When will we ever learn?

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    I keep reading in the news articles of YWN about how tragedies are being brought upon us because of the the non religious government,they are going against Torah, and because of the toeiva parade, etc. etc. This is very true. Hashem is surely sending us a message (many messages). But what bothers me even more is when I see the FRUM ppl being nasty to each other. Look at many of the comments in the news stories and the coffee room. Ppl are so ready to attack each other, to insult each other. Guys! Come on! We as frum ppl should be trying our best to improve ourselves! You can’t change the world but you can change yourself. Start with yourselves. Speak with respect even here where you are anonymous. The frier may not know any better (especially about frumkeit – yes they should know about how to treat one another), but shouldn’t we? We should be setting an example.

    Also,I do understand why the Chareidim are upset with those who are mechalel Shabbos, but isn’t there a better way to react than with violence? Why don’t we try a different approach? There are ways to bring them closer.

    Hashem wants us to be B’Achdus! When are we going to learn? When are we going to wake up?


    I agree Hashem wants us to have unity. And not just a big scale one, but with small acts too, like thinking twice about insulting someone and deciding to hold back. We need to look at each other’s good points and respect each other. And in the merit of judging favorably, my we be judged favorably by Hashem


    sm29 +10000000000


    gefen- THANK YOU!!! Its so easy to point fingers at others and say they are the reason for Hashem’s actions. It’s wrong! We are the reason for it! Us judging others is the reason for it. Yes it is sad to see chilul Hashem, but often times we don’t realize we ourselves are making chilul Hashem as well!

    May we be zoche to work on ourselves and that Hashem should help us along this journey as well!


    gefen There is an important rule in life that comments on internet articles are worse than useless. They are usually the worst of humanity who have nothing better to do than write their frustration out anonymously. Maybe we expect more of Frum Jews, but maybe we should stop that expectation. Those who actually take the time to post mean comments are those who have nothing better to do. So we shouldn’t extrapolate from them to the rest of the community. And, honestly, it’s better that these angry people write comments that everyone (other than other angry people) ignore, rather than doing actions in real life;


    Sam2 +10000000000


    Sam2–that’s a mean comment.

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