Home › Forums › Family Matters › Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam
- This topic has 62 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by ujm.
March 31, 2019 7:39 pm at 7:39 pm #1705704tralala1Participant
Anyone know the details about neighborhoods and schools in Baltimore suitable for in-town family.Thanks
March 31, 2019 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #1705713JosephParticipantCrime in Baltimore has shot through the roof since the Freddie Gray incident four years ago, with the police pulling back after having their hands tied behind their backs by the new spotlight seeking State Attorney filing charges against the officers.
March 31, 2019 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm #1705727GadolhadorahParticipantThe City of Baltimore is not somewhere a frum family would want to live but there are several suburban areas (Owings Mills, Pikesville etc) which are safe and in close proximity to a wide range of schools and shuls for just about every hashkafah From the MO Beth Tefillah complex (one of the largest day schools on the East Coast to Neir Tamid, to a number of chassidish schools and bies yaakoves, you can find a facility to match your needs. Home prices are substantially below NYC area prices. Also consider the Silver Spring/Potomac areas of suburban Washington D.C. which also has a large frum population although not of the scale in Baltimore but the area is more upscale and generally a safer environment with greater employment options than Baltimore.
March 31, 2019 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm #1705738FreddyfishParticipantThere is pretty heavy crime in areas but some areas are very safe basically the park heights area is much more yeshivish and older people ranchleigh area is younger couples and much more new yorky. Any other questions I’ll be glad to help you!!
April 1, 2019 12:02 am at 12:02 am #1705762voseppesParticipantNo, that’s not AT ALL in the frum area, the northwest corner of the city, where the crime rate is still low. (And you can confirm that thru the Northwest Citizens Patrol, 410-664-NWCP.
Why are we protected from the malaise afflicting the rest of the city? Perhaps it is our achdus and the shalom between various groups in the city. You will find all areas of the frum spectrum – Chasidish, Yeshivishe, Torahdig, and Modern, FFB and BT, Ashkenazi and Sepharadi – and the mutual respect is amazing. So if you can have and befriend a neighbor who has different (yet still kosher) hanhagos than you, Baltimore is a real choice.
April 1, 2019 12:49 am at 12:49 am #1705804CuriosityParticipantWhat makes a community “suitable for in-town family”?
April 1, 2019 6:34 am at 6:34 am #1705839ZSKParticipantIf you’re an NYer with that sort of attitude, you should probably just stay in NY.
April 2, 2019 4:21 pm at 4:21 pm #1706875tralala1ParticipantI meant to say like if im wearing the latest trendy clothes and go to pesach hotels is that frowned upon.Also which schools are the most mainstream (not chassidish) fpr both boys and girls and what are they like.Also whats beazer?
April 2, 2019 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm #1707352akupermaParticipantThe area in the City of Baltimore where the frum community is centered has a low crime rate. Northern Parkway effectively cuts off the neighborhood from the rest of the city. The adjacent neighborhood “Mount Washington” is largely upper class, but the frum areas are still middle class. There is begining to be a correlation between frumkeit and living in the city, and being “modern” and living in adjacent Baltimore County. but it isn’t absolute. In general, the city is not into the expensive lifestyle of many frum Baal ha-battim in New York (fancy clothes, fancy weddings, going away for the summer, etc.). Most employment is related to the Federal government in Washington (less than an hour commute). There are several well established schools run by misnagdim and recently there has been a big growth in hasidim (someone more or less “imported” them by planting a hasidische kollel in the heart of the community.
April 2, 2019 8:38 pm at 8:38 pm #1707536FreddyfishParticipantTralala1 I recommend you speak to hachnosas Orchim or find somewhere to stay in Baltimore in the ranchleigh area for a week(near eichensteins) and you can speak to people and see it in person!!!!! Or come with your family for a chol hamoad trip ( Washington dc is an hr away)!!!!
April 3, 2019 8:03 am at 8:03 am #1707532FreddyfishParticipantGirls schools are bais yaakov-regular. Bnos Yisroel- a little smaller and more personal. Beazer is the area with newer homes (all the same looking) and closer together then the average home in Baltimore. Beazer generally has more modern and a bunch of not frum (although there are some regular yeshivish people)!!!!!!
April 3, 2019 9:14 am at 9:14 am #1707729JosephParticipantWhere do the Chasidim I’m Baltimore send their kids to school? Are the Chasidim in Baltimore the same type of Chasidim you’d find in Boro Park, Williamsburg and Monsey?
April 3, 2019 10:33 am at 10:33 am #1707835FreddyfishParticipantJoseph- there is a chasidish cheder for young kids and quite a large chasidish kollel baltimores chasidish community is growing bh
April 4, 2019 1:42 am at 1:42 am #1709010Yserbius123Participant@Joseph, I’ve never wanted to use nivul peh on a troll as much as I do to you. I don’t know why you still get to me, everyone here knows you’re faking it. There’s actually far less crime in Baltimore than NYC, Lakewood, or Monsey. I can’t name a single Baltimorean who went to prison, but I can name many from NYC, Lakewood, and Monsey.
@tralala1 if you’re asking if something is “suitable for in-town” you’re probably going to be disappointed no matter what the situation is as you’re clearly already judgmental and/or sheltered.April 4, 2019 1:44 am at 1:44 am #1709011Yserbius123Participant@tralala1 People don’t care about how you’re dressed or where you go for vacation as much as they do in New York. People wearing last-years style and going to their in-laws in St. Louis for Yom Tov is not something that even elicits a passing comment.
There are no Chassidish schools. Just one playgroup and it’s only for members of the Chassidish kollel. The closest thing you’ll find to a “mainstream” school is Torah Institute for boys and BY for girls. Both have a larger variety of backgrounds than you may expect in NY (like, kids with TV and also kids who’s parents learn in kollel for life), and they are excellent schools.
Beazer is a Maryland goyish developer that built a huge development next to the frum community. It was the In place for a while, but it’s kind of Out these days. A Beazer house will still run you 600k for four bedrooms and an unfinished basement, and they are almost impossible to get. Summit Park is very In and just as close.
April 4, 2019 8:55 am at 8:55 am #1709135JosephParticipantYseribus: Your comment is certifiably a farce. There’s nothing to even argue about. FBI crime statistics clearly show that NYC is the safest big city in the entire United States, where B”H these days a “crime” that makes the news in the frum communities is when someone spay paints a swastika overnight, whereas the same statistics testify that Baltimore is currently undergoing a violent crime surge since the police pullback after Freddy Gray that makes the city the most crime ridden and unsafe big city in the United States.
Don’t believe me; believe the FBI.
April 4, 2019 8:56 am at 8:56 am #1709137akupermaParticipantThere are two sets of hedarim, one Chabad and one started by the Chassidsh Kollel (how that will develop is unknown as it is quite new). “Totah Institute” was founded by a hasid but is now dominated by yeshivsh.
In the heart of the frum community, houses under $250K are common, and if you look hard enough you could find a semi-detached for well under $200K. More expensive options abound, but they tend to be further away from the most-frum shuls.
Note you will probably need a car in Baltimore, unlike Brooklyn.
April 4, 2019 12:38 pm at 12:38 pm #1709382Yserbius123Participant@akuperma Yes, Baltimore is for the most part a single frum community with one Vaad and one major hechsher, which is amazing. But Chabad has always operated independently as its own thing as Chabad is wont to do in frum communities. The Chassidishe community/cheder is kind of artificial. The entire thing is a multi-Chassidus kollel supported by one guy and they also operate in seclusion with little interaction with the major frum community.
April 4, 2019 1:13 pm at 1:13 pm #1709400K-cupParticipantBaltimore has by far more violent crime per capita than any major city in America. I lived there until 5 years ago, my family is a mostly still there. I know 5 people who have had there cars stolen in baltimore recently. I still get shomrim notifications there, it’s rough. Many home invasions as well.
Yserbius123, no frum baltimoreans went to jail? What?!?!?! You must have your head deep deep deep in the sandApril 4, 2019 3:09 pm at 3:09 pm #1709419TGIShabbosParticipantYseribus, regarding the crime in Baltimore: Are you kidding me? April Fools Day has passed, my friend. There is nothing to agree or disagree with Joseph, he has statistical sources. Even without sources, you’d be naive to think that aggressive crimes (such as murder, rape, aggravated assault, aggravated robbery, car theft) trumps higher than the national average in a troubled city like Baltimore than in suburban areas like Lakewood and Monsey. You can’t name a single person from Baltimore in prison? I sure can; Tivontre Gatling-Mouzon (first search that comes up on the internet when searching Baltimore crime).
Let me ask you a question. Why do I have many frum friends from Baltimore (currently residing with me in NJJ) who tell me that the Baltimore frum community is very friendly and open but wouldn’t move back there with children nowadays?
Here is the FBI Source Joseph is talking about “Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. is infamous for its very high crime rate, including a violent crime rate that ranks high above the national average. Violent crime spiked in 2015 after the death of Freddie Gray on April 19, 2015, which touched off riots and an increase in murders. The city recorded a total of 344 homicides in 2015, a number second only to the number recorded in 1993 when the population was 100,000 higher” Source: FBI 2015 UCR dataApril 4, 2019 3:57 pm at 3:57 pm #1709484Non PoliticalParticipantBaltimore is very much a neighborhood by neighborhood kind of city. the above referenced FBI stats does not inform a comparison between upper Park Heights and Borough Park. There are 3 types of untruths 1) lies, 2) darn lies, and 3) statistics.
As for the OP’s question, there are plenty of people in B-more wearing the latest shmatas and going to Pesach hotels.
If you are really considering moving here come for a visit. From the tone of your question I suggest staying in the Greenspring area.
April 4, 2019 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm #1709472JosephParticipantFellows, if you keep reminding Yseribus about government crime statistics in crime ridden Baltimore, he said above that he is liable to burst out using nivul peh. Nevertheless, the point about many many many frum former OOTers who chose to move to NY and NJ is true not just about Baltimore (though it may be much more prevalent from there) but really from most OOT communities, whose former members can be found in large numbers in NYC, Lakewood and Monsey.
April 5, 2019 9:35 am at 9:35 am #1709767Yserbius123ParticipantAll the crime statistics you are all citing are about Baltimore City. The frum community lives for the most part in Baltimore County right outside the border of the city. Sure there’s crime, mostly break-ins and the occasional car-jacking, but crime in the frum Baltimore County neighborhoods is far less significant than it is in Brooklyn.
I didn’t say no one in Baltimore went to prison, I just said I don’t know anyone who did. But I know plenty of people from Monsey, Brooklyn, and Lakewood who did. Joke. It was a joke on how Baltimore must be “out of town” because the frum oilom for the most part respects US law.
April 5, 2019 9:37 am at 9:37 am #1709782AlizgittParticipantAlright I never comment on these threads but the Ivory Tower from which many commentators are coming from on here needs a check. The frum Baltimore Jewish community is vibrant, young and inviting.
1. Due to its proximity to Washington DC, there are plentiful jobs both within the Federal Government and ancillary to it.
2. The cost of living, while high compared to many smaller midwestern communities, is relatively palatable.
3. Schools (Does NOT include all schools):
a. Boys Schools/high schools — Bais HaMedrash & Mesivta of Baltimore, Baltimore Torah School, Cheder Chabad, Mesivta N’eimus HaTorah, Ner Israel Rabbinical College, Talmudical Academy of Baltimore Inc., Torah Institute of Baltimore, Yeshivas Ahavas Torah, Yeshivas Lev Shlomo, Mesivta Kesser Torah
b. Girls Schools/high schools — Bais Yaakov School for Girls, Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore, Cheder Chabad
c. Orthodox community schools — Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, Ohr Chadash Academy
2. Shuls (NOT a comprehensive list)
Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah
Agudath Israel of Baltimore
Arugas HaBosem (Rabbi Taub’s)
Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation
The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel
Agudah of Greenspring / Adath Yeshurun Mogen Abraham
Chabad of Park Heights (Clarks Lane)
Darchei Tzedek
Kehilath B’nai Torah
Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek
Kol Torah
Shearith Israel Congregation/ Glen Avenue Shul
Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Tiferes Yisroel
Beit Yaakov
Ner Tamid Greenspring Valley Synagogue
Ohel Moshe
Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim
Magen David Sephardic Congregation
Ohr HaTorah
Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim
Beth Abraham
Agudath Israel of Baltimore
Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh
Beth Tfiloh Congregation
Moses Montefiore – Anshe Emunah Greengate Jewish Center
Ohr Hamizrach
The Shul at the Lubavitch Center
Machzikei Torah (Sternhill’s)April 5, 2019 9:38 am at 9:38 am #1709787AlizgittParticipant1. Due to its proximity to Washington DC, there are plentiful jobs both within the Federal Government and ancillary to it.
2. The cost of living, while high compared to many smaller midwestern communities, is relatively palatable.
3. Many choices for Schooling (Does NOT include all schools):
a. Boys Schools/high schools — Bais HaMedrash & Mesivta of Baltimore, Baltimore Torah School, Cheder Chabad, Mesivta N’eimus HaTorah, Ner Israel Rabbinical College, Talmudical Academy of Baltimore Inc., Torah Institute of Baltimore, Yeshivas Ahavas Torah, Yeshivas Lev Shlomo, Mesivta Kesser Torah
b. Girls Schools/high schools — Bais Yaakov School for Girls, Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore, Cheder Chabad
c. Orthodox community schools — Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, Ohr Chadash Academy
4. Many choices for Davening/Shuls (NOT a comprehensive list)
Shomrei Emunah Congregation, Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah, Agudath Israel of Baltimore, Arugas HaBosem (Rabbi Taub’s), Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation, The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel, Agudah of Greenspring / Adath Yeshurun Mogen Abraham, Chabad of Park Heights (Clarks Lane), Darchei Tzedek, Kehilath B’nai Torah, Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek, Kol Torah, Shearith Israel Congregation/ Glen Avenue Shul, Shomrei Emunah Congregation, Tiferes Yisroel, Beit Yaakov, Ner Tamid Greenspring Valley Synagogue, Ohel Moshe, Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim, Magen David Sephardic Congregation, Ohr HaTorah, Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim, Beth Abraham, Agudath Israel of Baltimore, Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh, Beth Tfiloh Congregation, Moses Montefiore – Anshe, Emunah Greengate Jewish Center, Ohr Hamizrach, The Shul at the Lubavitch Center, Machzikei Torah (Sternhill’s)April 5, 2019 9:59 am at 9:59 am #1709805AlizgittParticipantAlright I rarely comment on these threads but the Ivory Tower from which many commentators are coming from on here needs a check.
1. The frum Baltimore Jewish community is large, vibrant, young and inviting. Come for a visit and see for yourself. The proportionality of younger/older families (while there are plenty of both) leans very much to the younger side more (which I interpret as very good sign for the long term).
2. The whole argument about crime is silly; there is minimal non-violent petty crime common in almost any urban environment (and then even this MOSTLY only within City limits). At this point many (if not MOST) of the community lives in the County which has a much more engaged police force and almost NO crime in comparison (and I reiterate that the City is quite safe).
3. There are SEVERAL excellent schools that I (almost) guarantee will meet your needs for both boys and girls, elementary and high school/mesivta (except for chassedisha)
4. There are SEVERAL shuls that I (almost) guarantee will meet your needs
5. The job market has amazing breadth and the mean rate of pay is higher than many locations (on a MEAN basis). The federal government provides HUGE amounts of economic stability to the area generally. No major highs but no major lows either.April 5, 2019 9:59 am at 9:59 am #1709814JosephParticipantAll the crime statistics you are all citing are about Baltimore City. The frum community lives for the most part in Baltimore County right outside the border of the city. Sure there’s crime, mostly break-ins and the occasional car-jacking, but crime in the frum Baltimore County neighborhoods is far less significant than it is in Brooklyn.
This is certifiably false. Again, the FBI crime statistics demonstrate that Baltimore County has far higher and more violent crimes than Kings County (which is synonymous with Brooklyn.) As far as frum neighborhoods specifically, Frum Brooklyn (i.e. Borough Park, Midwood, Williamsburg) have some of the lowest crime rates in the United States, bar none. The local police precincts often have too much time on their hands unless they’re needed outside the precincts.
And secondly you’re downplaying the crime in the frum Baltimore neighborhoods (that some of your fellow former Baltimoreans told us about above) by dismissing them as merely “mostly break-ins and the occasional car-jacking”. Home break ins and carjackings are insignificant?!
April 5, 2019 10:06 am at 10:06 am #1709829FreddyfishParticipantYserbius123 – there have been MANY muggings in Baltimore this past year and MANY break ins. My friend from chicago who’s in Yeshiva here said hes much more scared in Baltimore then in Chicago and chicago has one of the most murders in America. Baltimore is definitely not safer ( even in the frum community) then brooklyn is (% wise). If you don’t believe me just google it!!!!
April 5, 2019 10:07 am at 10:07 am #1709831FreddyfishParticipantAlizgitt- arguement about crime in Baltimore is not silly. I live in the heart of the frum community and there has been multiple muggings by gunpoint and carjackings this past year. Definitely more dangerous then the heart of the frum community in Brooklyn!!!!
April 5, 2019 11:31 am at 11:31 am #1709856Yserbius123ParticipantWhile you are all right, to a degree, about the crime statistics, it’s still not something that should dissuade a person from Baltimore. I don’t believe that there’s been any carjackings in the frum areas in the last two years, and break-ins have B”H also seen a downturn. I don’t recall hearing of any for at least a year. Crime is still bad overall, but Baltimore City and Baltimore County are huge so don’t judge the frum areas based on overall statistics.
June 17, 2019 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm #1743734moishe124ParticipantIs TA a good school as I have seen much advertising for them but not for other schools?also whats summit park and stevenson and are there jews moving in there?Lastly is the rumor Gourmet Glatt is moving into the shoppers plaza true?
June 17, 2019 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm #1743753BaltimoreMavenParticipant“Where do the Chasidim I’m Baltimore send their kids to school? Are the Chasidim in Baltimore the same type of Chasidim you’d find in Boro Park, Williamsburg and Monsey?”
” The Chassidishe community/cheder is kind of artificial. The entire thing is a multi-Chassidus kollel supported by one guy and they also operate in seclusion with little interaction with the major frum community”
Artificial and seclusion are partly true but unfair characterizations. Khal Chassidim is a splendid place to daven and I find the Chassidim in the Kollel to be friendly and open. Their schools do accept people from the community but the screening criteria are understandably tight. I heard they have 3 grades in their Cheder and opening a 1st grade in the Girls school. One thing is for sure – they have by far the coolest playgrounds in the city/county. The community is growing – I heard Chassidim are moving from NY and other states to join this “insular” community.
As far as crime, FreddieFish should keep quiet so we can get more Chassidim to move and they can try “chapsem” on the indigenous population.
June 18, 2019 7:12 am at 7:12 am #1743764justme22ParticipantPark heights are is very out of townish , very simple.
You can see that many girls from Baltimore families tend to dress not new Yorky ..
However the other side of town is not as simple , there are some large houses and some nice cars etc
I think the community is more likely to judge the spending of money than in New York , everyone complains that there is no fancy restaurants yet there is not enough of a daily market to support such places.
You will probably find that is not out of towny but defenitely is not New York or LA in as far as materialistic outlook.
Outside of park heights you will have a bit of a sense that younger people 30-45 are more likely to have a New York influence.
The schools will have a mix of both tipes of families
I lived there for a while
Danger is not concerning as far as walking on shabs , is mostly certain areas of Baltimore not inside the Eruv.
Beazer is a development by a publicly traded company under that name , the houses are large and it is a novelty for Baltimore. Some people fear moving there because they might be judged , yet many are moving there and probably no one cares it is right next to all housing frum Jews have been in.. you can probably google itJune 18, 2019 9:37 pm at 9:37 pm #1744218moishe124ParticipantI would consider it but I hear the schools are better in Baltimore than Chicago and its also growing at a much faster clip than Chicago so it would make more sense moving there as people are comparing it to Monsey of the early 2000’s
June 19, 2019 11:28 am at 11:28 am #1744481🍫Syag LchochmaParticipant“If, on the other hand, you want to continue caring about those things but don’t want to stay in New York, I’d recommend checking out Chicago. It’s much more New Yorky than Baltimore.”
The only thing New York about Chicago are the New Yorkers who’ve moved here .
“whereas Chicago is much more divisive. Chicago is also a huge city, and you feel it. Baltimore feels more like a small town.”
Um, Not.
June 19, 2019 11:30 am at 11:30 am #1744485apushatayidParticipantYou know what they say, never judge someone from baltimore until you walk a mile in their shabbos sneakers.
June 19, 2019 11:42 am at 11:42 am #1744494farrockgrandmaParticipantDefinitely an out-of-town lifestyle. There is one Vaad HaKashrus that is universally accepted, a proper eruv, and people will still greet a fellow Jew.
June 19, 2019 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #1744522GadolhadorahParticipantFor those whose lives are defined by having close interaction with their machatanim, having a choice of multiple yeshivos and shuls and ready access to a dozen varieties of kugel with chasideshe hashgacha, neither Baltimore or any other OOT destination will ever be satisfying. However, as many have noted, there are several areas outside of Baltimore City with thriving frum communities with a modest number of options for schools and davening. Some of these will bring you into common with yidden from somewhat different backgrounds but that is one of the great positives of leaving the silos of the NYC/Monsey/Lakewood areas. My biggest complaint about the Baltimore area, and not really a deterrent to relocation) is that the few restaurants with hashgacha don’t come close to the options in the Alte Heim (of NYC).
June 19, 2019 4:23 pm at 4:23 pm #1744620JosephParticipantThere are no school buses for yeshiva children in Baltimore and the entire frum population must arrange their day around carpooling, morning and evening. (Coincidentally, just about every Rav and Posek and Jewish leader in Baltimore was brought up in communities outside of Baltimore.)
June 19, 2019 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm #1744672PhilParticipant“just about every Rav and Posek and Jewish leader in Baltimore was brought up in communities outside of Baltimore”
The fact that these leaders chose Baltimore over other cities is a reason to seriously consider living there. Your need to constantly criticize other communities shows that Brooklyn, the catch-measles-and-get-assaulted-in-the-street capital of Judaism, is truly the perfect place for you. It will serve the world well if you never step out of it.
November 7, 2019 6:57 am at 6:57 am #1798132Burnt SteakParticipantI love how this thread became a big argument if Baltimore is a good city or not. I have relatives who currently live there and some who grew up there.
Any community outside of the NYC area is much more welcoming and non judgemental. I grew up outside of New York. In the Orthodox shul I went to, I had friends who were conservative and reform who went to the shul because the Rabbi and members were all kind and non judgemental. I’ve found that the larger the city, the more judgemental the people are. Saint Louis Park (Minneapolis suburb) was less judgemental than Chicago, which was less judgemental than New York. In the smaller communities people with different haskafic views are forced to interact with each other because of the limited amount of minyanim. In some shuls both the people wearing the knitted kippas and black hats will welcome other Jews wearing jeans and a t shirt because at the end of the day they realize that they all count equally towards a minyan.Regarding Baltimore: None of my friends who grew up there would consider moving back to Baltimore to start a family. The crime does reach some of the Jewish areas. Its not a warzone like some other comments in this thread make it out to be. You just have to be aware that sometimes things can happen just like when you go through some parts of New York.
November 7, 2019 9:46 am at 9:46 am #1798221GadolhadorahParticipantBaltimore is great if you focus on OOOB rather than just OOT……(outer outside of Baltimore…aka Owings Mill etc). I wouldn’t move a family into the older areas around Ner Tamid etc. when there a really lovely areas in the suburbs with really nice 4-5 BR homes available for less than $1 million.
November 7, 2019 10:51 am at 10:51 am #1798263BaltimoreMavenParticipantCan someone review the crime stats from the last 12 months? I’ve seen many scary muggings and other attacks in Boro Park and Williamsberg. Joseph?
November 7, 2019 12:58 pm at 12:58 pm #1798343GadolhadorahParticipantThe choice is NOT between BP, Willy and “inner-Baltimore”…..this is a big country with lots of options for frum yidden to locate where crime is minimal and quality of life and affordability are considerably better than the older metro areas where yidden settled over 100 years ago. One does NOT need close proximity to 12 yeshivos, 6 mikvahs, and dozens of kosher markets to be a shomer torah u’mitzvos.
November 7, 2019 1:01 pm at 1:01 pm #1798349JosephParticipantBoro Park and Williamsburg are from the safest neighborhoods in NYC. And NYC is said to be the safest big city in the US.
The vast majority of the anti-Semitic crimes are yelling or property crimes that involve no assault.
November 7, 2019 1:58 pm at 1:58 pm #1798357JosephParticipant“One does NOT need close proximity to 12 yeshivos, 6 mikvahs, and dozens of kosher markets to be a shomer torah u’mitzvos.”
Being in close proximity to 12 yeshivos, 6 mikvahs, and dozens of butei medrashim will likely make you a much better shomer torah u’mitzvos than if you live near barely one synagogue and maybe a day school.
November 7, 2019 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm #1798383GadolhadorahParticipantReb Yosef: I had forgotten that size does matter…..BTW Baltimore has multiple shuls mikvos but obviously not on the scale of Brooklyn or Lakewood
November 7, 2019 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm #1798467PhilParticipantCrime in filthy, dangerous Brooklyn has shot through the roof since the Eric Garner incident five years ago, with the police pulling back after having their hands tied behind their backs by the criminal-loving mayor.
It’s very telling to read Joseph’s fake news posts about communities that he’s thankfully never graced with his disagreeable presence. For example, Baltimore has dozens of shuls, nearly all of which have active batei medrash, as well as numerous options for Elementary, High School, Beis Medrash and Seminary education.
Sad Joseph, who pretends to care about other Jews being “better shomer torah u’mitzvos”, is just afraid that he’ll be the last Brooklyn basement-dweller if someone dares to write something positive about other communities.
November 7, 2019 9:24 pm at 9:24 pm #1798515JosephParticipantPhillip, please take your blood pressure med. It’s dangerously high.
November 7, 2019 9:55 pm at 9:55 pm #1798522GadolhadorahParticipantPhilip: In fairnes ot Reb Yosef, he moved out of his mother’s basement years ago. His trolls are consistently well informed, articulate and occasionally humorous.
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