Whats wrong with chumros?

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  • #692932
    Max Well

    Halevei there was as much complaining about fake kulos, as there is about real chumros.


    I find very often that those who make the biggest issues on blogs about chumros are the kulah shoppers.”

    Jose, I make a big issue about it, and I am most definitely NOT a kulah shopper, so you are mistaken in that. I am personlly machmir on many things, but that neither makes me a better Yid, nor a more observant one. If our Gedolim decreed certain chumros as halacha, then they ahve the authority to do so. But you know what, the Gedolim once upon a time wanted to include potatoes as kitniyos for ashkenazim. Do you know what such a chumrah would have done to klal Yisroel? Was it kulah shopping when they ultimately decided that would be a VERY bad decision? No it wasn’t, because the halacha is that potatoes are not kitniyos l’chatchilah. The l’chatchilah is the inyan. And if something is said to be mutar b’dieved, that might be a kulah, but the action could not have been strictly assur. More like a “better not to” type of thing.


    This is without discussing the “innovators” who do not rely on mesorah at all, their basis for halachic decisions are “feelings” or being politically correct or to try to fit in with the corrupt popular culture. “

    You are absolutely right about that. The main idea is that the poseik you ask should be a talmid chochum who is emesdig in his learning and knows what he is talking about. If he is paskening based on his “feelings,” he is not paskening, he is re-creating.

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