hashem to save him.

    Eisav as “my brother” is understood to be the devious exploitation of a brotherly relationship to destroy the Torah way of life.

    The vast majority of Democrats and Leftists in the United States have no problem with Judaism and its observance. They just want to live their lives.

    Freedom of religion is a bedrock principal of Western society, Masterpiece Cakeshop’s ordeal notwithstanding.

    Sure there are a few militant fringe kooks who might conspire to attack Torah Judaism by means of trans-discrimination lawsuits, but even they are motivated not by a hatred of Judaism, but by resistance to the regime of ethics and morals which governs the United States, and which they perceive (incorrectly) as hostile to themselves.

    [It’s worth noting that the American political right is not without its own fringe kook militants, and these are often more directly anti-Semitic than their counterparts on the Left.]

    The fact is that Torah Judaism has thrived in these United States in a manner unparalleled perhaps throughout the entire galus. This has been true under Presidents and Congresses of both parties. It is especially true in New York and New Jersey, two of the most reliably Democratic states in the country.

    The assertion that Democrats hate Torah and are out to get us to give up our religion is an insult to the intelligence of any person who spends a minute to think the matter through.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “The assertion that Democrats hate Torah and are out to get us to give up our religion is an insult to the intelligence of any person who spends a minute to think the matter through“

    I don’t know about you but when one wants to take out the pledge of allegiance from schools, closes shuls during Covid but not other venues, and openly wants to mutilate children without their parents knowing I would say it comes very close to that

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