Which Parsha is This Week?

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    Little Froggie

    I imagine when we’re through with this thing (hopefully with the coming of Mashiach), we’re gonna have a V E R Y L O N G Parsha to lain, being that most of klal Yisroel didn’t hear kria in a long time… Imagine parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei-Vayikra-Tzav-Shmini (hope by then)

    Do we say שהחיינו when returning to shul? When laining? The first Kaddish? The first Barchu?
    I imagine most of Klal Yisroel will be saying Hagomel – either for being spared from the Mageifa, or being let out of jail.


    There’s nothing stopping you from reading the weekly parshios on your own.

    Rav Tuv

    Krias HaTorah is Chiyuv on the tzibbur. Individuals do not have an obligation to hear it. When minyanim start, iy”H soon, will not have to make up missed parshios.


    Will we really have to reread every Parsha that we missed?
    I’ve been reading them aloud every Shabbos from a Chumash at home; I assume others are, too.


    Rabbi Heinemann in his webinar last week said that the tzibbur has to make up the parshiyos that were missed.

    Reb Eliezer

    We should do שנים מקרא ואחד תרגום which guarantees a long life.


    The Mishna Berura actually brings down two opinions to what happens when a tzibbur misses multiple weeks of laining in siman kuf lamed hey
    The first opinion is that we just make up the previos week
    The second opinion is that we make up all the parshios that the tzibbur missed


    Why would we have to Lein the Parsha? Doesn’t it only have to be done with a Minyan?


    “The Mishna Berura actually brings down …”

    Its not so clear. The MB is commenting on the Remah who quotes the Ohr Zarua. The Ohr Zarua is discussing where there WAS a tzibbur that didnt lain. So they had a chiyuv krias haTorah that they have to make up.

    It does not necessarily hold for us where there was no tzibbur that got together, thus likely no chiyuv krias Hatorah that needs to be made up


    Yid, yes, that’s precisely the point. An individual has no obligation to read the Torah, but a community does, and for the last three weeks our communities have not fulfilled this obligation. When we are finally able to do it again, let’s say for Parshas Shmini after Pesach, we will have to make up at least some of that obligation. There is a machlokes how much we will have to make up. One opinion is that we must read all the parshios that we missed, i.e. from Vayakhel through Shmini. Another opinion is that we don’t read from two sefarim, so we will read from Vayikra through Shmini. And a third opinion is that just as when an individual misses multiple tefillos he can only make up the last one, so also the community can only make up the last parsha that was missed, so we will only read Tzav and Shmini,


    Shmo”s is an individual obligation, and of course it remains in effect now just as always. Nothing has changed in that regard. But that is irrelevant to the communtiy’s obligation of kriyas hatorah, which we are unable to fulfill now and will have to make up later.


    Ubiquitin, what do you mean “there was no tzibur”? The tzibbur exists, whether there is a minyan in shul or not. A tzibur is a corporate entity, not an ad hoc minyan. It has a continuing existence, and it has obligations. One of those is that the torah be read in public. Right now most of our tziburim are unable to fulfill that obligation, but one day soon they will be able to, and when that happens they will each have to decide what to do about the missed parshios.

    By the way a tzibur is not a shul, either; it’s a kehila. Some kehilos have more than one shul (or more than one minyan in the same shul) but they are all the same tzibur. If one of the shuls belonging that that kehila read the torah and another one didn’t, the common psak is that the shul that missed it does not have to make it up, because the kehila as a whole fulfilled its obligation.


    milhouse, my name is not yid, it is yld!


    Sorry, my eyes are not what they used to be…


    “A tzibur is a corporate entity, not an ad hoc minyan. It has a continuing existence, ”

    Mehichi teisi?

    Or in modern parlance, source please.

    I don’t find that mistaber at all, if you have a source I would defer to it. But to me it would seem If the tzibur didn’t gather there is no tzibur


    It’s a well-known klal throughout halacha. אין מיתה בציבור, because it’s a corporate entity. A tzibur owns assets, such as shuls (in a village or small town), the “Hekdesh”, it hires the rov and the maggid, And of course the tzibur of klal yisroel brings korbonos.


    I hear
    I’m not convinced but I hear

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