- This topic has 180 replies, 76 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by 👑RebYidd23.
December 14, 2010 4:22 pm at 4:22 pm #593484SacrilegeMember
Let’s hear the list.
Can I say people who haven’t learned to use apostrophes? (#29)
December 14, 2010 4:54 pm at 4:54 pm #982666mamashtakahMemberPeople who refuse to acknowledge that there’s a difference between halacha and chumra.
December 14, 2010 5:09 pm at 5:09 pm #982667cofeefanMemberNoisy/ loud eaters!! slurping soup… chewing loudly etc….
oh and people who are rude….. not saying please/thank you….. going through other peoples things etc
December 14, 2010 6:07 pm at 6:07 pm #982668aries2756ParticipantThe personal and very hurtful attacks here on the CR, anonymity does not excuse it.
December 14, 2010 6:09 pm at 6:09 pm #982669bptParticipantIn our house, the last person to pour soda leaves an ounce on the bottom of the bottle. It does not happen with OJ, not with milk, not with anything else. But for some reason, soda seems to have this phenom.
Also seems to happen with candy. The 1st 95% goes pretty fast, but the last piece or two just lingers. Does’nt happen with dried fruit or nuts or baked goods, though. No idea why, but the chocolate and candy just linger
December 14, 2010 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm #982670dunnoMember“Noisy/ loud eaters!! slurping soup… chewing loudly etc….”
December 14, 2010 7:29 pm at 7:29 pm #982671pumperMemberwhen people leave a room and don’t close the door behind them.
December 14, 2010 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm #982672SacrilegeMemberWhen people blow their nose in public.
When people dont know the correct function of a powder room (’nuff said)
December 14, 2010 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm #982673real-briskerMembergreasy people
December 14, 2010 7:35 pm at 7:35 pm #982674real-briskerMembersac – where should you blow your nose?
December 14, 2010 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm #982675says whoMemberpeople that are not smart, but are ambitious.
December 14, 2010 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm #982676YW Moderator-80Memberon the subject
when people take two or three pieces of kleenex, at one time, to blow their nose, apparently without considering that it costs the Shul money and someone has to go out and buy more kleenex
December 14, 2010 7:39 pm at 7:39 pm #982677yaff80ParticipantJewish people acting as though they own the world especially in front of non-Jews.
Any other form of Chillul Hashem.
December 14, 2010 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm #982678YW Moderator-80Membermore on the subject
when someone takes a public box of kleenex to use as their personal shtender, necessitating anyone who wants some kleenex to walk further away or to disturb the shtender guy.
December 14, 2010 7:42 pm at 7:42 pm #982679YW Moderator-80Memberpeople who are obsessed with kleenex
December 14, 2010 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm #982680real-briskerMemberthe people that start eating from a kiddush before the bal simcha comes
December 14, 2010 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm #982681mikehall12382Memberdrinking out of a bottle and putting it back in the fridge….
December 14, 2010 7:46 pm at 7:46 pm #982682real-briskerMemberpeople that dont put away the shuls seforim after using them
December 14, 2010 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm #982683Peanut ButterMemberPeople that like talking about Kleenex;)
When the girl and her parents are not on the same page, causing the shidduch to be broken off….
December 14, 2010 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm #982684YW Moderator-80Memberyou are right brisker that is proper derech eretz
on the other hand
sometimes these people are makpid to fulfill the Mitzvah of eating on Shabbos before chatzoz
sometimes they are diabetic
sometimes they have family and guests waiting for them at home
sometimes they are plain ravenous after not having eaten all morning
sometimes the baalai simcha should be more considerate and go directly to Kiddush and shmooze there
December 14, 2010 8:02 pm at 8:02 pm #982685real-briskerMembermod 80 – Thats with all pet peeves somethings that urk us dont mean they are wrong! (I agree that there may be excuses/reasons)
December 14, 2010 8:03 pm at 8:03 pm #982686SacrilegeMemberreal-brisker
Go to the bathroom, or move to a corner, where there arent people standing. It goes without saying, NEVER blow your nose when you are talking to someone!
December 14, 2010 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm #982687Peanut ButterMemberThanks Sac, yup, thats what happened to me.
December 14, 2010 8:07 pm at 8:07 pm #982688real-briskerMemberSac – so if one is learning with his chavrusa he should get up and leave just to blow his nose!?
December 14, 2010 8:10 pm at 8:10 pm #982689SacrilegeMemberPB
Thats my pet peeve now too 😀
December 14, 2010 8:10 pm at 8:10 pm #982690YW Moderator-80Memberif i may i think sac just means it should be done discreetly and not “in your face”
if youre sitting with a chavrusa just turn away when you blow your nose
i think thats what she means
December 14, 2010 8:10 pm at 8:10 pm #982691amichaiParticipant( I use alot of public transportation.) after a long day, sitting on the ride home , you just wanna close your eyes and relax, and the pelephones start ringing quite loud, or pple themselves speaking very loudly.
December 14, 2010 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm #982692Peanut ButterMemberReal-Brisker
Derech eretz kadma LaTorah…..?
Excuse yourself, turn away from the people you are facing, and blow your nose then.(My 6th grade Rebbi made sure that this was ingrained in all of us)
December 14, 2010 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm #982693YW Moderator-80Memberpeople that dont put away the shuls seforim after using them
that one gets me too
December 14, 2010 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm #982694real-briskerMembermod 80 – I thought so to untill she said to go to the bathroom to blow!
December 14, 2010 8:12 pm at 8:12 pm #982695SacrilegeMemberreal brisker
I dont want to get in to a bittul torah argument but… I would get up and blow my nose.
December 14, 2010 8:17 pm at 8:17 pm #982696Peanut ButterMemberI think people just need to use basic decency, and sometimes think, “would I like it if someone else would do this to me ect…”?
December 14, 2010 8:17 pm at 8:17 pm #982697real-briskerMemberwhen people hog two parking spots when there is only a limited amount
December 14, 2010 8:23 pm at 8:23 pm #982698dunnoMemberSome more pet peeves…
– creaking floorboards
– if someone constantly clicks their pen, shakes their feet, and whispers to themselves by tests
– when someone sings when I’m trying to study (yes, I know, it shouldn’t bother me but it does :))
– when people “talk to you” but text away the whole time
Wow, I never realized how many things annoy me! I gotta start working on this!
December 14, 2010 8:24 pm at 8:24 pm #982699SacrilegeMemberreal brisker
Thats a good one. Really annoying…
December 14, 2010 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm #982700not IMemberWhen people chew gum loudly and stinks up your car, room etc..
December 14, 2010 8:32 pm at 8:32 pm #982701chesednameParticipantmod 80
as a person who donates the tissues, you’re right that always bothers me
you’re quote “when people take two or three pieces of kleenex, at one time”
what bothers me as well, when mods are posting while there are posts waiting to be approved, or emails to be answered 🙂 lol joking
December 14, 2010 8:34 pm at 8:34 pm #982702Peanut ButterMemberHow about, and I have heard this from both sides, waiting for an answer from the other side after a date if it will continue or not. I know how other people feel so I always give it right away or ask for a little more time if I need to think about it.
December 14, 2010 8:41 pm at 8:41 pm #982703SacrilegeMemberPB
That can be annoying, but it has an easy remedy.
After a date I say to the guy something like, “I had a nice time” If he looks nauseous, jk. If he doesnt respond, I know its a no go. I dont have to wait for anyone, and I dont have to feel like an idiot because he can think I was just being polite.
December 14, 2010 8:42 pm at 8:42 pm #982704dunnoMemberPeanut Butter:
Don’t the guys usually give an answer first?
December 14, 2010 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm #982705not IMemberI see alot of the threads in teh CR revolve around shidduchim!!
December 14, 2010 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #982706the.nurseMemberWhen people write the word ‘alot’ as one word. It’s 2 words: A lot. I don’t know why this drives me crazy, but it does.
Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of common spelling mistakes irk me…
their vs there vs they’re
your vs you’re
December 14, 2010 8:53 pm at 8:53 pm #982707apushatayidParticipantOn the subject of kleenex. Once you use it (even if it IS 3-4 tissues and you throughly irked Mod-80) dont open it up to see whats inside. What are you expecting anyway?
December 14, 2010 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm #982708Peanut ButterMemberSac, I actually have done that, and been told the same, with a big smile on her face, and then find out the nxt day that it is a no go.
dunno,yes, but the girl sometimes decides to get back “later”.
If you know that it is a yes, say it!
And that goes with another peeve that I have.
Why do 2 mature(hopefully) people who are ready for marriage, have to play the game of “hard to get”? There are so many shadchannim who tell me when I say this, that this is how it is.
December 14, 2010 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm #982709dunnoMembernot I:
You bet! It’s the hot topic around here 🙂
December 14, 2010 8:58 pm at 8:58 pm #982710real-briskerMemberwhen a meshulech shakes his coins in your face.
December 14, 2010 8:59 pm at 8:59 pm #982711blueprintsParticipantfrom seeing mod-80 worried about kleenex and seforim on shuls he’s not only a macher on ywn are you?
PLEEEESE approve this
December 14, 2010 9:02 pm at 9:02 pm #982713dunnoMemberapushatayid:
Peanut Butter:
I definitely agree with that. Why wait?
December 14, 2010 9:03 pm at 9:03 pm #982714SacrilegeMemberWhen people take personal offense when you spell something wrong 😉
LOL. Yea, thats gross.
Thats obnoxious.
December 14, 2010 9:03 pm at 9:03 pm #982715Peanut ButterMembernot I
Yes, I guess that can be attributed to posters being in the “parsha”(I never really understood why you call it a parsha), or parents of kids in the “parsha”
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