What would it take for you to move “OOT” ??

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues What would it take for you to move “OOT” ??

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    zahavasdad brings up a very important, critical and necessary point. I can only wonder who in today’s day and age is capable of answering that question. It gets to the deep root of Yiddishkeit from a philosophical point and a practical point. I look forward to reading replies to Zahavasdad’s point.

    Non Political

    @ Talmid

    “It is a chassidishe concept so you need to consult with chassidishe rabbonim to fully understand what it means”


    @ Joseph

    After reading the news today I finally see the light. You where right all along. New York truly does exist on a higher plane of Ruchnius then the rest of the country. In NY we are zoche to experience ma’at machzik et hamirubeh, lo and behold the simple sidewalks in NY accommodate vehicles and pedestrians.

    Syag, I think you owe Joseph an apology.


    Who owes who an apology?


    Yes, undoubtedly some have responsibilities in Chutz Laaretz which prevent them from moving to Eretz Yisrael. But the key word is some. Most are not in that category. Most are just going along with their lives by the forces of inertia, instead of making a real cheshbon hanefesh of what is Ratzon Hashem. The source material is so blatant and clear that Hashem wants the Jewish people to return to Eretz Yisrael. Any other conclusion is a rationalization and atzas yetzer hara. Including comments that no one really understands, like we are gathering neitzosos!

    Neville ChaimBerlin


    OOT seems nicer than NYC.


    I respect your opinion.


    I like NYC better. It has more religious resources.


    You dumb, mean troll! Why are you alive?!


    Neville – are you also AOC’s speech writer?

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    “Neville – are you also AOC’s speech writer?”
    Why do you think that? Just because I’m black? Racist.

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