Who should lightthe Diaspora torch on Yom HaAtzmaut

Home Forums Politics Who should lightthe Diaspora torch on Yom HaAtzmaut

  • This topic has 16 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Toi.
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  • #1490792
    Avi K

    So far the candidates are, in alphabetical order, Mayim Bialik, Alan Dershowitz and Ivanka Trump. If IT is chosen would it be considered a “present, emolument, office, or title”?


    Can I be nominated to put it out?

    Avi K

    I meant commemorating.

    Avi K

    Toi, are you celebrating the Nakba?


    Who should light it? No one. Tzionus is not Yahadus.


    Nope, just not celebrating.

    Avi K

    5ish, Zionism is an integral part of Judaism. Chazal say that Jews in Shmutz laAretz are like Gdless people and commit idolatry in purity.


    And what about “Shmutz BaAretz” — among other things, the most LGBT-friendly city in the Middle East — according to “experts” in the field — is Tel Aviv. Along with the rampant promiscuity that permeates Israeli society and the IDF (“mixed units,” women serving in tanks together with men, etc.) The medinah that is controlled by bare-headed atheists who strive to obliterate as much Torah as they can r”l, is an integral part of Judaism?? Wake and smell the coffee!


    “……… Shmutz laAretz …..”

    May I use this line, Avi ? Luv it.


    Avi K- The land of Israel and state of israel are about as synonymous as black and white. Why would you insist on supporting a movement (largely dead) that was founded on principle of and continues to operate a systematic divestment of religion. Can one not claim to love the land Hashem gave to the Jews and still call out the zionists for what they truly are? Is your love so great for EY that you’d subscribe to evangelical christianity when they too espouse an idea of jews living in israel? Why is that the deciding factor in following the movement? Do you not see how much they despise Hashem and His Torah? You are mamash out to lunch. Enjoy your hummus…


    Toi: Great comparison between Evangelical Christianity and Zionism.


    Toi ;
    “……was founded on principle of and continues to operate a systematic divestment of religion….”

    Only partly true.. Yes, there were people in the movement who felt that way, but most did not. ( Please read, Rav Teichtal in Eim Habonim , , Rav Reines in Or Chodosh Al Tziyon & Rav Yitzchok Nissenbaum in Ketavim Nivcharim )
    Why don’t you look at flowering of kashrus, yeshivos, kollelim, …. more Torah in EY than anywhere in the world.
    Why be a Kohen who stares at the skin and declares Tzaraas…. Why not be the Kohen who sees NO Tzaraas… ..
    Would you condemn Ezra who went up to the land with his mechallelei Shabbat’nikes, and those married to non-Jewish women and built the Bet Hamikdash? Remember when Rav Zeira called those talmidei chachamim who stayed in Bavel, ‘tipshei d’Bavleh’.

    “……Can one not claim to love the land Hashem gave to the Jews and still call out the zionists for what they truly are….”
    By all means, call them out. Nobody disagrees with the those who despise religion.
    But why not look at the entire picture instead of staring at Tzaraas? If you love the land so much, why don’t you work to bring the brethren to make Aliyah and vote them out?
    That’s what the Gur Rebbe said 80 years ago…. Make Aliyah frum Jews, and influence the land. R’ Sonnenfeld, the anti-Zionist said exactly the same thing.
    Why aren’t you guys trying to influence by taking an approach that draws Yidden into Torah instead of battling and battling?
    Have you ever heard of Rav Aryeh Levin?…. And how he worked with non-frum, and what kind of Kiddush Hashem he made?
    If you love the land so much, how come you choose not to see the miracles DESPITE the bad actors…
    If you love the land, why don’t you preach and teach these miracles to one and all and draw people ever closer to the Torah?
    If you love the land, you observe Yom Haatzmaut…. AND Yom Yerushalayim…. Because that’s what Hashem orchestrated.. Despite the overwhelming odds against its survival..
    Don’t try to be G-D’s Cossack… he doesn’t need that…


    Did Shlomo Hamelech subscribe to Hiram’s avodah zarah when the latter helped build the BH ?
    Did the BH itself subscribe to the beliefs of the Umos Haolam when it itself allowed their karbonos?
    Does not the Ramban, Radak and others foretell of the willingness of Umos Haolam to help create EY as the Jewish abode for Jews as the geulah gets close?
    It’s been foretold in many places Tanach about the non-Jews slowly recognizing EY and Hashem’s sole rulership as the geulah gets closer.
    Subscribing from stretchy chewing gum, to Evangelicals, to Zionism.
    Sorry boys, that ain’t gonna stick.


    @ziongate- Your post is totally and utterly paradoxical. The zionists are bad. They founded a movement against God. They do not like Him, did not like Him, and, institutionally, will never like Him. I love EY. I live here, in the face of very difficult circumstances. I’m not going to go into specifics, but suffice it to say that in this instance, you’re preaching to the choir. How in the blazes did you transition from what gedolim said about EY, the land God gave us, to supporting zionism?! How in the blazes does hashgacha pratis on an unparalleled scale lead to “If you love the land, you observe Yom Haatzmaut…. AND Yom Yerushalayim…. Because that’s what Hashem orchestrated..” Why in the blazes to you insist on subscribing to a movement that hates God simply because you love EY?! Where is the connection?!!! There is zero logic in your statement. You agree that love of EY does not dictate that you are an institutional zionist, yet somehow it means you must celebrate the founding of a state? What in the blazes? Did you throw your brain into the ocean on the way over here? Argh. Just Argh. (This is without going into the present reality that there is very little old religious zionism left, let’s leave that out. First, let’s have you make some sense.)


    I re-read my post now, and there’s nothing paradoxical about it.
    You didn’t answer any of my points , but responded with rhetorical questions, which sound like a rant.
    Obviously, you didn’t it.
    However, I DO give your credit and respect for living in EY…. Hallevei all of us, and soon.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You didn’t answer any of my points

    It seems to me that he answered everything when he correctly pointed out that the state and the land are two different things.

    For some odd reason, the zionists never seem to get that and therefore keep on defending a secular, anti Torah government.


    @DY- Thanks, that’s a much more concise way of putting it. 😛

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