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- This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 9 months ago by anIsraeliYid.
June 19, 2016 3:36 pm at 3:36 pm #617860mordecai98Participant
I see some people who leyn the Haftorah on Shabbos or Y”T stand in front of the Bimah and some stand to the side. Assuming this is not because of space limitations, is there a reason people stand in one place or another?
June 19, 2016 3:59 pm at 3:59 pm #1155677Mashiach AgentMemberpeople have different minhagim based on the nusach of the shul they are currently davening in now (even if they daven different they still need to daven the nusach of the shul) & others just go the way of their nusach no matter what the shuls nusach is
June 19, 2016 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm #1155678adocsParticipantMashiach agent,
Please explain how your answer addresses the OP
June 19, 2016 6:33 pm at 6:33 pm #1155679lesschumrasParticipantNot a joke. It’s often decided on the best lighting. In my friends shul, for example, he stands to the right because it’s D directly under an overhead spotlight
June 19, 2016 6:40 pm at 6:40 pm #1155680Mashiach AgentMembersome people stand in front of bima cause it faces mizrach & is where they were for maftir, while other do haftara on the side cause thats where they ended up standing during the last mishebairach & said birchas haftorah so they continue in that spot also cause they read it straight from a chumash versus serious places that lein haftorah from a klaf always face front towards mizrach
June 19, 2016 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #1155681Ex-CTLawyerParticipantI have always stood where the gabbai instructs me to stand. This avoids problems and possible insults to the minhag of the shul.
When I belonged to a Nusach Ari shul (non-Hasidic) they would leave the sefer torah rolled and covered on the bimah, so we stood to the side.
In the Litvak shul I grew up in, the sefer torah was dressed and put into a stand before haftorah, so we stood in the center of the reader’s table.
In my zaideh’s shul they leyned haftorah from a klaf so you had to stand in the center of the bimah in order to spread the scroll.
June 20, 2016 8:35 am at 8:35 am #1155682anIsraeliYidParticipantOne reason people stand on the side is to avoid turning one’s back on the Sefer Torah – which is often being held by the one who did Hagbah directly behind the Bima, in such a way that if one stood at the center of the Bima, he would have his back direcly opposite teh Sefer Torah. By standing on the side of the Bima, this possible lack of Kavod for a Sefer Torah is avoided.
I’ve been in Shuls where, after the Sefer Torah is wrapped, they put it back on the Bima specifically to avoid this issue. They use a Klaf for the Haftara, and the Ba’al Koreh does stand in the front of the Bima (though not in the middle – the Sefer Torah takes up some space) when he Leins the Haftara. When there were three Sifrei Torah used on a Shabbos, and there was not enough space on the Bima for all three and the Klaf, they had someone sit with the third sefer, and the Ba’al Koreh moved to the side of the Bima to lein so as not to turn his back on any of the Sifrei Torah.
an Israeli Yid
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