Which famous people have you met?

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    Ive never met anyone famous, i hope to sometime meet a sitting President, but what about you. Who have you met and what happened?


    Gedolei Yisroel.


    Country Yossi. I once met him at a Bar Mitzva. He is so Zeese!

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Reb Scheinberg זצ”ל

    Reb Eliezer

    LIpa Schmeltzer performed at my sons wedding.

    Reb Eliezer

    Sholom Schnitzler,from London zt’l , Simon Wisenthal in LInz, Austria. He was a stamp collector. The Mattersdorfer Rav zt’l father and son were my rebbies. The Viener Rav (Hadhauser) was my rebbi. Learned together with Menachem Fischer Viener Dayan Shlita, Dovid Yitzchok Schik Shlita,
    Binyomin Gruber Rav Hamachshir for Hisachdus Harabonim Shlita, Rav Noach Isik Oehlbaum Shlita.


    HaRav HaGaon Pinchas Scheinberg זצ”ל
    HaRav HaGaon Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman זצ”ל
    HaRav HaGaon Moshe Heineman שליט”א


    takah: You seem to have a preference for Chareidi Gedolim.


    “You seem to have a preference for Chareidi Gedolim.”

    I’m sure you noticed that two of the Gedolim were/are Baltimore based. There were no Gedolim of the M.O. variety living in Baltimore while I was growing up.

    I met HaRav Scheinberg while I was a newlywed and learning in Yerushalayim.


    takah: Who are five or ten MO gedolim from your time that come to mind? (Regardless of who you met or not.)


    Rabbi Paysach Krohn, I happen to be good friends with him.
    Many singers
    Gedolim- Harav Dovid Feinstein and Rav Reuven.
    Rav Berel Povarsky, Dayan Yonasan Ambramson, Harav Binyomin Eisenberg.
    Pittsburger Rebbe, Bobov-45, Bostoner, Skver Rebbe etc.
    I have seen Rav Noach Iisac Oelbaum a number of times.


    The bigger question is how long after shaking a famous person’s hand do you refrain from washing it?


    A lot of my Roshei Yeshivos and Rebbeim over the years have Wikipedia pages. Does that count as famous?


    No, Yseribus. The more modern the rabbi, the more likely his fans are to have created a Wikipedia page. That doesn’t indicated relative fame.


    Political Leaders:
    JFK…when he was still a Senator running for President
    LBJ….when he was VP
    Richard Nixon…at a book signing 5 years after he resigned from office
    Jimmy Carter…while running for office
    George HW Bush..when VP (I also had met his father CT US Senator Prescott Bush)
    Bill Clinton AND Hillary Rodham…met them both while they were at Yale Law and not yet a couple…we worked on Joseph Lieberman’s first political campaign
    George W Bush…while President, I met him when he spoke at Yale
    Barack Obama….Met him when he was running for his second term as President
    Trump, has the misfortune of ding business with him years ago
    David Ben Gurion
    Golda Meir
    Bibi Netanyahu
    HRH Prince Phillip and
    HRH Queen Elizabeth II…they visited New Haven in July 1976 on the Royal Yacht for US Bicentennial and I was presented at a reception
    Willy Brandt….when he was Mayor of West Berlin and came to New Haven in 1961-2 school year and visited my classroom…he later was Chancellor of West Germany
    Pope Paul VI….in a private audience (20 people) 1975, arranged by my father’s major business landlord who was a major contributor to the church
    Rav J B Soloveitchik
    Rav Hutner
    The Bostoner Rebbe in Brookline, MA
    The Lubavitcher Rebbe
    YY Halberstam..Klausenberger Rebbe…our family has supported Kiryat Sanz Laniado Hospital for three generations
    Supreme Court Justices:
    Earl Warren
    Abe Fortas
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg
    Sandra Day O’Connor
    Thurgood Marshall

    The nature of politics and business connections let me meet many interesting people.
    I had the author Erich Segal and inventor/architect Buckminster Fuller as professors at UPENN more than 45 years ago.


    The rabbonim should be on top of your list, CTL.

    Reb Eliezer

    About putting Rabomim on top of the list , the gemora in Nedorim says that the exile came שלא ברכו בתורה תחילה they did not make a brocho before learning. The Ran explains that the Torah had no chashivus in their eyes to make a blessing on it. The Chasam Sofer says there, baderech malitza, that when they praised someone they praised first his secular knowledge over his Torah knowledge. Borchu can also mean praising.


    My post was a direct response to Whitecar’s original post that mentioned hoping to meet a sitting President, which is why I listed them first.

    BUT, you would find fault with any order I chose, that’s what trolls do


    No offense intended, CTL. Even when my words are sharp I say it with love and with tachlis, in the hope of making us all — myself, foremost — better Jews.


    How do you define “met?” Close up, with an exchange of words or handshakes, or at a distance? If the latter, how many thousands “met” the gedolim who spoke at the last Siyum Hashas?


    I once met Madonna at a shalshudis


    I consider met as being introduced to, exchanging words/small talk and possibly shaking hands.
    I was presented to HRH Prince Phillip and HRH Queen Elizabeth II, exchanged about 15 words of pleasantry, but they do not shake hands.
    I have shaken hands with all the Presidents I listed. I met Golda Meir at a dinner in a private home in Ramat HaSharon in 1971. She spent most of the evening talking with my mother about about teaching aqdolescents,

    I don’t consider seeing or just being in the same large arena as meeting someone.


    Meeting Gedolim is easy. They don’t live in ivory towers and they are easily reachable and approachable. Meeting them person to person to speak to is eminently doable even with the greatest of the great. Most are also easily reachable via telephone.


    @CTL are you Alan Durshowitz? (Ik your not since he defends Trump on legal basis but after seeing yout list I initially thought you might be)

    ED IT OR

    i met Joseph in the rw


    Until World War I it was often easy for any American to walk into the White House without an appointment and speak to the President.


    I’m famous and I see myself in the mirror and talk to myself all the time, does that count as meeting someone famous?



    No I am not Dershowitz

    My family has been active in Democrat Party Politics since 1932.
    I have held local elected office.
    I have been a delegate to CT State and the National Dem Conventions.
    I’ve known dozens of Congress members and Senators over the years.
    In July 1976 when my father was sitting shiva for his mother in our New Haven home, the Mayor, Governor, both US Senators and 4 of our 6 members of Congress made shiva calls.

    BTW>>>>I have met Atty. Dershowitz but his politics have drifted too far right for me.

    I am a liberal which is not typical in the CR, but that doesn’t mean I am not frum, just don’t want to bind others with my beliefs. I am against school vouchers and carter schools. Tax dollars should only be spent in the public schools. You want private, raise your own funds…I did


    Have you met any famous musicians, such as John Lennon, Leonard Bernstein or Elvis?


    I met the Lubabitcher Rebbe on a weekly basis growing up and attending Menucha day camp. Living at what was then the outskirts of BP, 16th and 59th, I used to pick up all the dollar bills off the floor he gave us campers that were left on the floor of the bus.
    I met Rav Moshe Feinstein on many occasions growing up in Monsey.
    My Father was very close with the Ribnitzer Rebbe back in the day and on more than one occassion I got to daven Maariv with him in his private room.
    As far as famous non Jews or celebrities are concerned, I once sat in the first row of a United flight down to Orlando next to David Coverdale of the Rock group Whitesnake. He was considered a “Rebbe” to anyone who recognized him. All the stewardesses were crying and asking him for autographs. When it finally quieted down and we started talking, he realized that I hadn’t the foggiest idea who he was. He was very open and interested in the Jewish religion and we had a very spirited conversation. When we landed he got off with me and was met at the gate by hundreds of screaming fans. Yeh, yeh.

    Reb Eliezer

    I did not meet the Lebovitcher Rebbe personally, but I saw something interesting in his farbrengen.
    When someone wanted to drink wine and make a lechaim, he would lift his cup such that the Rebbe would see it and after the Rebbe saw it, he would nod his head with an acknowledgement to drink.
    When davening his daled amos was left empty.


    Forshayer: What time was it when you davened in the Ribnitzer Rebbe’s minyan? 😉


    @CTL what is your opinion on Hillarys economic views, Her Diplamatic Policys and Morals? Also the 2018 Democrats? And which Democrat would you like to see beat Trump in 2020? Im asking you cause the other Democrats in the CR seem to only hate Trump and Republicans out of emotion, not reason.

    Amil Zola

    Ok I’ll give this a try.

    Floyd Patterson
    Elmer Bernstein
    Beverly Sills
    Jan Peerce
    Robert Merrill
    Richard Tucker
    Paul Robeson
    Richard, Pat and Tricia Nixon
    Daniel Segretti
    Leroy Neiman
    Ronald Reagan
    Sir Roger Penrose
    Bill and Hillary Clinton
    Barack and Michelle Obama
    Joe and Jill Biden
    Jimmy Roosevelt
    Anna Freud
    William F. Kuntzler
    Jesse Jackson
    Ozzie and Harriet Nelson
    Christine Jorgenson
    Bobby Seale
    Jackie Mason
    Alan King

    All these folks were beyond a handshake meetings and the list is in no particular order. I’ve also known a number of professional athletes as well as rock and roll performers (I worked in the industry for a number of years. )

    Reb Eliezer

    They hate Trump because of his lack of human behavior, separating families, dismissing 3000 dead in Puorto Rico , calling people names, celebrating white nationalists, not carring about the poor’s ‘livelihood and their health care.


    This thread is not about politics and who we support and I don’t want to get it off track. My comments about politics was to explain how I met so many famous politicians. I was at the 1 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago as a teenager.
    I don’t know Hillary Clinton’s current economic views, and as she isn’t running for office they are not terribly important or of interest to me. She did not have a diplomatic policy, as Secretary of State it was her job to advance the Diplomatic Policy of the President. Foreign Policy is reserved for the President by the US Constitution. As for her morals, she is/was a good wife and mother. She kept her marriage together despite her husband’s infidelities. I’ve known her 48 years and know her to be loyal and trustworthy and also she has a brilliant mind.


    So far I don’t miss having never met anyone on any of the above lists or mentioned personalities, other than the Rabbonim.


    @Dovid BT
    Yes I have met many famous secular world musicians.
    Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim
    Paul McCartney
    Not John Lennon, but yes Yoko Ono
    Itzhak Perlman
    Andrea Bocelli
    Paul Simon
    Art Garfunkel
    Peter, Paul and Mary
    I first met Elton John in 1974, his American manager’s daughter went to college with me and I was invited to her parents house to meet him. I shall be seeing him Motzei Yom Kippur in Hartford at a private reception following his concert as the guest of the same no longer young lady who first introduced me to him 44 yeasr ago.
    Pete Seeger
    Ronnie Gilbert
    Joan Baez
    Theodore Bikel
    Zero Mostel
    ALL FIVE Marx Brothers….Chico and Harpo were accomplished musicians.


    @Joseph, anytime he wanted! My Father supplied the Rebitzen with Potato’s for Kugel for many years so he was there on many a Thursday. We also had a close friend from an old time bank in Yerushalayim that was very close with the Rebbe. Between the 2 of them was quite often.

    Shopping613 🌠

    I’ve met a few rabbanim and a lot of frum singers

    ☕️coffee addict

    I’ll give this a try

    Bostoner rebbe of Boston
    R Nissim karelitz
    R Shmuel kaminetsky
    R Aaron Leib shteirman
    R ovadia yosef ztl
    R Dovid Feinstein
    R malkiel kotler
    R don segal
    R paysach krohn
    R Dovid orlofsky
    R Aaron Feldman
    R Yochanan Zweig
    R Nesanel Quinn ztl
    R Chaim Pinchas sheinberg ztl
    R Zelig Epstien ztl


    Dwayne wade
    Chris Bosh


    Met and had a conversation with — or saw at a gathering?

    ☕️coffee addict


    For which ones?

    Most of the just shook their hand, there are some I had conversations with


    Critical to know the difference between “famous” and “important.”
    G’mar chasimah Tovah to all.


    @CTLawyer or @Amil Zola did you (or your husband) ever write a book? (I know i might if I met and chatted with those people)

    Amil Zola

    Meh, writing a book about the famous people one meets sounds a bit ego driven. Not my cuppa at all.


    Meant not about meeting them, but if you met that number of people, you probably in general had a different life and seen things and lived through things most havent which for someone like me would find interesting


    Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon HaKohen

    YW Moderator-42

    I met the YW Editor and Popa bar abba


    I’ve actually written a number of books, but they would have nothing in them about my personal life and people I met.
    3 are law textbooks on probate and family law specific to Massachussets, Connecticut and Florida, sadly all are out of print and they have not been updated since the 90s.

    I am at work on a family history on my father’s maternal line which I hope is ready later this year(2018) which is the 150th anniversary of my Great-Great Grandfather’s arrival in America from the Pale of Settlement.

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