Please help… what’s a good Chanukah-esque scene for a holiday photograph of a dog?
So long story short… tomorrow, I need to take a Chanukah-filled photograph of my dog solo, which will be included in a collage of creatures for a holiday post.
I’m thinking a Chanukiah… and then what?
I’m not going to be making latkes … or am I? should I just make a couple latkes to place next to him on a plate (borderline torture!)?
For sure, I’m not going to do sufganiot or gelt (wouldn’t be able to prevent myself from eating them!).
Oh! I can surround him with dreidels, and two Chanukiahs (regular and a mini one).
But… is that enough.? What else CAN I do to get the Chanukah theme and happy-vibes in the photo?
Thank you ☺