What Song Is Stuck In Your Head?

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    It happens to most of us, and when it does we just can’t seem to explain it (or shake it!)

    What tune or song is following you around today (or this week?)

    For whatever reason, I’m stuck on 2; On Nature / Matisyahu and Utz Etzu v’Sufar / Chabad, (I think).

    What’s humming in your head?


    It’s kind of funny to admit it, but…

    Either MBD’s “Daagah Minayin”

    Or, Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire”

    Y.W. Editor

    Just click on http://www.ywnradio.com/ and that will change FAST!


    Y.W. Editor- its not working for me today or yesterday…

    BPT- Yankee doodle went to town…. (I had to put it in as this was the basis for you to start this thread:)


    To the tune of the Meow Mix commercial:

    meow meow meow meow

    meow meow meow meow

    meow meow meow meow

    meow meow meow meow

    The Wolf (who is not a cat and does not eat Meow Mix)


    Y.W. Editor:

    Now that’s cool!

    I’m more business/boss type and not into technology. I tried the link and got the Run ActiveX, or something like that. My I.T. guy said it was safe to use. Now I hear it and it’s a good service.

    Thanks for the information!


    The song the Camp Simcha kids sang when they had their trip to Times Square.


    Eli Beer’s Yachad Kulam


    Well yesterday I had Benny Friedman’s Ltav Ovid playing through my mind. I often hhave Matisyahus One day song in my head. In my opinion one of the best songs in a long time.


    Mods didnt like the song playing in my head 🙁


    Artchill –

    Billy Joel and MBD from that vintage? Art, are you in your 40’s (or 50’s)? I grew up on The Stranger. And the Double Album? I paced the floor to “berogez” for many a night when my son decided that 2:00am was wake-up time


    the song ‘mizmor shir’ from the NEW YBC5!!!

    i am here


    Its funny that u said Daagah minayin because it happens to be i was walking around my house this morning singing that song and i hadn’t even listened to it in a while.


    Who can blame them, Sac. “Wild thing” is not the best role model you can aspire to. Try submitting Malky Giniger’s “Raindrops” and see if that flies.



    You still cold turkey on the NJ (no not New Jersey) Music?


    dovvs and backinaction’s song lol!



    Not a massive Hendrix fan.

    (or Malky Giniger for that matter)


    Yes and no (is that possible?)

    I was very being very good. But then one day I had a really long drive and there were no Jewish CDs in the car so after listening to some boring talk radio I flipped to a music station. BUT that was the only time :-/



    I think BPT meant the oen by the Troggs.



    I’m impressed. That’s fantastic, you are doing an excellent job! Don’t be down on yourself if you slipped up once. I guess it would be easier to plan ahead and always make sure you have Jewish music available. Keep strong.


    1 877 kars 4 kids k-a-r-s 4 kids.

    How can I get this song out of my head?



    Oh dont worry I’m not down on myself. I’m just saying that I dont qualify for the Cold Turkey star… I guess.



    Its ok. Just keep it up and do your best. Eventually you won’t even be that interested in it but it takes time. You know what’s still hard for me? Supermarkets or other places playing non Jewish music, I have to fight not to listen, sing along or hum along or just move my head to the beat…


    (Not to minimize your struggle or anything…)

    But I dont think that you are gonna get a demerit if you dont stuff your ears with cotton balls every time you walk into a store that is playing a song you once liked.



    I know I agree that I am not required to stuff my ears…but it bothers me when I catch myself drawn to the tune and actively listening. I guess I hold myself to high standards…



    With all due respect to OORAH that song has annoyed the heck out of me countless times and I have often had to switch radio stations or turn off the volume just not to hear it. I am not exaggerating, it is one of the most annoying songs or “jingles” in existence.



    There is only one way to shake that one:

    Donate your car today!

    And Sac / WIY

    Will the two of you please get engaged already? That way you can help each other in your respective struggles and make the world a better place to boot (just be sure to keep your CR names separate; we still enjoy the banter)


    Yes BP totty agreed. Maybe i would get some shadchanus money being as i thought of it in the first place- I could use it:)


    Niemand Sterft – Acda en de Munnik

    I’m probably the only one here who is thinking of this song.



    I see you seem to view things in the framework of “stars or demerits” that’s not the idea. I just try to focus on being a better person every day and trying to get closer to Hashem. I don’t focus on how much schar or onesh I will get for doing or not doing something. People who have anxiety are the types that worry, oh no I did an Aveira I’m going to get punished now I may get hit by lightening…that’s not how we are supposed to live our lives.

    I think the best route to growth is to focus on building a positive relationship with Hashem by having a positive relationship with and towards yourself and others which will automatically pave the road to a positive relationship with Hashem. By doing Aveiros we are hurting ourselves which automatically means we aren’t having a positive relationship with ourselves, and don’t really love ourselves enough to do what’s in our own best interests this in turn will be an impediment towards a relationship with Hashem.

    The purpose of life is a relationship with Hashem, not just to “play by the rules” or “play it safe.” We should strive to make Hashem part of our lives. Not just to follow the rule book and view Hashem as the govt where we don’t want to fall afoul of the law so we obey. Hashem is our best friend, He loves us, He is our father. He loves us infinitely more than our human parents ever will and ever can. Our work or challenge is to learn to “love Him back.”

    Actually, in Shema when when reciting Shema Yisroel or rather before hand, one should have in mind I am being Mekayem the Mitzvas Aseh Deoraysoh of Ahvas Hashem as well as the Mitzvah of Kabolas Oil Malchus Shomayim. When reading the paragraph Veohavta, one must focus on being Mekayem the mitzvah of loving Hashem. The words are amazing but most people don’t dwell on it. Veahavta Es Hashem Elokecha Bchol Lvavchah Uvchol Nafshecha Uvchol Meoidecha amazing no? We have to love Hashem with ALL our Heart ALL our Nefesh which is soul and all our Meod which is our wealth as well as resources talents…



    The way things stand now, I’m way too intense for her, I’m a really frum guy and the Frumkiet standards I expect in my home to be would be too demanding on her sense of freedom and desire for expression of individuality. It wouldn’t work trust me. I need a girl on my level.



    I try to inject humor into our religion, lighten up…


    Unfortunately for you two, I’m pretty sure about this one.


    Dont harp on the “pretty”!



    “I’m way too intense for her”

    WAY. Is the key word.

    And I do often find myself questioning how sincere you actually are.


    how cute

    their first spat


    moderator- stop it!!!! My boss is going to wonder why i am laughing too much!




    LOL! I can count on one finger the times we agreed.



    You don’t know me. I’m a very sincere person. I try very hard I don’t need to go into details proving it but I really care about my own spirituality as well as my fellow Jews and therefore I often post here regarding Torah related topics so I can help others in their personal observance and relationship with Hashem.

    Humor is fine as long as its not out of line. That rhymed I know. There’s a very narrow line between humor and Leitzanus which is assur and something we “klap” for in Ashamnu Bagadnu. We also Klap al Cheit on Yom Kippur for Tipshus Beh, and Blatzon (leitzanus).

    Leitzanus Achas doche Meah Tochachos. Humor is a powerful tool. One needs to be extremely careful not to abuse it.


    That reminds me. I once asked, why do I need to klop Latznu? I would never make leitzanus!

    The answer is that according to the Chida, it probably includes other things like latzatzatznu, and I probably did whatever that is.


    WAY too intense…



    Don’t misunderstand me, in regular life I’m a happy upbeat person with a sense of humor, I just take my Judaism VERY seriously. I had to work hard to get to where I am.

    Like I said in this thread and other threads, I used to watch movies and tv shows, listen to non Jewish music, read non Jewish books, follow sports and go to games…I changed my life around.

    Once I started changing my sense of honesty and yashrus told me I can’t go half way. I can’t live a lie. I realized that there was a whole list of things I used to do that at the time I thought “I need to do it” “can’t live without it” “there’s no way I can stop…” its all baloney excuses.

    Change is hard and humans seek the path of least resistance. There’s a beautiful saying “you can’t get anywhere if you don’t get moving.”

    Ok I’m going to drop the bomb, when I was doing all the wrong things I wasn’t matzliach in my personal endeavors and I wasn’t happy. I thought “Hashem hates me!” Once I started changing I realized that the reality was “I hated Hashem” and thats why nothing went my way.

    If you truly let Hashem into your life He will give you so much Siyata Dishmaya you’ll be overwhelmed by how different your life is.

    (The rest will be in my upcoming book IYH…just kidding lol)


    i admire you


    Mod 80

    Thank you, I admire you too as I understand you made your own journey in becoming a BT. I have the utmost respect and admiration for any BT especially those who made the decision at an adult age and while they “had it all” so to speak.


    In a whole doughnut

    There’s a nice whole hole

    When you take a big bite,

    Hold the whole hole tight,

    If a little bit bitten

    Or a great bit bitten,

    Any whole hole with a hole bitten in it,

    Is a holey whole hole,

    And it just plain isn’t!

    “Centerburg Tales: More Adventures of Homer Price” by Robert McCloskey

    (this author who also wrote “Blueberries for Sal” and other great kids’ books)

    Conductor, when you receive a fare,

    Punch in the presence of the passenjare!

    A blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare,

    A buff trip slip for a six-cent fare,

    A pink trip slip for a three-cent fare,

    Punch in the presence of the passenjare!


    Punch, brothers! punch with care!

    Punch in the presence of the passenjare!

    “Punch, Brothers, Punch” – short story by Mark Twain

    Ok, really…

    “Im Eshkochaich”, by (I think) Shloime Gertner & his younger brother.

    It’s a slow song, but it really sticks.

    i am here

    wow thats incredible,


    ICOT-lol, i read that to my brother recently, and it wouldnt leave my head

    right now, shmo shel melech (ybc) and unfortunately keep holding on (idk who sings it) and reflection (mulan version!) just saying i only know those two from hearing my friends sing them!!!!!!!!!!

    oh, and k’ayal ta’arog is ALWAYS in my head:)


    Artchill, that’s so funny. Daagah Minayin is a FAVORITE of mine. I love to exercise to it. I feel very inspired when I hear it.

    But right now, the Barney song is in my head, because my granddaughter loves me and sings it to me all the time.


    when I come to this website, I always think of the song from the Broadway show, The Pajama Game, because the The Yeshiva World can be substituted for The Pajama Game.

    The Yeshiva World

    is the world I’m in

    and I’m proud to be in the Yeshiva World, I love it.

    I can hardly wait

    to wake and get to work at eight.

    Nothing’s quite the same as The Pajama Game.

    Whenever I see a posting by Minyangal, I think of the American Folk Song, “Buffalo Gals Won’t You Come Out Tonight.”


    the name for the phenomenon in German is Ohrwurm. The term was literally translated into English as Earworm.

    The Official Earworm Synonym List includes alternative terms such as “music meme”, “humsickness” , “repetunitis”, “obsessive musical thought” and “tune wedgy.

    I particularly like the term “humsickness.”


    al hanisim!! if my brother sings it one more time…!!! 😀


    Smile E. Face-

    i read that to my brother recently, and it wouldnt leave my head

    Just curious – the Twain story or McCloskey’s?

    They’re both great, and McCloskey’s was inspired by Twain’s.

    minyan gal

    ronrsr: Do you possess mental telepathy? How the heck did you know that I have holes in my stockings? I got the hole while dancing by the light of the moon (didn’t see the nail in the floor).

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