When was the last time you thanked Hashem for your…?

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    Nails! Yes your finger nails! I never used to think about what a chessed fingernails are until today. I clipped my nails very shortly and basically didnt leave myself any. There were a number of things that I had to open today that I just couldnt open because I didnt have fingernails to pry open the box or grip the plastic or whatever. We use our nails quite a bit and they really come in handy! Hashem thinks of everything! Its overwhelming when you think about the fact that Hashem planned the Briah down to the most simple minute details. Life would be so much less convenient without fingernails. Thank you Hashem!


    Every year on marCheshvaon 9th on the Johrzeit of Nachshon Waxman HY’D whose nails were savagely ripped out by his arab kidnappers Yemach Shemon vZichronom


    WIY: +1

    very apropo to this week!

    I think it says in a medrash somewhere that up until Noach’s generation, people had webbed hands (i.e. no fingers).

    Thank you Hashem for my fingernails!

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