- This topic has 59 replies, 36 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 2 months ago by WiseWoman.
January 12, 2011 7:04 pm at 7:04 pm #728707MedicRNMember
I disagree with the whole school calendar i general. There should be no huge breaks in school at all. Not even for the summer. That summer “vacation” was instituted back when we were a primarily farming nation. Heaven knows why we still keep it. Yes, kids need a break. But smaller breaks over the course of the year would be much much better. As it is, kids have to cram to keep up with all the info their brains have to hold. Wouldn’t it be better if we had year round schooling, with say 4 well placed breaks about a week at a time? Less time for kids to do mischeif. less time to bum out, Less time to forget all the stuff they had learned all year. OK, so maybe a longer break in the summer or whatever. the point is, More school = smarter more well prepared kids.
January 12, 2011 8:40 pm at 8:40 pm #728708deiyezoogerMemberIn response to those who are against the summer break, please keep in mind that a lot of otherwise good kids are not exectly cut out to be top students and therefor are always the underdog but when summer comes they finaly have a chance to be great and use their talants in summer activities. For those kids summer is a life saver.
January 12, 2011 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #728709OMAMemberyou better beleive it. Unless, of course your tuition is adjusted for the month. plenty people work, if you choose to be a Rebbi you have to realize that mid winter vaction should not be. and besides such bitul zman. i guess if mothers sit home all day because they get every program available and do not have to work they think its just grand. you pay for my babysitte.
January 12, 2011 9:53 pm at 9:53 pm #728710MedicRNMemberdeiyezooger: Maybe if they didn’t have to cram all that info in such a short period of time, they would be better students. A longer school year would mean a longer time to absorb info. Even if they don’t have the zitz fleish, you could incorporate vocational work in the curriculum. PS I am also in favor of extending the school day too.
January 13, 2011 1:56 am at 1:56 am #728711deiyezoogerMember“deiyezooger: Maybe if they didn’t have to cram all that info in such a short period of time, they would be better students.”
I agree that they cram to much info, but do you think a longer school year will mean more time to absurb that info, or will it be used to push even more?
January 14, 2011 4:37 am at 4:37 am #728712bygirl93Membertruthfully u dont know how much girls work in skewls these days!!!! the pressure is not normal especialyy cuz we hav to get top grades to get into the top seminary inorder to marry the top guy!!! and after those finals i think we deserve a break- no one is saying anyone has to go to florida and just cuz someone else is going doesnt mean u have to- ur adults stand up to the peer pressure- thats the reason why so many ppl fall victim to it cuz the ppl they look up to cant withstand it so why should they try- and btw for those who are saying all those things about florida- personally it shouldnt be any diff then here- Hashem is still there and watching u- oh and Bein Hasdorim-1) if u dont like it dont go 2) how much do u want to bet that more than 13.5 of them are maachon girls- u just cant tell cuz they are dressed very differently then wat u would think- and i’d like to see any of u take all those finals in a row two a day for a week- uld be going bonkers too!
January 16, 2011 5:06 am at 5:06 am #728713real-briskerMemberCheck out the Yateds chinuch rountable this week, not one mechanech said to ban the vacation.
January 16, 2011 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm #728714WiseWomanMemberreal brisker-i was going to say the same thing. after reading it I wanted to bring it up here. Me as a teacher I see how the kids need a break. As soon as my kids start being looney and dont know what to do with themselves we know they need a vacation. Besides because of the snow days kids went even crazier bec they didnt have a schedule to adhear to or fun things to do. Think about how coo coo your kids were going bec they were cooped up for two-three days with nothing to do. Taking away a winter break from kids and adults too is just terrible. Dont say that teachers dont need it. You as an adult need it too. Teachers cant make ends meet during the year so they have to get jobs during the summer. dont say that they get a summer vacation because they really dont. Not only that, you probablyhave a 9-5 job or if youre lucky u cood be a stay at home mom, is that why you dotn want your kids home because you want to be without them? If you have a 9-5 job(minus a few hours) are you ever bringing your work home? No? well then youre lucky. because a teacher never gets a break…they run into parents and students at the supermarket(then parents want an update), call parents at home, deal with meetings for different students, lesson plans and more. So before you go thinking of banning winter break think about all those that look forward to it.
If you want to ban it because of money, then my suggestion is to stop spending on unneccessary things and save a little for your children and a few days off!(btw parents get the school calendar before the year beings. if i were you i’d put ur days in to be off for those days!)
January 16, 2011 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm #728715real-briskerMemberwise – sorry i beat u to it!
January 16, 2011 4:00 pm at 4:00 pm #728716WiseWomanMemberits all good. but for those ppl who dnt get the yated i gave the jist here!
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