Who really is the beneficiary of the Holy Land of Israel?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Who really is the beneficiary of the Holy Land of Israel?

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  • #597811
    basket of radishes

    I would suggest to you that Israel is really America East. It is a place where American Money is used to build an economy and a military and it is fully in cooperation with the US Mission overall.

    I might have a new world view where I see Hawaii as America West and Israel as America East and the American Nation endures on all faces of the worlds surface.

    This makes me proud to be an American.

    What else can I add to this?

    If not for the USA and our efforts in the WW2 era and before, Israel would never have been able to exist. And of course without USA, WW2 would have had a different outcome which would be horrible.

    So really, Israel is the USA and USA is a beneficiary of Israel.

    Its a good way. I believe God designed it this way.

    I believe that America is on all faces of this globe.


    lol definitely joseph


    “I would suggest to you that Israel is really America East. It is a place where American Money is used to build an economy and a military and it is fully in cooperation with the US Mission overall.”

    You might want to review your US history. While Israel has never been an enemy of America, the American government was incredibly hostile to Israel during the Eisenhower administration, threatening war during the Suez crisis and pursuing an alliance with Iraq, then as now in a state of “hot war” with Israel. Fortunately Kennedy came to power in 1961 and started to change all that.


    And let’s never forget that Reagan and Bush II were Israel’s best friends in the Oval Office.


    It is not that simple that the WWII would have had a different outcome if the US had stayed neutral. The real brunt of the fighting against the Nazis was born by the USSR. It is not clear, though, if the Russians would have been able to finish off the Nazis by themselves.


    In what way was Reagan Israel’s best friend? He mixed in and sent the marines right at the point when Israel had the PLO surrounded in Lebanon. He might be the catalyst that got the US in trouble with the Arab world. It was then that they bobmed the marines’ barracks, who came there to ensure their safety and to protect them from the Israelis!


    again the canard that the US is the be all and end all patron of the Medina. HOW DO YOU KNOW? Are you privy to the heshbonos of Hashem? Causality is a complicated topic, on which the haughty and the ignorant stumble together.

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