Which famous people have you met?

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  • #1595327

    CTLawyer: What are the titles?


    As an Uber driver:
    Jewish – Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
    Non-Jewish – Some football player. Didn’t know he was choshuv until I arrived at the stadium, all the guards jumped to attention and directed me down under to the tunnel where the players run out. I was told he was some dude. Ver Vais

    On a trip to EY:
    R’ Sheinman z”l .to receive a bracha before maariv. What was very nice was that the gabbai took our cell phones and took a billion pictures of myself and my twin boys giving sholom. A big chesed and the highlight of our 2 week tour.



    Nice try, maybe a newcomer would fall for your question. I would never post titles that could give away my identity.


    @CTL we’ll find out who you are 🙂


    CTLawyer: How’d my daughter behave over yuntif?

    If you’ll recall, in your early days in the CR you were trying to effectively post who you are, by giving very detailed activities and locations about yourself, but the mods had to restrain you by redacting pertinent details in your posts even though you said you were okay with anyone knowing who you are.


    Your daughter was an absolute delight over Yuntif. As always, you and your wife deserve credit for the way she has been raised.
    This morning she is apple and pumpkin picking with our younger grandchildren for the final Sukkah decorations.
    Things and attitudes change over time, as I come closer to retirement I value my privacy more and more. My desire for privacy involves not only myself, but Mrs. CTL, children, grandchildren, business, etc. As you well know, Mrs. CTL has been very ill during the past 2 1/2 years and I’ve had to take great measures to see that she is not disturbed by unwanted phone calls and visits from solicitors (for those in the Brit world, I don’t mean lawyers, but people with their hands out).


    CT you are an interesting person and I am impressed.


    Famous people I met:
    Jill Biden, AOC.
    Famous people I kinda met:
    Chuck Schumer, we made eye contact at the Israel Day Parade.
    Famous people I saw:
    Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Mitt Romney, as well as every other sitting U.S. Senator with the exceptions of Booker, Bennet, Harris, and Gillibrand.
    Famous people I will see, or possibly meet in the future:
    Cory Booker, I intend on going to his August 7 rally in Philadelphia.


    These are the “famous” people with whom I have had one-on-one meetings or discussions and only in private, never in public. Some meetings were for up to an hour, and many I met with more than once, all one-on-one:

    In alphabetical order, lest anyone be offended:

    Rav Ben Zion Abba Shaul
    Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
    Rav Yosef Elyashiv
    Rav Shneur Kotler
    Rav Yitzchak Ruderman
    Rav Eliezer Menachem Man Schach
    Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik
    Rav Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss (the Minchas Yitzchak)
    Rav Eliezer Waldenberg (the Tzitz Eliezer)


    I met a sitting president! Actually, he was a sitting president that was standing and shaking my hand when I met him!

    George W. Bush… it was so exciting to meet and shake hands with our POTUS 🙂


    CTL, as a digression, you mentioned having had business dealings with “the Donald”. How did you find dealing with him as a person? A couple of my acquaintances who have done business with the Trump organization tell me that they found him to be rather a nice fellow.

    P.S. Doesn’t your shoulder get sore from patting yourself on the back so often?


    I once had private yechidus with the present Amshinover Rebbe.
    I once met and got a brochoh from Rabbi Yacov Meir Schechter.
    I once met and had a private meeting with Pschevosk Rebbe in Antwerp.


    Chris​ Rock

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