what to do?

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    what would u do if u dont like ur husbands friend or his wife, but hes very good friends with the guy…???


    Why don’t you like them? i think the reasons matter as to what action should be taken.


    they arent very friendly people…and i dont feel comfortable around them, the wife barely says 2 words to me even though ive had 2 shabbos meals and spent an entire shabbos with her. i make an effort but im only gonna go so far…

    what bothers me the most is that i feel the friend uses my husband and i just dont like him but my husband says they are friends and friends help each other out….i cant pin point one thing….its a multitude of things that cause this dislike but i feel like this friend is gonna be in my life for a very long time and i just cringe at the very thought of it 🙁


    Ask yourself what you should do if your husband doesn’t like your very best friend (and her spouse), and apply that answer to yourself.


    And your question is…..


    Why dont you try and meet one on one with her maybe go out to lunch with her it may give you a better chance to connect when your not in the group dynamic, as far as him taking advantage of your husband you have to ask yourself what does your husband get out of their friendship maybe its not so one sided.


    cshapiro –

    If your husband is friends with the guy and likes him, then you should try to bear it. Guys know when others mooch off them, it just happens to be that some simply don’t care because they enjoy the camaraderie. So unless you’re husband is clueless, I would advise not to make it an issue, and to do your best to just live with it. You can sneak to the other room and laugh at them if it makes you feel better 🙂 🙂 but unless there is a specific detrimental effect he and his wife are having on your family, just let it be. This is one of those things that you let be, in my humble opinion.


    Hi cshapiro.

    I guess the first two things would be to see it as either, a. let it be the worst problem to deal with, or b. it’s a kappara to “try” to let it be for the sake of your husband.

    I know it’s not easy to shrug off things like this, and your instincts are probably right, and your husband said he does not mind doing more helping out than he is getting in return, so, the only thing I can say is that they probably dont spend that much “actual” time in your life, so when you cringe at the “assumption” you have to deal with them a long time, then dont think that. (I know that is not easy either.)

    I think I once read in a book, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”, by Dale Carnegie Hall or Deli, I forget which, but he had something in there like imagine what is giving you upsetting thoughts going inside an elevator. Then picture the elevator doors closing and the object of your thoughts are no longer seen. Practice that over and over to mitigate the emotional connection to the object…something like that.



    Well, invite him for a shabbos meal, and poison him. Works every time.


    thank you yita and bt…its just i had another run in with them on purim and now i dread going to brooklyn because i know we will inevitably be going to this friends house. i do put up with him and his wife but it sucks the life out of me i never let anyone get to me like that but this guy and his wife do and thats why i just have this bad feeling about them.

    ill give u an ex. we went after our purim seuda to say hi, my husband and i agreed on 20 minutes (and i said i am doing it purely for my husband). i walk thru the door there are like 10 drunk people around the table dressed like…hmmm no words i can use in the cr but highly inappropriate and like LOUD and annoying!! his wife was in the back so i went to say hi but it was awkward so i went back to the living room. there was no where for me to sit so i just stood by the door texting and bbming, my husband realized i was uncomfortable and told his friend to get his wife, when she wouldnt come, my husband said a goodbye we are leaving….i was very impressed with that!!! but later that night he called and gave an excuse why his wife didnt come out……AND that once i was hanging out with my sister and i ignored his wife?!!? which isnt true and i just wish i didnt have to deal with him or his wife!!! ughhhh…

    ps this friend speaks to my husband at least once a day because my husbands helping him out with a business deal!!!! so he will always be around!!!

    anyways have a good shabbos everyone :)!!!

    ☕️coffee addict

    hey cshapiro,

    welcome to married life, NOW you’re married

    (this should be your worst problem)


    cshapiro –

    Yeah, I get the picture.

    It sounds like it’s something that’s not going away, and silence might not work here. So talk to him. I think the best way to say it is to make it about you. Keep in mind that people don’t enjoy when you put down their friends. So don’t try to convince him with example upon example about how much of a moron his friend is, even if he is. Say that you don’t feel comfortable because your personality clashes with his and his wife’s, etc. And be supportive of him, give alternative ideas for who to hang out with, and so on. Good luck.


    cshapiro – Unless you want him telling you who you should be friends with -don’t do it to him. You can just have nothing to do with them. He can go to his friend whenever he wants, just you won’t go. You don’t have to have them over either.

    Whatever you do to his friend – expect he will do to your friends.

    Marriage is Not one spouse controling the other!


    cs, the fact taht your husband picked up and left on purim when he saw his friends wife would not come out is a good sign. it shows that he values you over the friend. if you go there again ask your husband in a nice loving way to please be aware of the behavior and /or lack of friendliness toward you.

    i get the feeling he will come around though it might take some time. if he is in business with the guy they can always do a business lunch or dinner on their own and not hae to do home visits. good luck.

    dont yell, threaten or throw a tantrum..its gonna get better.

    your hubby will see the light.


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