Anyone have any ideas on what’s good to eat before the fast starts? Being on Shabbos adds to the challenge. Wishing everyone a meaningful and tolerable fast. May Moshiach come quickly so we have no more Tisha b’Av!
made potatoes, pasta salad as side dishes for shabbas- nice filling carbs. also a plain chicken recipe, not too saucy or spicy. salad- fiber will keep you feeling full. and water water water water! started drinking more than usual already today…it works!
Watermelon is supposed to be very good before a fast, since it’s full of water and hydrates. You should eat it throughout the day, not just at shelosh seudos.
yekke2, are you a fleishigs person in general, or you just can’t wait specifically this yr cuz its not something usual that happens that you can have fleishigs b4 the fast?
I’m also gonna do fleishigs. i could have fleishigs breakfast lunch and supper day in and day out. seriously.
Bar Shattya -“Segulah’s arent always logical but if you are worried you can drink smartwater which replenishes your electrolytes instead of washing them out”
A common misconception. You don’t need to replace/replenish something that isn’t missing! See the other post!
yekke2, its sad that you have to write”cant wait” for a fleishig seudah hamafsekes. The whole concept is sad. You should be upset that it falls out on Shabbos, since its more meaningful to have the real seudah hamafsekes. Thats the point of tisha baav. Not to fress as much meat before the taanis.